@Override public Map<String, Results> validateAll() { CacheSchemaLibrary schemaLibrary = schemaLibrary(true); if (store.getAdvancedCache().getRpcManager() == null) { // This is a non-clustered cache, which cannot run Map-Reduce. In this case, just go through // them // all and run validation manually using the mapper... DocumentValidationMapper mapper = new DocumentValidationMapper(schemaLibrary, defaultSchemaUri); ResultsCollector resultsCollector = new ResultsCollector(); for (Map.Entry<String, SchematicEntry> entry : store.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); SchematicEntry value = entry.getValue(); mapper.map(key, value, resultsCollector); } return resultsCollector.getResultsByKey(); } // It is a clustered cache, so we can run Map-Reduce ... // Create a copy of all of the JSON Schema documents ... InMemoryDocumentLibrary schemaDocs = new InMemoryDocumentLibrary(schemaLibrary.getName()); for (Map.Entry<String, SchematicEntry> entry : schemaLibrary.store().entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); SchematicEntry value = entry.getValue(); schemaDocs.put(key, value.getContentAsDocument()); } // Now create the Map-Reduce task, using the copy of the JSON Schema library ... MapReduceTask<String, SchematicEntry, String, Results> task = new MapReduceTask<String, SchematicEntry, String, Results>(this.store); task.mappedWith(new DocumentValidationMapper(schemaDocs, defaultSchemaUri)); task.reducedWith(new DocumentValidationReducer()); // Now execute ... return task.execute(); }
@Override public ExperimentResults compute(Builder builder, Set<SimArgs> inputs) { final IdMap<MASConfiguration> configMap = new IdMap<>("c", MASConfiguration.class); final IdMap<ScenarioProvider> scenarioMap = new IdMap<>("s", ScenarioProvider.class); final IdMap<ObjectiveFunction> objFuncMap = new IdMap<>("o", ObjectiveFunction.class); final List<ResultListener> listeners = newArrayList(builder.resultListeners); @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) final IdMap<PostProcessor<?>> ppMap = new IdMap("p", PostProcessor.class); final Map<String, Scenario> scenariosMap = newLinkedHashMap(); // create tasks final List<SimulationTask> tasks = newArrayList(); constructTasks(inputs, tasks, configMap, scenarioMap, objFuncMap, ppMap, scenariosMap); // this sorts tasks using this chain: scenario, configuration, objective // function, postprocessor, seed Collections.sort(tasks); // determine size of batches final int numBatches = Math.min(tasks.size(), builder.numBatches); final int batchSize = DoubleMath.roundToInt(tasks.size() / (double) numBatches, RoundingMode.CEILING); final Map<Task<?>, JPPFJob> taskJobMap = newLinkedHashMap(); final ResultsCollector res = new ResultsCollector(tasks.size(), scenariosMap, taskJobMap, listeners); final List<JPPFJob> jobs = newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < numBatches; i++) { final JPPFJob job = new JPPFJob(new MemoryMapDataProvider(), res); job.setName(Joiner.on("").join(JOB_NAME, " ", i + 1, "/", numBatches)); jobs.add(job); for (final SimulationTask t : tasks.subList(i * batchSize, (i + 1) * batchSize)) { try { final MASConfiguration config = configMap.getValue(t.getConfigurationId()); final ScenarioProvider scenario = scenarioMap.getValue(t.getScenarioId()); final ObjectiveFunction objFunc = objFuncMap.getValue(t.getObjectiveFunctionId()); job.getDataProvider() .setParameter(t.getPostProcessorId(), ppMap.getValue(t.getPostProcessorId())); job.getDataProvider().setParameter(t.getConfigurationId(), config); job.getDataProvider().setParameter(t.getScenarioId(), scenario); job.getDataProvider().setParameter(t.getObjectiveFunctionId(), objFunc); job.add(t); } catch (final JPPFException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } taskJobMap.put(t, job); } } for (final ResultListener l : listeners) { l.startComputing(tasks.size()); } checkState(!getJPPFClient().isClosed()); try { for (final JPPFJob job : jobs) { getJPPFClient().submitJob(job); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } res.awaitResults(); for (final ResultListener l : listeners) { l.doneComputing(); } return ExperimentResults.create(builder, res.buildResults()); }