public static void registerQuickFix(
     PsiMember refElement,
     PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement place,
     PsiClass accessObjectClass,
     HighlightInfo error) {
   if (refElement instanceof PsiField && place instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) {
     final PsiField psiField = (PsiField) refElement;
     final PsiClass containingClass = psiField.getContainingClass();
     if (containingClass != null) {
       if (PsiUtil.isOnAssignmentLeftHand((PsiExpression) place)) {
         final PsiMethod setterPrototype = PropertyUtil.generateSetterPrototype(psiField);
         final PsiMethod setter = containingClass.findMethodBySignature(setterPrototype, true);
         if (setter != null && PsiUtil.isAccessible(setter, place, accessObjectClass)) {
               error, new ReplaceInaccessibleFieldWithGetterSetterFix(place, setter, true));
       } else if (PsiUtil.isAccessedForReading((PsiExpression) place)) {
         final PsiMethod getterPrototype = PropertyUtil.generateGetterPrototype(psiField);
         final PsiMethod getter = containingClass.findMethodBySignature(getterPrototype, true);
         if (getter != null && PsiUtil.isAccessible(getter, place, accessObjectClass)) {
               error, new ReplaceInaccessibleFieldWithGetterSetterFix(place, getter, false));
 private void registerActionShortcuts(@NotNull InspectionToolPresentation presentation) {
   final QuickFixAction[] fixes = presentation.getQuickFixes(RefEntity.EMPTY_ELEMENTS_ARRAY);
   if (fixes != null) {
     for (QuickFixAction fix : fixes) {
       fix.registerCustomShortcutSet(fix.getShortcutSet(), this);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static String[] quickFixTexts(
     RefEntity where, @NotNull InspectionToolPresentation toolPresentation) {
   QuickFixAction[] quickFixes = toolPresentation.getQuickFixes(new RefEntity[] {where});
   if (quickFixes == null) {
     return null;
   List<String> texts = new ArrayList<String>();
   for (QuickFixAction quickFix : quickFixes) {
     final String text = quickFix.getText(where);
     if (text == null) continue;
   return texts.toArray(new String[texts.size()]);
 public static void register(
     final HighlightInfo highlightInfo, PsiExpression expression, final PsiType lType) {
   expression = PsiUtil.deparenthesizeExpression(expression);
   if (!(expression instanceof PsiNewExpression)) return;
   final PsiType rType = expression.getType();
   PsiType newType = lType;
   if (rType instanceof PsiClassType && newType instanceof PsiClassType) {
     final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult rResolveResult =
         ((PsiClassType) rType).resolveGenerics();
     final PsiClass rClass = rResolveResult.getElement();
     if (rClass != null) {
       final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult lResolveResult =
           ((PsiClassType) newType).resolveGenerics();
       final PsiClass lClass = lResolveResult.getElement();
       if (lClass != null) {
         PsiSubstitutor substitutor =
                 lClass, rClass, lResolveResult.getSubstitutor(), expression);
         if (substitutor != null) {
           newType =
                   .createType(rClass, substitutor);
   PsiNewExpression newExpression = (PsiNewExpression) expression;
       highlightInfo, new ChangeNewOperatorTypeFix(newType, newExpression));
  public void registerCastActions(
      CandidateInfo[] candidates,
      PsiCall call,
      HighlightInfo highlightInfo,
      final TextRange fixRange) {
    if (candidates.length == 0) return;
    List<CandidateInfo> methodCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateInfo>(Arrays.asList(candidates));
    PsiExpressionList list = call.getArgumentList();
    PsiExpression[] expressions = list.getExpressions();
    if (expressions.length == 0) return;
    // filter out not castable candidates
    for (int i = methodCandidates.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      CandidateInfo candidate = methodCandidates.get(i);
      PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) candidate.getElement();
      PsiSubstitutor substitutor = candidate.getSubstitutor();
      assert method != null;
      PsiParameter[] parameters = method.getParameterList().getParameters();
      if (expressions.length != parameters.length) {
      for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length; j++) {
        PsiParameter parameter = parameters[j];
        PsiExpression expression = expressions[j];
        // check if we can cast to this method
        PsiType exprType = expression.getType();
        PsiType parameterType = substitutor.substitute(parameter.getType());
        if (exprType == null
            || parameterType == null
            || !areTypesConvertible(exprType, parameterType, call)) {
          continue nextMethod;

    if (methodCandidates.isEmpty()) return;

    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) {
        PsiExpression expression = expressions[i];
        PsiType exprType = expression.getType();
        Set<String> suggestedCasts = new THashSet<String>();
        // find to which type we can cast this param to get valid method call
        for (CandidateInfo candidate : methodCandidates) {
          PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) candidate.getElement();
          PsiSubstitutor substitutor = candidate.getSubstitutor();
          assert method != null;
          PsiParameter[] parameters = method.getParameterList().getParameters();
          PsiType originalParameterType = parameters[i].getType();
          PsiType parameterType = substitutor.substitute(originalParameterType);
          if (parameterType instanceof PsiWildcardType) continue;
          if (!GenericsUtil.isFromExternalTypeLanguage(parameterType)) continue;
          if (suggestedCasts.contains(parameterType.getCanonicalText())) continue;
          // strict compare since even widening cast may help
          if (Comparing.equal(exprType, parameterType)) continue;
          PsiCall newCall = (PsiCall) call.copy();
          PsiExpression modifiedExpression = getModifiedArgument(expression, parameterType);
          if (modifiedExpression == null) continue;
          JavaResolveResult resolveResult = newCall.resolveMethodGenerics();
          if (resolveResult.getElement() != null && resolveResult.isValidResult()) {
                highlightInfo, fixRange, createFix(list, i, parameterType), null);
    } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {