Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Returns the maximum number of magnitude bits in any subband of the current tile if reversible
   * quantization is used
   * @param sb The root of the subband tree of the current tile
   * @param c the component number
   * @return The highest number of magnitude bit-planes
  private int getMaxMagBitsRev(Subband sb, int c) {
    int tmp, max = 0;
    int g = ((Integer) gbs.getTileCompVal(tIdx, c)).intValue();

    if (!sb.isNode) return g - 1 + src.getNomRangeBits(c) + sb.anGainExp;

    max = getMaxMagBitsRev(sb.getLL(), c);
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsRev(sb.getLH(), c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsRev(sb.getHL(), c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsRev(sb.getHH(), c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;

    return max;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Returns the maximum number of magnitude bits in any subband in the given tile-component if
   * derived quantization is used
   * @param sb The root of the subband tree of the tile-component
   * @param t Tile index
   * @param c Component index
   * @return The highest number of magnitude bit-planes
  private int getMaxMagBitsDerived(Subband sb, int t, int c) {
    int tmp, max = 0;
    int g = ((Integer) gbs.getTileCompVal(t, c)).intValue();

    if (!sb.isNode) {
      float baseStep = ((Float) qsss.getTileCompVal(t, c)).floatValue();
      return g - 1 + sb.level - (int) Math.floor(Math.log(baseStep) / log2);

    max = getMaxMagBitsDerived(sb.getLL(), t, c);
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsDerived(sb.getLH(), t, c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsDerived(sb.getHL(), t, c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsDerived(sb.getHH(), t, c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;

    return max;
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Returns the maximum number of magnitude bits in any subband in the given tile-component if
   * expounded quantization is used
   * @param sb The root of the subband tree of the tile-component
   * @param t Tile index
   * @param c Component index
   * @return The highest number of magnitude bit-planes
  private int getMaxMagBitsExpounded(Subband sb, int t, int c) {
    int tmp, max = 0;
    int g = ((Integer) gbs.getTileCompVal(t, c)).intValue();

    if (!sb.isNode) {
      float baseStep = ((Float) qsss.getTileCompVal(t, c)).floatValue();
      return g
          - 1
          - (int)
                  Math.log(baseStep / (((SubbandAn) sb).l2Norm * (1 << sb.anGainExp))) / log2);

    max = getMaxMagBitsExpounded(sb.getLL(), t, c);
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsExpounded(sb.getLH(), t, c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsExpounded(sb.getHL(), t, c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;
    tmp = getMaxMagBitsExpounded(sb.getHH(), t, c);
    if (tmp > max) max = tmp;

    return max;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Initialises subbands fields, such as number of code-blocks and code-blocks dimension, in the
   * subband tree. The nominal code-block width/height depends on the precincts dimensions if used.
   * @param t The tile index of the subband
   * @param c The component index
   * @param sb The subband tree to be initialised.
  private void initSubbandsFields(int t, int c, Subband sb) {
    int cbw = cblks.getCBlkWidth(ModuleSpec.SPEC_TILE_COMP, t, c);
    int cbh = cblks.getCBlkHeight(ModuleSpec.SPEC_TILE_COMP, t, c);

    if (!sb.isNode) {
      // Code-blocks dimension
      int ppx, ppy;
      int ppxExp, ppyExp, cbwExp, cbhExp;
      ppx = pss.getPPX(t, c, sb.resLvl);
      ppy = pss.getPPY(t, c, sb.resLvl);

      if (ppx != Markers.PRECINCT_PARTITION_DEF_SIZE
          || ppy != Markers.PRECINCT_PARTITION_DEF_SIZE) {

        ppxExp = MathUtil.log2(ppx);
        ppyExp = MathUtil.log2(ppy);
        cbwExp = MathUtil.log2(cbw);
        cbhExp = MathUtil.log2(cbh);

        // Precinct partition is used
        switch (sb.resLvl) {
          case 0:
            sb.nomCBlkW = (cbwExp < ppxExp ? (1 << cbwExp) : (1 << ppxExp));
            sb.nomCBlkH = (cbhExp < ppyExp ? (1 << cbhExp) : (1 << ppyExp));

            sb.nomCBlkW = (cbwExp < ppxExp - 1 ? (1 << cbwExp) : (1 << (ppxExp - 1)));
            sb.nomCBlkH = (cbhExp < ppyExp - 1 ? (1 << cbhExp) : (1 << (ppyExp - 1)));
      } else {
        sb.nomCBlkW = cbw;
        sb.nomCBlkH = cbh;

      // Number of code-blocks
      if (sb.numCb == null) sb.numCb = new Point();
      if (sb.w != 0 && sb.h != 0) {
        int acb0x = cb0x;
        int acb0y = cb0y;
        int tmp;

        // Project code-block partition origin to subband. Since the
        // origin is always 0 or 1, it projects to the low-pass side
        // (throught the ceil operator) as itself (i.e. no change) and
        // to the high-pass side (through the floor operator) as 0,
        // always.
        switch (sb.sbandIdx) {
          case Subband.WT_ORIENT_LL:
            // No need to project since all low-pass => nothing to do
          case Subband.WT_ORIENT_HL:
            acb0x = 0;
          case Subband.WT_ORIENT_LH:
            acb0y = 0;
          case Subband.WT_ORIENT_HH:
            acb0x = 0;
            acb0y = 0;
            throw new Error("Internal JJ2000 error");
        if (sb.ulcx - acb0x < 0 || sb.ulcy - acb0y < 0) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "Invalid code-blocks "
                  + "partition origin or "
                  + "image offset in the "
                  + "reference grid.");
        // NOTE: when calculating "floor()" by integer division the
        // dividend and divisor must be positive, we ensure that by
        // adding the divisor to the dividend and then substracting 1
        // to the result of the division
        tmp = sb.ulcx - acb0x + sb.nomCBlkW;
        sb.numCb.x = (tmp + sb.w - 1) / sb.nomCBlkW - (tmp / sb.nomCBlkW - 1);
        tmp = sb.ulcy - acb0y + sb.nomCBlkH;
        sb.numCb.y = (tmp + sb.h - 1) / sb.nomCBlkH - (tmp / sb.nomCBlkH - 1);
      } else {
        sb.numCb.x = sb.numCb.y = 0;
    } else {
      initSubbandsFields(t, c, sb.getLL());
      initSubbandsFields(t, c, sb.getHL());
      initSubbandsFields(t, c, sb.getLH());
      initSubbandsFields(t, c, sb.getHH());