   * Applies decoration styles to the decorated string and adds the styles of the previously
   * undecorated string.
   * <p>If the <code>decoratedString</code> contains the <code>styledString</code>, then the result
   * keeps the styles of the <code>styledString</code> and styles the decorations with the <code>
   * decorationStyler</code>. Otherwise, the decorated string is returned without any styles.
   * @param decoratedString the decorated string
   * @param decorationStyler the styler to use for the decoration or <code>null</code> for no styles
   * @param styledString the original styled string
   * @return the styled decorated string (can be the given <code>styledString</code>)
   * @since 3.5
  public static StyledString styleDecoratedString(
      String decoratedString, StyledString.Styler decorationStyler, StyledString styledString) {
    String label = styledString.getString();
    int originalStart = decoratedString.indexOf(label);
    if (originalStart == -1) {
      return new StyledString(decoratedString); // the decorator did something wild

    if (decoratedString.length() == label.length()) return styledString;

    if (originalStart > 0) {
      StyledString newString =
          new StyledString(decoratedString.substring(0, originalStart), decorationStyler);
      styledString = newString;
    if (decoratedString.length() > originalStart + label.length()) { // decorator appended something
      return styledString.append(
          decoratedString.substring(originalStart + label.length()), decorationStyler);
    return styledString; // no change