Ejemplo n.º 1
 public int compare(ResultPointsAndTransitions resultpointsandtransitions, ResultPointsAndTransitions resultpointsandtransitions1)
     return resultpointsandtransitions.getTransitions() - resultpointsandtransitions1.getTransitions();
   * Detects a Data Matrix Code in an image.
   * @return {@link DetectorResult} encapsulating results of detecting a Data Matrix Code
   * @throws NotFoundException if no Data Matrix Code can be found
  public DetectorResult detect() throws NotFoundException {

    ResultPoint[] cornerPoints = rectangleDetector.detect();
    ResultPoint pointA = cornerPoints[0];
    ResultPoint pointB = cornerPoints[1];
    ResultPoint pointC = cornerPoints[2];
    ResultPoint pointD = cornerPoints[3];

    // Point A and D are across the diagonal from one another,
    // as are B and C. Figure out which are the solid black lines
    // by counting transitions
    Vector transitions = new Vector(4);
    transitions.addElement(transitionsBetween(pointA, pointB));
    transitions.addElement(transitionsBetween(pointA, pointC));
    transitions.addElement(transitionsBetween(pointB, pointD));
    transitions.addElement(transitionsBetween(pointC, pointD));
    Collections.insertionSort(transitions, new ResultPointsAndTransitionsComparator());

    // Sort by number of transitions. First two will be the two solid sides; last two
    // will be the two alternating black/white sides
    ResultPointsAndTransitions lSideOne = (ResultPointsAndTransitions) transitions.elementAt(0);
    ResultPointsAndTransitions lSideTwo = (ResultPointsAndTransitions) transitions.elementAt(1);

    // Figure out which point is their intersection by tallying up the number of times we see the
    // endpoints in the four endpoints. One will show up twice.
    Hashtable pointCount = new Hashtable();
    increment(pointCount, lSideOne.getFrom());
    increment(pointCount, lSideOne.getTo());
    increment(pointCount, lSideTwo.getFrom());
    increment(pointCount, lSideTwo.getTo());

    ResultPoint maybeTopLeft = null;
    ResultPoint bottomLeft = null;
    ResultPoint maybeBottomRight = null;
    Enumeration points = pointCount.keys();
    while (points.hasMoreElements()) {
      ResultPoint point = (ResultPoint) points.nextElement();
      Integer value = (Integer) pointCount.get(point);
      if (value.intValue() == 2) {
        bottomLeft = point; // this is definitely the bottom left, then -- end of two L sides
      } else {
        // Otherwise it's either top left or bottom right -- just assign the two arbitrarily now
        if (maybeTopLeft == null) {
          maybeTopLeft = point;
        } else {
          maybeBottomRight = point;

    if (maybeTopLeft == null || bottomLeft == null || maybeBottomRight == null) {
      throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance();

    // Bottom left is correct but top left and bottom right might be switched
    ResultPoint[] corners = {maybeTopLeft, bottomLeft, maybeBottomRight};
    // Use the dot product trick to sort them out

    // Now we know which is which:
    ResultPoint bottomRight = corners[0];
    bottomLeft = corners[1];
    ResultPoint topLeft = corners[2];

    // Which point didn't we find in relation to the "L" sides? that's the top right corner
    ResultPoint topRight;
    if (!pointCount.containsKey(pointA)) {
      topRight = pointA;
    } else if (!pointCount.containsKey(pointB)) {
      topRight = pointB;
    } else if (!pointCount.containsKey(pointC)) {
      topRight = pointC;
    } else {
      topRight = pointD;

    // Next determine the dimension by tracing along the top or right side and counting black/white
    // transitions. Since we start inside a black module, we should see a number of transitions
    // equal to 1 less than the code dimension. Well, actually 2 less, because we are going to
    // end on a black module:

    // The top right point is actually the corner of a module, which is one of the two black modules
    // adjacent to the white module at the top right. Tracing to that corner from either the top
    // left
    // or bottom right should work here.
    int dimension =
            transitionsBetween(topLeft, topRight).getTransitions(),
            transitionsBetween(bottomRight, topRight).getTransitions());
    if ((dimension & 0x01) == 1) {
      // it can't be odd, so, round... up?
    dimension += 2;

    // correct top right point to match the white module
    ResultPoint correctedTopRight =
        correctTopRight(bottomLeft, bottomRight, topLeft, topRight, dimension);
    if (correctedTopRight == null) {
      correctedTopRight = topRight;

    // We redetermine the dimension using the corrected top right point
    int dimension2 =
            transitionsBetween(topLeft, correctedTopRight).getTransitions(),
            transitionsBetween(bottomRight, correctedTopRight).getTransitions());
    if ((dimension2 & 0x01) == 1) {

    BitMatrix bits =
        sampleGrid(image, topLeft, bottomLeft, bottomRight, correctedTopRight, dimension2);

    return new DetectorResult(
        bits, new ResultPoint[] {topLeft, bottomLeft, bottomRight, correctedTopRight});