Ejemplo n.º 1
  private static void assertFloat(Slice slice, int index) {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    // set and get the value
    slice.setFloat(index, intBitsToFloat(0xAAAA_5555));
    assertEquals(floatToIntBits(slice.getFloat(index)), 0xAAAA_5555);

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getFloat((slice.length() - SIZE_OF_FLOAT) + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getFloat(slice.length() + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public boolean intersects(
     List<ByteBuffer> minClusteringValues, List<ByteBuffer> maxClusteringValues) {
   for (Slice slice : this) {
     if (slice.intersects(comparator, minClusteringValues, maxClusteringValues)) return true;
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  private static void assertShort(Slice slice, short index) {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    // set and get the value
    slice.setShort(index, 0xAA55);
    assertEquals(slice.getShort(index), (short) 0xAA55);

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getShort((slice.length() - SIZE_OF_SHORT) + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getShort(slice.length() + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
  private static void assertDouble(Slice slice, int index) {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    // set and get the value
    slice.setDouble(index, longBitsToDouble(0xAAAA_AAAA_5555_5555L));
    assertEquals(doubleToLongBits(slice.getDouble(index)), 0xAAAA_AAAA_5555_5555L);

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getDouble((slice.length() - SIZE_OF_DOUBLE) + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getDouble(slice.length() + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public void run() {
    try {
      for (Slice.FileData data = slice.readNextFile(); data != null; data = slice.readNextFile()) {
        FileList.FileLocation file = data.file;

        ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(data.data);

        String fileName = destpath + "/" + file.fileName;
        File f = new File(fileName);

        // check if we need to undo the tranformation on x86 executables
        if ((file.fileName.contains(".exe")
            || file.fileName.contains(".dll"))) { // TODO there is an attribute for this
          ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          decoder.Code(in, out, file.originalSize);
          byte[] decompressedData = out.toByteArray();
          BufferedOutputStream outfile = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
        } else {
          BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
          decoder.Code(in, out, file.originalSize);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private static void assertLexicographicallySortableLong(Slice slice, int index) {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    // set and get the value
    slice.setLexicographicallySortableLong(index, 0xAAAA_AAAA_5555_5555L);
    assertEquals(slice.getLexicographicallySortableLong(index), 0xAAAA_AAAA_5555_5555L);

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getLexicographicallySortableLong((slice.length() - SIZE_OF_LONG) + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getLexicographicallySortableLong(slice.length() + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Builder add(Slice slice) {
   assert comparator.compare(slice.start(), slice.end()) <= 0;
   if (slices.size() > 0
       && comparator.compare(slices.get(slices.size() - 1).end(), slice.start()) > 0)
     needsNormalizing = true;
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public boolean selects(Clustering clustering) {
      for (int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
        Slice slice = slices[i];
        if (comparator.compare(clustering, slice.start()) < 0) return false;

        if (comparator.compare(clustering, slice.end()) <= 0) return true;
      return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  public void testUtf8Conversion() {
    String s = "apple \u2603 snowman";
    Slice slice = Slices.copiedBuffer(s, UTF_8);

    assertEquals(Slices.utf8Slice(s), slice);
    assertEquals(slice.toStringUtf8(), s);
    assertEquals(Slices.utf8Slice(s).toStringUtf8(), s);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  private void calcLevels() {
    LinkedList<LinkedList<Slice>> levelsList = new LinkedList<LinkedList<Slice>>();
    HashSet<Slice> visited = new HashSet<Slice>();
    LinkedList<Slice> queue = new LinkedList<Slice>();

    // add the top slices and set their level
    for (int i = 0; i < topSlices.length; i++) {
      levelMap.put(topSlices[i], 0);

