Ejemplo n.º 1
 @Description("quarter of the year of the given timestamp")
 public static long quarterFromTimestamp(
     ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
   return QUARTER_OF_YEAR.getField(getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey())).get(timestamp);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 @Description("quarter of the year of the given timestamp")
 public static long quarterFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
     @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static DateTimeField getDateField(ISOChronology chronology, Slice unit) {
   String unitString = unit.toString(Charsets.UTF_8).toLowerCase();
   switch (unitString) {
     case "day":
       return chronology.dayOfMonth();
     case "week":
       return chronology.weekOfWeekyear();
     case "month":
       return chronology.monthOfYear();
     case "quarter":
       return QUARTER_OF_YEAR.getField(chronology);
     case "year":
       return chronology.year();
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + unitString + "' is not a valid DATE field");
Ejemplo n.º 4
public final class DateTimeFunctions {
  private static final ThreadLocalCache<Slice, DateTimeFormatter> DATETIME_FORMATTER_CACHE =
      new ThreadLocalCache<Slice, DateTimeFormatter>(100) {
        protected DateTimeFormatter load(Slice format) {
          return createDateTimeFormatter(format);

  private static final ISOChronology UTC_CHRONOLOGY = ISOChronology.getInstance(DateTimeZone.UTC);
  private static final DateTimeField SECOND_OF_MINUTE = UTC_CHRONOLOGY.secondOfMinute();
  private static final DateTimeField DAY_OF_WEEK = UTC_CHRONOLOGY.dayOfWeek();
  private static final DateTimeField DAY_OF_MONTH = UTC_CHRONOLOGY.dayOfMonth();
  private static final DateTimeField DAY_OF_YEAR = UTC_CHRONOLOGY.dayOfYear();
  private static final DateTimeField WEEK_OF_YEAR = UTC_CHRONOLOGY.weekOfWeekyear();
  private static final DateTimeField MONTH_OF_YEAR = UTC_CHRONOLOGY.monthOfYear();
  private static final DateTimeField QUARTER = QUARTER_OF_YEAR.getField(UTC_CHRONOLOGY);
  private static final DateTimeField YEAR = UTC_CHRONOLOGY.year();
  private static final int MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND = 1000;
  private static final int MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60 * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND;
  private static final int MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR = 60 * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
  private static final int MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 24 * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR;

  private DateTimeFunctions() {}

  @Description("current date")
  public static long currentDate(ConnectorSession session) {
    // Stack value is the millisecond at midnight on the date in UTC so
    // no we do not want to correct to the local client time zone.  Client
    // time zone corrections are not needed for date.
    return UTC_CHRONOLOGY.dayOfMonth().roundFloor(session.getStartTime());

  @Description("current time with time zone")
  public static long currentTime(ConnectorSession session) {
    // Stack value is number of milliseconds from start of the current day,
    // but the start of the day is relative to the current time zone.
    long millis = getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).millisOfDay().get(session.getStartTime());
    return packDateTimeWithZone(millis, session.getTimeZoneKey());

  @Description("current time without time zone")
  public static long localTime(ConnectorSession session) {
    // Stack value is number of milliseconds from start of the current day,
    // but the start of the day is relative to the current time zone.
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).millisOfDay().get(session.getStartTime());

  @Description("current timestamp with time zone")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "current_timestamp", alias = "now")
  public static long currentTimestamp(ConnectorSession session) {
    return packDateTimeWithZone(session.getStartTime(), session.getTimeZoneKey());

  @Description("current timestamp without time zone")
  public static long localTimestamp(ConnectorSession session) {
    return session.getStartTime();

  public static long fromUnixTime(@SqlType(DoubleType.class) double unixTime) {
    return Math.round(unixTime * 1000);

  public static long fromUnixTime(
      @SqlType(DoubleType.class) double unixTime,
      @SqlType(BigintType.class) long hoursOffset,
      @SqlType(BigintType.class) long minutesOffset) {
    return packDateTimeWithZone(
        Math.round(unixTime * 1000), (int) (hoursOffset * 60 + minutesOffset));

  public static double toUnixTime(@SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return timestamp / 1000.0;

  public static double toUnixTimeFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackMillisUtc(timestampWithTimeZone) / 1000.0;

