Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param value {@link #location} (A simple XPath limited to element names, repetition
  *     indicators and the default child access that identifies one of the elements in the
  *     resource that caused this issue to be raised.)
 public boolean hasLocation(String value) {
   if (this.location == null) return false;
   for (StringType v : this.location)
     if (v.equals(value)) // string
     return true;
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param value {@link #location} (A simple XPath limited to element names, repetition
  *     indicators and the default child access that identifies one of the elements in the
  *     resource that caused this issue to be raised.)
 public OperationOutcomeIssueComponent addLocation(String value) { // 1
   StringType t = new StringType();
   if (this.location == null) this.location = new ArrayList<StringType>();
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param value {@link #line} (This component contains the house number, apartment number, street
  *     name, street direction, P.O. Box number, delivery hints, and similar address information.)
 public Address addLine(String value) { // 1
   StringType t = new StringType();
   if (this.line == null) this.line = new ArrayList<StringType>();
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** @param value {@link #exclude} (Names of resource types to exclude.) */
 public ProcessRequest addExclude(String value) { // 1
   StringType t = new StringType();
   if (this.exclude == null) this.exclude = new ArrayList<StringType>();
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /** @param value {@link #exclude} (Names of resource types to exclude.) */
 public boolean hasExclude(String value) {
   if (this.exclude == null) return false;
   for (StringType v : this.exclude)
     if (v.equals(value)) // string
     return true;
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public Coverage copy() {
   Coverage dst = new Coverage();
   dst.issuer = issuer == null ? null : issuer.copy();
   dst.bin = bin == null ? null : bin.copy();
   dst.period = period == null ? null : period.copy();
   dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy();
   dst.subscriberId = subscriberId == null ? null : subscriberId.copy();
   if (identifier != null) {
     dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>();
     for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy());
   dst.group = group == null ? null : group.copy();
   dst.plan = plan == null ? null : plan.copy();
   dst.subPlan = subPlan == null ? null : subPlan.copy();
   dst.dependent = dependent == null ? null : dependent.copy();
   dst.sequence = sequence == null ? null : sequence.copy();
   dst.subscriber = subscriber == null ? null : subscriber.copy();
   dst.network = network == null ? null : network.copy();
   if (contract != null) {
     dst.contract = new ArrayList<Reference>();
     for (Reference i : contract) dst.contract.add(i.copy());
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (system == null || system.isEmpty())
       && (version == null || version.isEmpty())
       && (code == null || code.isEmpty())
       && (display == null || display.isEmpty())
       && (userSelected == null || userSelected.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty())
       && (patient == null || patient.isEmpty())
       && (description == null || description.isEmpty())
       && (status == null || status.isEmpty())
       && (notes == null || notes.isEmpty())
       && (concern == null || concern.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Coding copy() {
   Coding dst = new Coding();
   dst.system = system == null ? null : system.copy();
   dst.version = version == null ? null : version.copy();
   dst.code = code == null ? null : code.copy();
   dst.display = display == null ? null : display.copy();
   dst.userSelected = userSelected == null ? null : userSelected.copy();
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (use == null || use.isEmpty())
       && (text == null || text.isEmpty())
       && (line == null || line.isEmpty())
       && (city == null || city.isEmpty())
       && (state == null || state.isEmpty())
       && (postalCode == null || postalCode.isEmpty())
       && (country == null || country.isEmpty())
       && (period == null || period.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public OperationOutcomeIssueComponent copy() {
   OperationOutcomeIssueComponent dst = new OperationOutcomeIssueComponent();
   dst.severity = severity == null ? null : severity.copy();
   dst.code = code == null ? null : code.copy();
   dst.details = details == null ? null : details.copy();
   if (location != null) {
     dst.location = new ArrayList<StringType>();
     for (StringType i : location) dst.location.add(i.copy());
   return dst;
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty())
       && (name == null || name.isEmpty())
       && (type == null || type.isEmpty())
       && (status == null || status.isEmpty())
       && (activePeriod == null || activePeriod.isEmpty())
       && (currency == null || currency.isEmpty())
       && (balance == null || balance.isEmpty())
       && (coveragePeriod == null || coveragePeriod.isEmpty())
       && (subject == null || subject.isEmpty())
       && (owner == null || owner.isEmpty())
       && (description == null || description.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty())
       && (patient == null || patient.isEmpty())
       && (date == null || date.isEmpty())
       && (name == null || name.isEmpty())
       && (relationship == null || relationship.isEmpty())
       && (gender == null || gender.isEmpty())
       && (born == null || born.isEmpty())
       && (age == null || age.isEmpty())
       && (deceased == null || deceased.isEmpty())
       && (note == null || note.isEmpty())
       && (condition == null || condition.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public ProcessResponseNotesComponent copy() {
   ProcessResponseNotesComponent dst = new ProcessResponseNotesComponent();
   dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy();
   dst.text = text == null ? null : text.copy();
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public ProcessResponse copy() {
   ProcessResponse dst = new ProcessResponse();
   if (identifier != null) {
     dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>();
     for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy());
   dst.request = request == null ? null : request.copy();
   dst.outcome = outcome == null ? null : outcome.copy();
   dst.disposition = disposition == null ? null : disposition.copy();