    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
      Slice slice = queue.removeFirst();
      if (!visited.contains(slice)) {
        for (Edge destEdge : slice.getTail().getDestSet(SchedulingPhase.STEADY)) {
          Slice current = destEdge.getDest().getParent();
          if (!visited.contains(current)) {
            // only add if all sources has been visited
            boolean addMe = true;
            int maxParentLevel = 0;
            for (Edge sourceEdge : current.getHead().getSourceSet(SchedulingPhase.STEADY)) {
              if (!visited.contains(sourceEdge.getSrc().getParent())) {
                addMe = false;
              // remember the max parent level
              if (levelMap.get(sourceEdge.getSrc().getParent()).intValue() > maxParentLevel)
                maxParentLevel = levelMap.get(sourceEdge.getSrc().getParent()).intValue();
            if (addMe) {
              levelMap.put(current, maxParentLevel + 1);
        // add the slice to the appropriate level
        int sliceLevel = levelMap.get(slice);
        if (levelsList.size() <= sliceLevel) {
          int levelsToAdd = sliceLevel - levelsList.size() + 1;
          for (int i = 0; i < levelsToAdd; i++) ;
          levelsList.add(new LinkedList<Slice>());

    // set the multi-dim array for the levels from the linkedlist of lists
    levels = new Slice[levelsList.size()][];
    for (int i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) {
      levels[i] = new Slice[levelsList.get(i).size()];
      for (int j = 0; j < levels[i].length; j++) levels[i][j] = levelsList.get(i).get(j);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  public void testReading() {
    assertEquals(ByteOrder.nativeOrder(), ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);

    byte[] bytes = new byte[10];
    Slice slice = Slices.wrappedBuffer(bytes);
    slice.setInt(0, 0xDEADBEEF);
    slice.setInt(4, 0xCAFEBABE);

    // little endian memory layout: EF BE AD DE BE BA FE CA 00 00
        new byte[] {
          (byte) 0xEF,
          (byte) 0xBE,
          (byte) 0xAD,
          (byte) 0xDE,
          (byte) 0xBE,
          (byte) 0xBA,
          (byte) 0xFE,
          (byte) 0xCA,

    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getShort(bytes, 0), (short) 0xBEEF);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getShort(bytes, 1), (short) 0xADBE);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getShort(bytes, 2), (short) 0xDEAD);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getShort(bytes, 3), (short) 0xBEDE);

    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getInt(bytes, 0), 0xDEADBEEF);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getInt(bytes, 1), 0xBEDEADBE);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getInt(bytes, 2), 0xBABEDEAD);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getInt(bytes, 3), 0xFEBABEDE);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getInt(bytes, 4), 0xCAFEBABE);

    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getLong(bytes, 0), 0xCAFEBABE_DEADBEEFL);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getLong(bytes, 1), 0x00CAFEBA_BEDEADBEL);
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getLong(bytes, 2), 0x0000CAFE_BABEDEADL);

    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getFloat(bytes, 0), intBitsToFloat(0xDEADBEEF));
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getFloat(bytes, 1), intBitsToFloat(0xBEDEADBE));
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getFloat(bytes, 2), intBitsToFloat(0xBABEDEAD));
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getFloat(bytes, 3), intBitsToFloat(0xFEBABEDE));
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getFloat(bytes, 4), intBitsToFloat(0xCAFEBABE));

    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getDouble(bytes, 0), longBitsToDouble(0xCAFEBABE_DEADBEEFL));
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getDouble(bytes, 1), longBitsToDouble(0x00CAFEBA_BEDEADBEL));
    assertEquals(ByteArrays.getDouble(bytes, 2), longBitsToDouble(0x0000CAFE_BABEDEADL));
Ejemplo n.º 12
    private Slices forForwardPaging(
        ClusteringComparator comparator, Clustering lastReturned, boolean inclusive) {
      for (int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
        Slice slice = slices[i];
        Slice newSlice = slice.forPaging(comparator, lastReturned, inclusive, false);
        if (newSlice == null) continue;

        if (slice == newSlice && i == 0) return this;

        ArrayBackedSlices newSlices =
            new ArrayBackedSlices(comparator, Arrays.copyOfRange(slices, i, slices.length));
        newSlices.slices[0] = newSlice;
        return newSlices;
      return Slices.NONE;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    private Slices forReversePaging(
        ClusteringComparator comparator, Clustering lastReturned, boolean inclusive) {
      for (int i = slices.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Slice slice = slices[i];
        Slice newSlice = slice.forPaging(comparator, lastReturned, inclusive, true);
        if (newSlice == null) continue;

        if (slice == newSlice && i == slices.length - 1) return this;