  @ScalarFunction(value = "at_time_zone", hidden = true)
  public static long timeAtTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long timeWithTimeZone,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice zoneId) {
    return packDateTimeWithZone(unpackMillisUtc(timeWithTimeZone), zoneId.toStringUtf8());

  @ScalarFunction(value = "at_time_zone", hidden = true)
  public static long timeAtTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long timeWithTimeZone,
      @SqlType(IntervalDayTimeType.class) long zoneOffset) {
    if (zoneOffset % 60_000 != 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Invalid time zone offset interval: interval contains seconds");

    int zoneOffsetMinutes = (int) (zoneOffset / 60_000);
    return packDateTimeWithZone(
        unpackMillisUtc(timeWithTimeZone), getTimeZoneKeyForOffset(zoneOffsetMinutes));

  @ScalarFunction(value = "at_time_zone", hidden = true)
  public static long timestampAtTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice zoneId) {
    return packDateTimeWithZone(unpackMillisUtc(timestampWithTimeZone), zoneId.toStringUtf8());

  @ScalarFunction(value = "at_time_zone", hidden = true)
  public static long timestampAtTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone,
      @SqlType(IntervalDayTimeType.class) long zoneOffset) {
    if (zoneOffset % 60_000 != 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Invalid time zone offset interval: interval contains seconds");

    int zoneOffsetMinutes = (int) (zoneOffset / 60_000);
    return packDateTimeWithZone(
        unpackMillisUtc(timestampWithTimeZone), getTimeZoneKeyForOffset(zoneOffsetMinutes));

  @Description("truncate to the specified precision in the session timezone")
  public static long truncateDate(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(DateType.class) long time) {
    return getDateField(UTC_CHRONOLOGY, unit).roundFloor(time);

  @Description("truncate to the specified precision in the session timezone")
  public static long truncateTime(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(TimeType.class) long time) {
    return getTimeField(getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()), unit).roundFloor(time);

  @Description("truncate to the specified precision")
  public static long truncateTimeWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long timeWithTimeZone) {
    long millis =
        getTimeField(unpackChronology(timeWithTimeZone), unit)
    return updateMillisUtc(millis, timeWithTimeZone);

  @Description("truncate to the specified precision in the session timezone")
  public static long truncateTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getTimestampField(getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()), unit).roundFloor(timestamp);

  @Description("truncate to the specified precision")
  public static long truncateTimestampWithTimezone(
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    long millis =
        getTimestampField(unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone), unit)
    return updateMillisUtc(millis, timestampWithTimeZone);

  @Description("add the specified amount of date to the given date")
  public static long addFieldValueDate(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(BigintType.class) long value,
      @SqlType(DateType.class) long date) {
    return getDateField(UTC_CHRONOLOGY, unit).add(date, Ints.checkedCast(value));

  @Description("add the specified amount of time to the given time")
  public static long addFieldValueTime(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(BigintType.class) long value,
      @SqlType(TimeType.class) long time) {
    ISOChronology chronology = getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey());
    return modulo24Hour(
        chronology, getTimeField(chronology, unit).add(time, Ints.checkedCast(value)));

  @Description("add the specified amount of time to the given time")
  public static long addFieldValueTimeWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(BigintType.class) long value,
      @SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long timeWithTimeZone) {
    ISOChronology chronology = unpackChronology(timeWithTimeZone);
    long millis =
            getTimeField(chronology, unit)
                .add(unpackMillisUtc(timeWithTimeZone), Ints.checkedCast(value)));
    return updateMillisUtc(millis, timeWithTimeZone);

  @Description("add the specified amount of time to the given timestamp")
  public static long addFieldValueTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(BigintType.class) long value,
      @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getTimestampField(getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()), unit)
        .add(timestamp, Ints.checkedCast(value));

  @Description("add the specified amount of time to the given timestamp")
  public static long addFieldValueTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(BigintType.class) long value,
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    long millis =
        getTimestampField(unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone), unit)
            .add(unpackMillisUtc(timestampWithTimeZone), Ints.checkedCast(value));
    return updateMillisUtc(millis, timestampWithTimeZone);

  @Description("difference of the given dates in the given unit")
  public static long diffDate(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(DateType.class) long date1,
      @SqlType(DateType.class) long date2) {
    return getDateField(UTC_CHRONOLOGY, unit).getDifference(date2, date1);