   dst.ruleset = ruleset == null ? null : ruleset.copy();
   dst.originalRuleset = originalRuleset == null ? null : originalRuleset.copy();
   dst.created = created == null ? null : created.copy();
   dst.organization = organization == null ? null : organization.copy();
   dst.requestProvider = requestProvider == null ? null : requestProvider.copy();
   dst.requestOrganization = requestOrganization == null ? null : requestOrganization.copy();
   dst.form = form == null ? null : form.copy();
   if (notes != null) {
     dst.notes = new ArrayList<ProcessResponseNotesComponent>();
     for (ProcessResponseNotesComponent i : notes) dst.notes.add(i.copy());
   if (error != null) {
     dst.error = new ArrayList<Coding>();
     for (Coding i : error) dst.error.add(i.copy());
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public Group copy() {
   Group dst = new Group();
   if (identifier != null) {
     dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>();
     for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy());
   dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy();
   dst.actual = actual == null ? null : actual.copy();
   dst.code = code == null ? null : code.copy();
   dst.name = name == null ? null : name.copy();
   dst.quantity = quantity == null ? null : quantity.copy();
   if (characteristic != null) {
     dst.characteristic = new ArrayList<GroupCharacteristicComponent>();
     for (GroupCharacteristicComponent i : characteristic) dst.characteristic.add(i.copy());
   if (member != null) {
     dst.member = new ArrayList<GroupMemberComponent>();
     for (GroupMemberComponent i : member) dst.member.add(i.copy());
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (type == null || type.isEmpty())
       && (outcome == null || outcome.isEmpty())
       && (onset == null || onset.isEmpty())
       && (note == null || note.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public CareTeam copy() {
   CareTeam dst = new CareTeam();
   if (identifier != null) {
     dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>();
     for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy());
   dst.status = status == null ? null : status.copy();
   if (type != null) {
     dst.type = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>();
     for (CodeableConcept i : type) dst.type.add(i.copy());
   dst.name = name == null ? null : name.copy();
   dst.subject = subject == null ? null : subject.copy();
   dst.period = period == null ? null : period.copy();
   if (participant != null) {
     dst.participant = new ArrayList<CareTeamParticipantComponent>();
     for (CareTeamParticipantComponent i : participant) dst.participant.add(i.copy());
   dst.managingOrganization = managingOrganization == null ? null : managingOrganization.copy();
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public Substance copy() {
   Substance dst = new Substance();
   if (identifier != null) {
     dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>();
     for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy());
   if (category != null) {
     dst.category = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>();
     for (CodeableConcept i : category) dst.category.add(i.copy());
   dst.code = code == null ? null : code.copy();
   dst.description = description == null ? null : description.copy();
   if (instance != null) {
     dst.instance = new ArrayList<SubstanceInstanceComponent>();
     for (SubstanceInstanceComponent i : instance) dst.instance.add(i.copy());
   if (ingredient != null) {
     dst.ingredient = new ArrayList<SubstanceIngredientComponent>();
     for (SubstanceIngredientComponent i : ingredient) dst.ingredient.add(i.copy());
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (severity == null || severity.isEmpty())
       && (code == null || code.isEmpty())
       && (details == null || details.isEmpty())
       && (location == null || location.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (issuer == null || issuer.isEmpty())
       && (bin == null || bin.isEmpty())
       && (period == null || period.isEmpty())
       && (type == null || type.isEmpty())
       && (subscriberId == null || subscriberId.isEmpty())
       && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty())
       && (group == null || group.isEmpty())
       && (plan == null || plan.isEmpty())
       && (subPlan == null || subPlan.isEmpty())
       && (dependent == null || dependent.isEmpty())
       && (sequence == null || sequence.isEmpty())
       && (subscriber == null || subscriber.isEmpty())
       && (network == null || network.isEmpty())
       && (contract == null || contract.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (value == null || value.isEmpty())
       && (comparator == null || comparator.isEmpty())
       && (units == null || units.isEmpty())
       && (system == null || system.isEmpty())
       && (code == null || code.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void copyValues(Element dst) {
   dst.id = id == null ? null : id.copy();
   if (extension != null) {
     dst.extension = new ArrayList<Extension>();
     for (Extension i : extension) dst.extension.add(i.copy());
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (system == null || system.isEmpty())
       && (value == null || value.isEmpty())
       && (use == null || use.isEmpty())
       && (rank == null || rank.isEmpty())
       && (period == null || period.isEmpty());
Ejemplo n.º 25
  private static ValueType newValueType(
      Map<Type, ValueType> typeMap, Type type, Class declaringClass, Class compositeType) {
    ValueType valueType = null;
    if (CollectionType.isCollection(type)) {
      if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
        ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) type;
        Type collectionType = pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
        if (collectionType instanceof TypeVariable) {
          TypeVariable collectionTypeVariable = (TypeVariable) collectionType;
          collectionType =
              Classes.resolveTypeVariable(collectionTypeVariable, declaringClass, compositeType);
        ValueType collectedType =
            newValueType(typeMap, collectionType, declaringClass, compositeType);
        valueType = new CollectionType(nameOf(type), collectedType);
      } else {
        valueType =
            new CollectionType(
                nameOf(type), newValueType(typeMap, Object.class, declaringClass, compositeType));
    } else if (ValueCompositeType.isValueComposite(type)) {
      if (typeMap != null) {
        valueType = typeMap.get(type);