        ArrayBackedSlices newSlices =
            new ArrayBackedSlices(comparator, Arrays.copyOfRange(slices, 0, i + 1));
        newSlices.slices[i] = newSlice;
        return newSlices;
      return Slices.NONE;
Ejemplo n.º 14
      public static ComponentOfSlice fromSlice(int component, Slice slice) {
        Slice.Bound start = slice.start();
        Slice.Bound end = slice.end();

        if (component >= start.size() && component >= end.size()) return null;

        boolean startInclusive = true, endInclusive = true;
        ByteBuffer startValue = null, endValue = null;
        if (component < start.size()) {
          startInclusive = start.isInclusive();
          startValue = start.get(component);
        if (component < end.size()) {
          endInclusive = end.isInclusive();
          endValue = end.get(component);
        return new ComponentOfSlice(startInclusive, startValue, endInclusive, endValue);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * See if a structure is "whole", which means that none of its fields is missing from the
  * constraint, all of fields use default (non-constrained) dimension), and all of its fields are
  * also whole. This must be done recursively.
  * @param dstruct to test
  * @return true if this structure is whole.
 protected boolean isWholeCompound(DapStructure dstruct) {
   int processed = 0;
   List<DapVariable> fields = dstruct.getFields();
   for (DapVariable field : fields) {
     // not contractable if this field has non-original dimensions
     Segment seg = findSegment(field);
     if (seg == null) break; // this compound is not whole
     List<Slice> slices = seg.slices;
     if (slices != null) {
       for (Slice slice : slices) {
         if (slice.isConstrained()) break;
     if (field.getSort() == DapSort.STRUCTURE || field.getSort() == DapSort.SEQUENCE) {
       if (!isWholeCompound((DapStructure) field)) break; // this compound is not whole
   return (processed == fields.size());
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void testFillAndClear() {
   for (byte size = 0; size < 100; size++) {
     Slice slice = allocate(size);
     for (int i = 0; i < slice.length(); i++) {
       assertEquals(slice.getByte(i), (byte) 0);
     slice.fill((byte) 0xA5);
     for (int i = 0; i < slice.length(); i++) {
       assertEquals(slice.getByte(i), (byte) 0xA5);
     for (int i = 0; i < slice.length(); i++) {
       assertEquals(slice.getByte(i), (byte) 0);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  private static void assertToStrings(Slice slice, int index) {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    // set and get the value
    char[] chars = new char[(slice.length() - index) / 2];
    for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
      chars[i] = (char) ('a' + (i % 26));
    String string = new String(chars);
    Slice value = Slices.copiedBuffer(string, UTF_8);
    slice.setBytes(index, value);
    assertEquals(slice.toString(index, value.length(), UTF_8), string);

    for (int length = 0; length < value.length(); length++) {
      slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);
      slice.setBytes(index, value, 0, length);
      assertEquals(slice.toString(index, length, UTF_8), string.substring(0, length));
Ejemplo n.º 18
     * Given an array of slices (potentially overlapping and in any order) and return an equivalent
     * array of non-overlapping slices in clustering order.
     * @param slices an array of slices. This may be modified by this method.
     * @return the smallest possible array of non-overlapping slices in clustering order. If the
     *     original slices are already non-overlapping and in comparator order, this may or may not
     *     return the provided slices directly.
    private List<Slice> normalize(List<Slice> slices) {
      if (slices.size() <= 1) return slices;

          new Comparator<Slice>() {
            public int compare(Slice s1, Slice s2) {
              int c = comparator.compare(s1.start(), s2.start());
              if (c != 0) return c;

              return comparator.compare(s1.end(), s2.end());

      List<Slice> slicesCopy = new ArrayList<>(slices.size());

