protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    cache = CacheUtils.getCache();
    AttributesFactory attributesFactory = new AttributesFactory();
    //    attributesFactory.setValueConstraint(Portfolio.class);
    RegionAttributes regionAttributes = attributesFactory.create();

    region = cache.createRegion("pos", regionAttributes);
    region.put("0", new Portfolio(0));
    region.put("1", new Portfolio(1));
    region.put("2", new Portfolio(2));
    region.put("3", new Portfolio(3));

    qs = cache.getQueryService();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Update an existing key in region REGION_NAME. The keys to update are specified in keyIntervals.
  * @return true if all keys to be updated have been completed.
 protected boolean updateExistingKey() {
   long nextKey =
   if (!keyIntervals.keyInRange(KeyIntervals.UPDATE_EXISTING_KEY, nextKey)) {
     Log.getLogWriter().info("All existing keys updated; returning from updateExistingKey");
     return true;
   Object key = NameFactory.getObjectNameForCounter(nextKey);
   QueryObject existingValue = (QueryObject) aRegion.get(key);
   if (existingValue == null)
     throw new TestException("Get of key " + key + " returned unexpected " + existingValue);
   QueryObject newValue = existingValue.modifyWithNewInstance(QueryObject.NEGATE, 0, true);
   newValue.extra = key; // encode the key in the object for later validation
   if (existingValue.aPrimitiveLong < 0)
     throw new TestException(
         "Trying to update a key which was already updated: " + existingValue.toStringFull());
       .info("Updating existing key " + key + " with value " + TestHelper.toString(newValue));
   aRegion.put(key, newValue);
           "Done updating existing key "
               + key
               + " with value "
               + TestHelper.toString(newValue)
               + ", num remaining: "
               + (keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.UPDATE_EXISTING_KEY) - nextKey));
   return (nextKey >= keyIntervals.getLastKey(KeyIntervals.UPDATE_EXISTING_KEY));
 private void putData(Region region, int startRow, int numRows, byte[] qf, byte[]... families)
     throws IOException {
   for (int i = startRow; i < startRow + numRows; i++) {
     Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("" + i));
     for (byte[] family : families) {
       put.addColumn(family, qf, null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Load a region with keys and values. The number of keys and values is specified by the total
  * number of keys in keyIntervals. This can be invoked by several threads to accomplish the work.
 public void loadRegion() {
   final long LOG_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 10000;
   int numKeysToCreate = keyIntervals.getNumKeys();
   long lastLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   SharedCounters sc = CQUtilBB.getBB().getSharedCounters();
   do {
     long shouldAddCount =
     if (shouldAddCount > numKeysToCreate) {
       String aStr =
           "In loadRegion, shouldAddCount is "
               + shouldAddCount
               + ", numOriginalKeysCreated is "
               + ", numKeysToCreate is "
               + numKeysToCreate
               + ", region size is "
               + aRegion.size();
       throw new StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder(aStr);
     Object key = NameFactory.getNextPositiveObjectName();
     QueryObject value = getValueToAdd(key);
     value.extra = key;
     Log.getLogWriter().info("Creating with put, key " + key + ", value " + value.toStringFull());
     aRegion.put(key, value);
     if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLogTime > LOG_INTERVAL_MILLIS) {
               "Added "
                   + NameFactory.getPositiveNameCounter()
                   + " out of "
                   + numKeysToCreate
                   + " entries into "
                   + TestHelper.regionToString(aRegion, false));
       lastLogTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   } while ((minTaskGranularitySec == -1)
       || (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < minTaskGranularityMS));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Creates a new key/value in the given region by creating a new key within the range and a random
  * value.
  * @param aRegion The region to create the new key in.
  * @param exists Not used in this overridden method; this test wants to use unique keys even on
  *     creates, so we don't do anything different here based on the value of exists.
  * @return An instance of Operation describing the create operation.
 public Operation createEntry(Region aRegion, boolean exists) {
   int lower = ((Integer) (lowerKeyRange.get())).intValue();
   int upper = ((Integer) (upperKeyRange.get())).intValue();
   long keyIndex =, upper);
   long startKeyIndex = keyIndex;
   Object key = NameFactory.getObjectNameForCounter(keyIndex);
   boolean containsKey = aRegion.containsKey(key);
   while (containsKey) { // looking for a key that does not exist
     keyIndex++; // go to the next key
     if (keyIndex > upper) keyIndex = lower;
     if (keyIndex == startKeyIndex) { // considered all keys
       return null;
     key = NameFactory.getObjectNameForCounter(keyIndex);
     containsKey = aRegion.containsKey(key);
   BaseValueHolder vh = new ValueHolder(key, randomValues, new Integer(modValInitializer++));
   try {
             "createEntryKeyRange: putting key "
                 + key
                 + ", object "
                 + vh.toString()
                 + " in region "
                 + aRegion.getFullPath());
     aRegion.put(key, vh);
             "createEntryKeyRange: done putting key "
                 + key
                 + ", object "
                 + vh.toString()
                 + " in region "
                 + aRegion.getFullPath());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
   return new Operation(aRegion.getFullPath(), key, Operation.ENTRY_CREATE, null, vh.modVal);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Add a new key to REGION_NAME.
  * @return true if all new keys have been added (specified by CQUtilPrms.numNewKeys)
 protected boolean addNewKey() {
   SharedCounters sc = CQUtilBB.getBB().getSharedCounters();
   long numNewKeysCreated = sc.incrementAndRead(CQUtilBB.NUM_NEW_KEYS_CREATED);
   if (numNewKeysCreated > numNewKeys) {
     Log.getLogWriter().info("All new keys created; returning from addNewKey");
     return true;
   Object key = NameFactory.getNextPositiveObjectName();
   checkContainsValueForKey(key, false, "before addNewKey");
   QueryObject value =
       new QueryObject(
           NameFactory.getCounterForName(key), QueryObject.EQUAL_VALUES, -1, queryDepth);
   value.extra = key; // encode the key in the value for later validation
   Log.getLogWriter().info("Adding new key " + key + " with put");
   aRegion.put(key, value);
           "Done adding new key "
               + key
               + " with put, "
               + "num remaining: "
               + (numNewKeys - numNewKeysCreated));
   return (numNewKeysCreated >= numNewKeys);
   * check distributed ops that originate in a PROXY are correctly distributed to non-proxy regions.
  private void distributedOps(DataPolicy dp, InterestPolicy ip) throws CacheException {
    AttributesFactory af = new AttributesFactory();
    af.setSubscriptionAttributes(new SubscriptionAttributes(ip));
    Region r = createRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest", af.create());