      if (valueType == null) {
        Class valueTypeClass = Classes.getRawClass(type);

        List<PropertyType> types = new ArrayList<PropertyType>();
        valueType = new ValueCompositeType(nameOf(valueTypeClass), types);
        if (typeMap == null) {
          typeMap = new HashMap<Type, ValueType>();
        typeMap.put(type, valueType);

        addProperties(typeMap, valueTypeClass, compositeType, types);

        Collections.sort(types); // Sort by property name
    } else if (EnumType.isEnum(type)) {
      valueType = new EnumType(nameOf(type));
    } else if (StringType.isString(type)) {
      valueType = new StringType();
    } else if (NumberType.isNumber(type)) {
      valueType = new NumberType(nameOf(type));
    } else if (BooleanType.isBoolean(type)) {
      valueType = new BooleanType();
    } else if (DateType.isDate(type)) {
      valueType = new DateType();
    } else if (EntityReferenceType.isEntityReference(type)) {
      valueType = new EntityReferenceType(nameOf(type));
    } else {
      // TODO: shouldn't we check that the type is a Serializable?
      valueType = new SerializableType(nameOf(type));

    return valueType;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public FamilyMemberHistoryConditionComponent copy() {
   FamilyMemberHistoryConditionComponent dst = new FamilyMemberHistoryConditionComponent();
   dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy();
   dst.outcome = outcome == null ? null : outcome.copy();
   dst.onset = onset == null ? null : onset.copy();
   dst.note = note == null ? null : note.copy();
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return super.isEmpty()
       && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty())
       && (category == null || category.isEmpty())
       && (code == null || code.isEmpty())
       && (description == null || description.isEmpty())
       && (instance == null || instance.isEmpty())
       && (ingredient == null || ingredient.isEmpty());
 public ContactPoint copy() {
   ContactPoint dst = new ContactPoint();
   dst.system = system == null ? null : system.copy();
   dst.value = value == null ? null : value.copy();
   dst.use = use == null ? null : use.copy();
   dst.rank = rank == null ? null : rank.copy();
   dst.period = period == null ? null : period.copy();
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public Quantity copy() {
   Quantity dst = new Quantity();
   dst.value = value == null ? null : value.copy();
   dst.comparator = comparator == null ? null : comparator.copy();
   dst.unit = unit == null ? null : unit.copy();
   dst.system = system == null ? null : system.copy();
   dst.code = code == null ? null : code.copy();
   return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public Goal copy() {
   Goal dst = new Goal();
   if (identifier != null) {
     dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>();
     for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy());
   dst.patient = patient == null ? null : patient.copy();
   dst.description = description == null ? null : description.copy();
   dst.status = status == null ? null : status.copy();
   dst.notes = notes == null ? null : notes.copy();
   if (concern != null) {
     dst.concern = new ArrayList<Reference>();
     for (Reference i : concern) dst.concern.add(i.copy());
   return dst;