      Slice last = slices.get(0);

      for (int i = 1; i < slices.size(); i++) {
        Slice s2 = slices.get(i);

        boolean includesStart = last.includes(comparator, s2.start());
        boolean includesFinish = last.includes(comparator, s2.end());

        if (includesStart && includesFinish) continue;

        if (!includesStart && !includesFinish) {
          last = s2;

        if (includesStart) {
          last = Slice.make(last.start(), s2.end());

        assert !includesFinish;

      return slicesCopy;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Recursive helper for tostring/toConstraintString
  * @param seg
  * @param buf
  * @param forconstraint
 protected void dumpvar(Segment seg, StringBuilder buf, boolean forconstraint) {
   if (seg.var.isTopLevel()) buf.append(seg.var.getFQN());
   else buf.append(seg.var.getShortName());
   List<DapDimension> dimset = seg.var.getDimensions();
   // Add any slices
   List<Slice> slices = seg.slices;
   if (slices == null) dimset = new ArrayList<DapDimension>();
   else assert dimset.size() == slices.size();
   for (int i = 0; i < dimset.size(); i++) {
     Slice slice = slices.get(i);
     DapDimension dim = dimset.get(i);
     try {
       buf.append(forconstraint ? slice.toConstraintString() : slice.toString());
     } catch (DapException de) {
   // if the var is atomic, then we are done
   if (seg.var.getSort() == DapSort.ATOMICVARIABLE) return;
   // If structure and all fields are in the view, then done
   if (seg.var.getSort() == DapSort.STRUCTURE || seg.var.getSort() == DapSort.SEQUENCE) {
     if (!isWholeCompound((DapStructure) seg.var)) {
       // Need to insert {...} and recurse
       DapStructure struct = (DapStructure) seg.var;
       boolean first = true;
       for (DapVariable field : struct.getFields()) {
         if (!first) buf.append(";");
         first = false;
         Segment fseg = findSegment(field);
         dumpvar(fseg, buf, forconstraint);
     if (seg.var.getSort() == DapSort.SEQUENCE && seg.filter != null) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
   * Compute dimension related information using slicing and redef info. In effect, this is where
   * projection constraints are applied
   * <p>Assume that the constraint compiler has given us the following info:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>A list of the variables to include.
   *   <li>A pair (DapDimension,Slice) for each redef
   *   <li>For each variable in #1, a list of slices taken from the constraint expression
   * </ol>
   * <p>Two products will be produced.
   * <ol>
   *   <li>The variables map will be modified so that the slices properly reflect any original or
   *       redef dimensions.
   *   <li>A set, dimrefs, of all referenced original dimensions.
   * </ol>
   * <p>The processing is as follows
   * <ol>
   *   <li>For each redef create a new redef dimension
   *   <li>For each variable:
   *       <ol>
   *         <li>if the variable is scalar, do nothing.
   *         <li>if the variable has no associated slices, then make its new dimensions be the
   *             original dimensions.
   *         <li>otherwise, walk the slices and create new dimensions from them; use redefs where
   *             indicated
   *         <li>
   *       </ol>
   * </ol>
  protected void computedimensions() throws DapException {
    // Build the redefmap
    for (DapDimension key : redefslice.keySet()) {
      Slice slice = redefslice.get(key);
      DapDimension newdim = (DapDimension) key.clone();
      redef.put(key, newdim);

    // Process each variable
    for (int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
      Segment seg = segments.get(i);
      if (seg.var.getRank() == 0) continue;
      List<Slice> slices = seg.slices;
      List<DapDimension> orig = seg.var.getDimensions();
      List<DapDimension> newdims = new ArrayList<>();
      // If the slice list is short then pad it with
      // default slices
      if (slices == null) slices = new ArrayList<Slice>();
      while (slices.size() < orig.size()) // pad
        slices.add(new Slice().setConstrained(false));
      assert (slices != null && slices.size() == orig.size());
      for (int j = 0; j < slices.size(); j++) {
        Slice slice = slices.get(j);
        DapDimension dim0 = orig.get(j);
        DapDimension newdim = redef.get(dim0);
        if (newdim == null) newdim = dim0;
        // fill in the undefined last value

        Slice newslice = null;
        if (slice.isConstrained()) {
          // Construct an anonymous dimension for this slice
          newdim = new DapDimension(slice.getCount());
        } else { // replace with a new slice from the dim
          newslice = new Slice(newdim);
          if (newslice != null) {
            // track set of referenced non-anonymous dimensions
            if (!dimrefs.contains(dim0)) dimrefs.add(dim0);
            slices.set(j, newslice);
        // record the dimension per variable
Ejemplo n.º 21
  private static void assertBytesArray(Slice slice, int index) {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    byte[] value = new byte[slice.length()];
    Arrays.fill(value, (byte) 0xFF);
    assertEquals(slice.getBytes(), value);

