Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Syncs replication data between two OpenDJ sms and user stores. $ dsreplication initialize
   * --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com" --adminUID admin --adminPassword pass --hostSource host1
   * --portSource 1389 --hostDestination host2 --portDestination 2389 --trustAll
   * @param map Map of properties collected by the configurator.
   * @return status : 0 == success, !0 == failure
  public static int setupReplicationInitialize(Map map) {
    String[] initializeCmd = {
      "initialize", // 0
      "--no-prompt", // 1
      "--baseDN", // 2
      Constants.DEFAULT_ROOT_SUFFIX, // 3 Placeholder
      "--adminUID", // 4
      "admin", // 5
      "--adminPassword", // 6
      "xxxxxxxx", // 7
      "--hostSource", // 8
      "localhost", // 9
      "--portSource", // 10
      "50389", // 11
      "--hostDestination", // 12
      "localhost", // 13
      "--portDestination", // 14
      "51389", // 15
      "--trustAll", // 16
      "--configFile", // 17
      "path/to/config.ldif" // 18
    initializeCmd[3] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_ROOT_SUFFIX);
    initializeCmd[9] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_HOST2);
    initializeCmd[11] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_ADMINPORT2);
    initializeCmd[13] = getOpenDJHostName(map);
    initializeCmd[15] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DIRECTORY_ADMIN_SERVER_PORT);
    initializeCmd[18] = getOpenDJConfigFile(map);

    Object[] params = {concat(initializeCmd)};
    SetupProgress.reportStart("emb.replcommand", params);

    initializeCmd[7] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DS_MGR_PWD);
    int ret =

    if (ret == 0) {
      SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.success", null);
    } else {
      SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.failed", null);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Runs the OpenDJ setup command like this: $ ./setup --cli --adminConnectorPort 4444 --baseDN
   * dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org --rootUserDN "cn=directory manager" --doNotStart --ldapPort 50389
   * --skipPortCheck --rootUserPassword xxxxxxx --jmxPort 1689 --no-prompt
   * @param map Map of properties collected by the configurator.
   * @return status : 0 == success, !0 == failure
  public static int runOpenDSSetup(Map map) {
    String[] setupCmd = {
      "--cli", // 0
      "--adminConnectorPort", // 1
      "4444", // 2
      "--baseDN", // 3
      Constants.DEFAULT_ROOT_SUFFIX, // 4
      "--rootUserDN", // 5
      "cn=Directory Manager", // 6
      "--ldapPort", // 7
      "50389", // 8
      "--skipPortCheck", // 9
      "--rootUserPassword", // 10
      "xxxxxxx", // 11
      "--jmxPort", // 12
      "1689", // 13
      "--no-prompt", // 14
      "--doNotStart", // 15
      "--hostname", // 16
      "hostname" // 17

    setupCmd[2] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DIRECTORY_ADMIN_SERVER_PORT);
    setupCmd[4] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_ROOT_SUFFIX);
    setupCmd[6] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DS_MGR_DN);
    setupCmd[8] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DIRECTORY_SERVER_PORT);
    setupCmd[13] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DIRECTORY_JMX_SERVER_PORT);
    setupCmd[17] = getOpenDJHostName(map);

    Object[] params = {concat(setupCmd)};
    SetupProgress.reportStart("emb.setupcommand", params);

    setupCmd[11] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DS_MGR_PWD);

    int ret =
            setupCmd, SetupProgress.getOutputStream(), SetupProgress.getOutputStream(), null);

    if (ret == 0) {
      SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.success", null);
    } else {
      SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.failed", null);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Utility function to preload data in the embedded instance. Must be called when the directory
   * instance is shutdown.
   * @param odsRoot Local directory where <code>OpenDJ</code> is installed.
   * @param ldif Full path of the ldif file to be loaded.
  public static int loadLDIF(Map map, String odsRoot, String ldif) {
    int ret = 0;