    r.put("putkey", "putvalue1");

            new CacheSerializableRunnable("check put") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                assertEquals(true, r.containsKey("putkey"));
                assertEquals("putvalue1", r.getEntry("putkey").getValue());
                r.put("putkey", "putvalue2");

    assertEquals(false, r.containsKey("putkey"));
    assertEquals("putvalue2", r.get("putkey")); // netsearch


            new CacheSerializableRunnable("check invalidate") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                assertEquals(true, r.containsKey("putkey"));
                assertEquals(null, r.getEntry("putkey").getValue());
    assertEquals(null, r.get("putkey")); // invalid so total miss


            new CacheSerializableRunnable("check destroy") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                assertEquals(false, r.containsKey("putkey"));

    assertEquals(null, r.get("putkey")); // total miss

    r.create("createKey", "createValue1");
            new CacheSerializableRunnable("check create") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                assertEquals(true, r.containsKey("createKey"));
                assertEquals("createValue1", r.getEntry("createKey").getValue());
      Map m = new HashMap();
      m.put("putAllKey1", "putAllValue1");
      m.put("putAllKey2", "putAllValue2");
      r.putAll(m, "putAllCallback");
            new CacheSerializableRunnable("check putAll") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                assertEquals(true, r.containsKey("putAllKey1"));
                assertEquals("putAllValue1", r.getEntry("putAllKey1").getValue());
                assertEquals(true, r.containsKey("putAllKey2"));
                assertEquals("putAllValue2", r.getEntry("putAllKey2").getValue());
            new CacheSerializableRunnable("check clear") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                assertEquals(0, r.size());

            new CacheSerializableRunnable("install CacheWriter") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                AttributesMutator am = r.getAttributesMutator();
                CacheWriter cw =
                    new CacheWriterAdapter() {
                      public void beforeCreate(EntryEvent event) throws CacheWriterException {
                        throw new CacheWriterException("expected");
    try {
      r.put("putkey", "putvalue");
      fail("expected CacheWriterException");
    } catch (CacheWriterException expected) {
            new CacheSerializableRunnable("check clear") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                assertEquals(0, r.size());

    assertEquals(null, r.get("loadkey")); // total miss
            new CacheSerializableRunnable("install CacheLoader") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                AttributesMutator am = r.getAttributesMutator();
                am.setCacheWriter(null); // clear csche writer
                CacheLoader cl =
                    new CacheLoader() {
                      public Object load(LoaderHelper helper) throws CacheLoaderException {
                        if (helper.getKey().equals("loadkey")) {
                          return "loadvalue";
                        } else if (helper.getKey().equals("loadexception")) {
                          throw new CacheLoaderException("expected");
                        } else {
                          return null;

                      public void close() {}
    assertEquals("loadvalue", r.get("loadkey")); // net load
    assertEquals(null, r.get("foobar")); // total miss
    try {
      fail("expected CacheLoaderException");
    } catch (CacheLoaderException expected) {
            new CacheSerializableRunnable("check clear") {
              public void run2() throws CacheException {
                Region r = getRootRegion("ProxyDUnitTest");
                assertEquals(null, r);