    // set and get the value
    value = new byte[(slice.length() - index) / 2];
    for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
      value[i] = (byte) i;
    slice.setBytes(index, value);
    assertEquals(slice.getBytes(index, value.length), value);

    for (int length = 0; length < value.length; length++) {
      slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);
      slice.setBytes(index, value, 0, length);
      assertEquals(slice.getBytes(index, length), Arrays.copyOf(value, length));
Ejemplo n.º 22
  public void testMemoryMappedReads() throws IOException {
    Path path = Files.createTempFile("longs", null);
    ImmutableList<Long> values = createRandomLongs(20000);

    Slice output = allocate(values.size() * Longs.BYTES);
    for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
      output.setLong(i * Longs.BYTES, values.get(i));

    Files.write(path, output.getBytes());

    Slice slice = Slices.mapFileReadOnly(path.toFile());
    for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
      long actual = slice.getLong(i * Longs.BYTES);
      long expected = values.get(i);
      assertEquals(actual, expected);

    assertEquals(slice.getBytes(), output.getBytes());
Ejemplo n.º 23
  private void assertBytesSlice(Slice slice, int index) {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    // compare to self slice
    assertEquals(slice.slice(0, slice.length()), slice);
    Slice value = allocate(slice.length());
    slice.getBytes(0, value, 0, slice.length());
    assertEquals(value, slice);

    // set and get the value
    value = allocate((slice.length() - index) / 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
      value.setByte(i, i);

    // check by slicing out the region
    slice.setBytes(index, value);
    assertEquals(value, slice.slice(index, value.length()));

    // check by getting out the region
    Slice tempValue = allocate(value.length());
    slice.getBytes(index, tempValue, 0, tempValue.length());
    assertEquals(tempValue, slice.slice(index, tempValue.length()));
    assertTrue(tempValue.equals(0, tempValue.length(), slice, index, tempValue.length()));

    for (int length = 0; length < value.length(); length++) {
      slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);
      slice.setBytes(index, value, 0, length);

      // check by slicing out the region
      assertEquals(value.slice(0, length), slice.slice(index, length));
      assertTrue(value.equals(0, length, slice, index, length));

      // check by getting out the region
      tempValue = allocate(length);
      slice.getBytes(index, tempValue);
      assertEquals(tempValue, slice.slice(index, length));
      assertTrue(tempValue.equals(0, length, slice, index, length));
Ejemplo n.º 24
  private static void assertByte(Slice slice, byte index) {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    // set and get unsigned value
    slice.setByte(index, 0xA5);
    assertEquals(slice.getUnsignedByte(index), 0x0000_00A5);

    // set and get the value
    slice.setByte(index, 0xA5);
    assertEquals(slice.getByte(index), (byte) 0xA5);

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getByte((slice.length() - SIZE_OF_BYTE) + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    try {
      slice.getByte(slice.length() + 1);
      fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
Ejemplo n.º 25
  public static void run(
      SIRStream str,
      JInterfaceDeclaration[] interfaces,
      SIRInterfaceTable[] interfaceTables,
      SIRStructure[] structs,
      SIRHelper[] helpers,
      SIRGlobal global) {
    System.out.println("Entry to SMP Backend...");


    if (KjcOptions.smp > 16) {

    // create cores in desired amount and order
    int[] cores = new int[KjcOptions.smp];
    for (int x = 0; x < KjcOptions.smp; x++) cores[x] = coreOrder[x];
    chip = new SMPMachine(cores);

    // create a new structs.h file for typedefs etc.
    structs_h = new Structs_h(structs);

    // The usual optimizations and transformation to slice graph
    CommonPasses commonPasses = new CommonPasses();
    // perform standard optimizations, use the number of cores the user wants to target
    commonPasses.run(str, interfaces, interfaceTables, structs, helpers, global, chip.size());
    // perform some standard cleanup on the slice graph.
    // dump slice graph to dot file
    commonPasses.getSlicer().dumpGraph("traces.dot", null);