    Debug debug = Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME);
    File ldifFile = new File(ldif);
    if (!ldifFile.exists()) {
      debug.error("LDIF File:" + ldifFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist, unable to load!");
      return -1;
    try {
      if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message("EmbeddedOpenDS:loadLDIF(" + ldif + ")");

      String[] args1 = {
        "-C", // 0
        "org.opends.server.extensions.ConfigFileHandler", // 1
        "-f", // 2
        odsRoot + "/config/config.ldif", // 3
        "-n", // 4
        "userRoot", // 5
        "-l", // 6
        ldif, // 7
        "--trustAll", // 8
        "-D", // 9
        "cn=Directory Manager", // 10
        "-w", // 11
        "password" // 12
      args1[10] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DS_MGR_DN);
      args1[12] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DS_MGR_PWD);
      ret =
              args1, false, SetupProgress.getOutputStream(), SetupProgress.getOutputStream());

      if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message("EmbeddedOpenDS:loadLDIF Success");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      debug.error("EmbeddedOpenDS:loadLDIF:ex=", ex);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Setups replication between two OpenDJ sms and user stores. $ dsreplication enable --no-prompt
   * --host1 host1 --port1 1389 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword1 password
   * --replicationPort1 8989 --host2 host2 --port2 2389 --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
   * --bindPassword2 password --replicationPort2 8990 --adminUID admin --adminPassword password
   * --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com"
   * @param map Map of properties collected by the configurator.
   * @return status : 0 == success, !0 == failure
  public static int setupReplicationEnable(Map map) {
    String[] enableCmd = {
      "enable", // 0
      "--no-prompt", // 1
      "--host1", // 2
      "host1val", // 3
      "--port1", // 4
      "port1ival", // 5
      "--bindDN1", // 6
      "cn=Directory Manager", // 7
      "--bindPassword1", // 8
      "xxxxxxxx", // 9
      "--replicationPort1", // 10
      "8989", // 11
      "--host2", // 12
      "host2val", // 13
      "--port2", // 14
      "port2ival", // 15
      "--bindDN2", // 16
      "cn=Directory Manager", // 17
      "--bindPassword2", // 18
      "xxxxxxxx", // 19
      "--replicationPort2", // 20
      "8989", // 21
      "--adminUID", // 22
      "admin", // 23
      "--adminPassword", // 24
      "xxxxxxxx", // 25
      "--baseDN", // 26
      "dc=example,dc=com", // 27
      "--trustAll", // 28
      "--configFile", // 29
      "path/to/config.ldif" // 30
    enableCmd[3] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_HOST2);
    enableCmd[5] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_ADMINPORT2);
    enableCmd[11] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_REPLPORT2);
    enableCmd[13] = getOpenDJHostName(map);
    enableCmd[15] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DIRECTORY_ADMIN_SERVER_PORT);
    enableCmd[21] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.DS_EMB_REPL_REPLPORT1);
    enableCmd[27] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_ROOT_SUFFIX);
    enableCmd[30] = getOpenDJConfigFile(map);

    Object[] params = {concat(enableCmd)};
    SetupProgress.reportStart("emb.replcommand", params);

    enableCmd[9] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DS_MGR_PWD);
    enableCmd[19] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DS_MGR_PWD);
    enableCmd[25] = (String) map.get(SetupConstants.CONFIG_VAR_DS_MGR_PWD);

    Debug debug = Debug.getInstance(SetupConstants.DEBUG_NAME);
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
      debug.message("EmbeddedOpenDS.setupReplicationEnable: " + "Host 1 " + enableCmd[3]);
      debug.message("EmbeddedOpenDS.setupReplicationEnable: " + "Host 2 " + enableCmd[13]);
      debug.message("EmbeddedOpenDS.setupReplicationEnable: " + "Port 1 " + enableCmd[5]);
      debug.message("EmbeddedOpenDS.setupReplicationEnable: " + "Port 2 " + enableCmd[15]);
    int ret =

    if (ret == 0) {
      SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.success", null);
    } else {
      SetupProgress.reportEnd("emb.failed", null);
    return ret;