Ejemplo n.º 1
  /** Test of getName method, of class Range. */
  public void testGetName() {
    System.out.println(" getName");

    final String expResult = "Range Name";
    Range instance = new Range(expResult, 0, 100);
    String result = instance.getName();

    assertEquals(expResult, result);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** Test of getStart method, of class Range. */
  public void testConstructor() {
    System.out.println(" Range constructor");

    int expStart = -100;
    int expEnd = 1000;
    String expName = "Range Name";
    Range instance = new Range(expName, expStart, expEnd);

    String resultName = instance.getName();
    int resultStart = instance.getStart();
    int resultEnd = instance.getEnd();

    assertEquals(expName, resultName);
    assertEquals(expStart, resultStart);
    assertEquals(expEnd, resultEnd);