    // partition the slice graph based on the scheduling policy
    SpaceTimeScheduleAndSlicer graphSchedule =
        new SpaceTimeScheduleAndSlicer(commonPasses.getSlicer());

    // generate schedules for initialization, primepump and steady-state

    // generate layout for filters

    // dump final slice graph to dot file
    graphSchedule.getSlicer().dumpGraph("after_slice_partition.dot", scheduler);
    graphSchedule.getSlicer().dumpGraph("slice_graph.dot", scheduler, false);

    // if load balancing, find candidiate fission groups to load balance
    if (KjcOptions.loadbalance) {

    // create all buffers and set the rotation lengths

    // now convert to Kopi code plus communication commands
    backEndBits = new SMPBackEndFactory(chip, scheduler);
    backEndBits.getBackEndMain().run(graphSchedule, backEndBits);

    // generate code for file writer

    if (KjcOptions.numbers > 0) chip.getNthComputeNode(0).getComputeCode().generateNumbersCode();

    // emit c code for all cores

    // dump structs.h file

    // display final assignment of filters to cores
    System.out.println("Final filter assignments:");
    for (int x = 0; x < KjcOptions.smp; x++) {
      Core core = chip.getNthComputeNode(x);
      Set<FilterSliceNode> filters = core.getComputeCode().getFilters();
      long totalWork = 0;

      System.out.println("Core " + core.getCoreID() + ": ");
      for (FilterSliceNode filter : filters) {
        long work = SliceWorkEstimate.getWork(filter.getParent());
        System.out.format("%16d | " + filter + "\n", work);
        totalWork += work;
      System.out.format("%16d | Total\n", totalWork);

    // calculate computation to communication ratio
    if (KjcOptions.sharedbufs) {
      LinkedList<Slice> slices =
      HashSet<Slice> compProcessed = new HashSet<Slice>();
      HashSet<Slice> commProcessed = new HashSet<Slice>();

      long comp = 0;
      long comm = 0;

      for (Slice slice : slices) {
        if (compProcessed.contains(slice)) continue;

        comp += SliceWorkEstimate.getWork(slice);

                  for(Slice slice : slices) {

                      FilterInfo info = FilterInfo.getFilterInfo(slice.getFirstFilter());
                      int totalItemsReceived = info.totalItemsReceived(SchedulingPhase.STEADY);

                      if(totalItemsReceived == 0)

                      InputSliceNode input = slice.getHead();
                      Set<InterSliceEdge> sources = input.getSourceSet(SchedulingPhase.STEADY);
                      int numInputRots = totalItemsReceived / input.totalWeights(SchedulingPhase.STEADY);

                      if(!FissionGroupStore.isFizzed(slice)) {
                          for(InterSliceEdge source : sources) {
                              Slice srcSlice = source.getSrc().getParent();

      //                         if(srcSlice.getFirstFilter().isFileInput())
      //                             continue;

                              if(FissionGroupStore.isFizzed(srcSlice)) {
                                  // Filter is not fizzed, source is fizzed
                                  // Filter must receive (N-1)/N of inputs from different cores
                                  comm += numInputRots *
                                      input.getWeight(source, SchedulingPhase.STEADY) /
                                      KjcOptions.smp * (KjcOptions.smp - 1);
                              else {
                                  // Filter is not fizzed, source is not fizzed
                                  // Check to see if on same core
                                  // If not, must communicate all elements
                                         scheduler.getComputeNode(srcSlice.getFirstFilter()))) {
                                      comm += numInputRots *
                                          input.getWeight(source, SchedulingPhase.STEADY);
                      else {
                          for(InterSliceEdge source : sources) {
                              Slice srcSlice = source.getSrc().getParent();

      //                         if(srcSlice.getFirstFilter().isFileInput())
      //                             continue;

                              if(FissionGroupStore.isFizzed(srcSlice)) {
                                  // Filter is fizzed, source is also fizzed
                                  int totalItemsReceivedPerFizzed = totalItemsReceived /
                                  int numInputRotsPerFizzed = numInputRots /

                                  System.out.println("totalItemsReceivedPerFizzed: " + totalItemsReceivedPerFizzed);
                                  System.out.println("numInputRotsPerFizzed: " + numInputRotsPerFizzed);

                                  int inputWeightBeforeSrc =
                                      input.weightBefore(source, SchedulingPhase.STEADY);
                                  int inputWeightSrc = input.getWeight(source, SchedulingPhase.STEADY);
                                  int inputTotalWeight = input.totalWeights(SchedulingPhase.STEADY);

                                  System.out.println("inputWeightBeforeSrc: " + inputWeightBeforeSrc);
                                  System.out.println("inputWeightSrc: " + inputWeightSrc);
                                  System.out.println("copyDown: " + info.copyDown);

                                  int numXmit = 0;

                                  for(int rot = 0 ; rot < numInputRotsPerFizzed ; rot++) {
                                      numXmit += Math.min(inputWeightSrc,
                                                                   info.copyDown +
                                                                   rot * inputTotalWeight +
                                                                   inputWeightBeforeSrc + inputWeightSrc -

                                  System.out.println("numXmit: " + numXmit);

                                  comm += KjcOptions.smp * numXmit;
                              else {
                                  // Filter is fizzed, source is not fizzed
                                  // Source must send (N-1)/N of outputs to different cores
                                  comm += numInputRots *
                                      input.getWeight(source, SchedulingPhase.STEADY) /
                                      KjcOptions.smp * (KjcOptions.smp - 1);


      // Simple communication estimation
      for (Slice slice : slices) {
        if (commProcessed.contains(slice)) continue;

        FilterInfo info = FilterInfo.getFilterInfo(slice.getFirstFilter());
        int totalItemsReceived = info.totalItemsReceived(SchedulingPhase.STEADY);

        if (totalItemsReceived == 0) continue;

        comm += totalItemsReceived;

        if (FissionGroupStore.isFizzed(slice)) {
          assert info.peek >= info.pop;
          comm += (info.peek - info.pop) * KjcOptions.smp;


      // Simple communication estimation 2
      for(Slice slice : slices) {

          FilterInfo info = FilterInfo.getFilterInfo(slice.getFirstFilter());
          int totalItemsReceived = info.totalItemsReceived(SchedulingPhase.STEADY);
          int totalItemsSent = info.totalItemsSent(SchedulingPhase.STEADY);

          comm += totalItemsReceived;
          comm += totalItemsSent;

          if(totalItemsReceived == 0)

          if(FissionGroupStore.isFizzed(slice)) {
              assert info.peek >= info.pop;
              comm += (info.peek - info.pop) * KjcOptions.smp;


      System.out.println("Final Computation: " + comp);
      System.out.println("Final Communication: " + comm);
      System.out.println("Final Comp/Comm Ratio: " + (float) comp / (float) comm);

Ejemplo n.º 26
 void setSlices(List<Slice> slices) throws DapException {
   this.slices = slices;
   // Make sure they are finished
   for (Slice sl : slices) sl.finish();
Ejemplo n.º 27
  public void testEqualsHashCodeCompare() {
    for (int size = 0; size < 100; size++) {
      // self equals
      Slice slice = allocate(size);
      assertSlicesEquals(slice, slice);

      // equals other all zero
      Slice other = allocate(size);
      assertSlicesEquals(slice, other);

      // equals self fill pattern
      slice = allocate(size); // create a new slice since slices cache the hash code value
      slice.fill((byte) 0xA5);
      assertSlicesEquals(slice, slice);

      // equals other fill pattern
      other = allocate(size); // create a new slice since slices cache the hash code value
      other.fill((byte) 0xA5);
      assertSlicesEquals(slice, other);

      // different types
      assertNotEquals(slice, new Object());
      //noinspection MisorderedAssertEqualsArgumentsTestNG
      assertNotEquals(new Object(), slice);

      // different sizes
      Slice oneBigger = allocate(size + 1);
      oneBigger.fill((byte) 0xA5);
      assertNotEquals(slice, oneBigger);
      assertNotEquals(oneBigger, slice);
      assertTrue(slice.compareTo(oneBigger) < 0);
      assertTrue(oneBigger.compareTo(slice) > 0);
      assertFalse(slice.equals(0, size, oneBigger, 0, size + 1));
      assertFalse(oneBigger.equals(0, size + 1, slice, 0, size));
      assertTrue(slice.compareTo(0, size, oneBigger, 0, size + 1) < 0);
      assertTrue(oneBigger.compareTo(0, size + 1, slice, 0, size) > 0);

      // different in one byte
      for (int i = 1; i < slice.length(); i++) {
        slice.setByte(i - 1, 0xA5);
        assertTrue(slice.equals(i - 1, size - i, other, i - 1, size - i));
        slice.setByte(i, 0xFF);
        assertNotEquals(slice, other);
        assertFalse(slice.equals(i, size - i, other, i, size - i));
        assertTrue(slice.compareTo(0, size, oneBigger, 0, size + 1) > 0);

      // compare with empty slice
      if (slice.length() > 0) {
        assertNotEquals(slice, EMPTY_SLICE);
        //noinspection MisorderedAssertEqualsArgumentsTestNG
        assertNotEquals(EMPTY_SLICE, slice);

        assertFalse(slice.equals(0, size, EMPTY_SLICE, 0, 0));
        assertFalse(EMPTY_SLICE.equals(0, 0, slice, 0, size));

        assertTrue(slice.compareTo(0, size, EMPTY_SLICE, 0, 0) > 0);
        assertTrue(EMPTY_SLICE.compareTo(0, 0, slice, 0, size) < 0);

        try {
          //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
          slice.equals(0, size, EMPTY_SLICE, 0, size);
          fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
        try {
          //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
          EMPTY_SLICE.equals(0, size, slice, 0, size);
          fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {

        try {
          slice.compareTo(0, size, EMPTY_SLICE, 0, size);
          fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
        try {
          EMPTY_SLICE.compareTo(0, size, slice, 0, size);
          fail("expected IndexOutOfBoundsException");
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
Ejemplo n.º 28
  private static void assertBytesStreams(Slice slice, int index) throws Exception {
    // fill slice with FF
    slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);

    byte[] value = new byte[slice.length()];
    Arrays.fill(value, (byte) 0xFF);
    assertEquals(slice.getBytes(), value);

    // set and get the value
    value = new byte[(slice.length() - index) / 2];
    for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
      value[i] = (byte) i;
    slice.setBytes(index, new ByteArrayInputStream(value), value.length);
    assertEquals(slice.getBytes(index, value.length), value);

    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    slice.getBytes(index, out, value.length);
    assertEquals(slice.getBytes(index, value.length), out.toByteArray());

    for (int length = 0; length < value.length; length++) {
      slice.fill((byte) 0xFF);
      slice.setBytes(index, new ByteArrayInputStream(value), length);
      assertEquals(slice.getBytes(index, length), Arrays.copyOf(value, length));

      out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      slice.getBytes(index, out, length);
      assertEquals(slice.getBytes(index, length), out.toByteArray());
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public long getCardinality(Slice slice, BindingSet bindings) {
   long card = getCardinality(slice.getArg(), bindings);
   return Math.min(card, slice.getLimit());
Ejemplo n.º 30
  private static void assertSlicesEquals(Slice slice, Slice other) {
    int size = slice.length();

    assertEquals(slice, other);
    assertTrue(slice.equals(0, size, other, 0, size));
    assertEquals(slice.hashCode(), other.hashCode());
    assertEquals(slice.hashCode(), other.hashCode(0, size));
    assertEquals(slice.compareTo(other), 0);
    assertEquals(slice.compareTo(0, size, other, 0, size), 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < slice.length(); i++) {
      assertTrue(slice.equals(i, size - i, other, i, size - i));
      assertEquals(slice.hashCode(i, size - i), other.hashCode(i, size - i));
      assertEquals(slice.compareTo(i, size - i, other, i, size - i), 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < slice.length(); i++) {
      assertTrue(slice.equals(0, size - i, other, 0, size - i));
      assertEquals(slice.hashCode(0, size - i), other.hashCode(0, size - i));
      assertEquals(slice.compareTo(0, size - i, other, 0, size - i), 0);