  @Description("difference of the given times in the given unit")
  public static long diffTime(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(TimeType.class) long time1,
      @SqlType(TimeType.class) long time2) {
    ISOChronology chronology = getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey());
    return getTimeField(chronology, unit).getDifference(time2, time1);

  @Description("difference of the given times in the given unit")
  public static long diffTimeWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long timeWithTimeZone1,
      @SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long timeWithTimeZone2) {
    return getTimeField(unpackChronology(timeWithTimeZone1), unit)
        .getDifference(unpackMillisUtc(timeWithTimeZone2), unpackMillisUtc(timeWithTimeZone1));

  @Description("difference of the given times in the given unit")
  public static long diffTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp1,
      @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp2) {
    return getTimestampField(getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()), unit)
        .getDifference(timestamp2, timestamp1);

  @Description("difference of the given times in the given unit")
  public static long diffTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice unit,
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone1,
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone2) {
    return getTimestampField(unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone1), unit)
            unpackMillisUtc(timestampWithTimeZone2), unpackMillisUtc(timestampWithTimeZone1));

  private static DateTimeField getDateField(ISOChronology chronology, Slice unit) {
    String unitString = unit.toString(Charsets.UTF_8).toLowerCase();
    switch (unitString) {
      case "day":
        return chronology.dayOfMonth();
      case "week":
        return chronology.weekOfWeekyear();
      case "month":
        return chronology.monthOfYear();
      case "quarter":
        return QUARTER_OF_YEAR.getField(chronology);
      case "year":
        return chronology.year();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + unitString + "' is not a valid DATE field");

  private static DateTimeField getTimeField(ISOChronology chronology, Slice unit) {
    String unitString = unit.toString(Charsets.UTF_8).toLowerCase();
    switch (unitString) {
      case "second":
        return chronology.secondOfMinute();
      case "minute":
        return chronology.minuteOfHour();
      case "hour":
        return chronology.hourOfDay();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + unitString + "' is not a valid Time field");

  private static DateTimeField getTimestampField(ISOChronology chronology, Slice unit) {
    String unitString = unit.toString(Charsets.UTF_8).toLowerCase();
    switch (unitString) {
      case "second":
        return chronology.secondOfMinute();
      case "minute":
        return chronology.minuteOfHour();
      case "hour":
        return chronology.hourOfDay();
      case "day":
        return chronology.dayOfMonth();
      case "week":
        return chronology.weekOfWeekyear();
      case "month":
        return chronology.monthOfYear();
      case "quarter":
        return QUARTER_OF_YEAR.getField(chronology);
      case "year":
        return chronology.year();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + unitString + "' is not a valid Timestamp field");

  @Description("parses the specified date/time by the given format")
  public static long parseDatetime(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice datetime,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice formatString) {
    String pattern = formatString.toString(Charsets.UTF_8);
    DateTimeFormatter formatter =

    String datetimeString = datetime.toString(Charsets.UTF_8);
    return DateTimeZoneIndex.packDateTimeWithZone(parseDateTimeHelper(formatter, datetimeString));

  private static DateTime parseDateTimeHelper(DateTimeFormatter formatter, String datetimeString) {
    try {
      return formatter.parseDateTime(datetimeString);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT.toErrorCode(), e);

  @Description("formats the given time by the given format")
  public static Slice formatDatetime(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice formatString) {
    return formatDatetime(
        getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()), session.getLocale(), timestamp, formatString);

  @Description("formats the given time by the given format")
  public static Slice formatDatetimeWithTimeZone(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice formatString) {
    return formatDatetime(

  private static Slice formatDatetime(
      ISOChronology chronology, Locale locale, long timestamp, Slice formatString) {
    String pattern = formatString.toString(Charsets.UTF_8);
    DateTimeFormatter formatter =

    String datetimeString = formatter.print(timestamp);
    return Slices.wrappedBuffer(datetimeString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8));

  public static Slice dateFormat(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice formatString) {
    return dateFormat(
        getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()), session.getLocale(), timestamp, formatString);

  public static Slice dateFormatWithTimeZone(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice formatString) {
    return dateFormat(

  private static Slice dateFormat(
      ISOChronology chronology, Locale locale, long timestamp, Slice formatString) {
    DateTimeFormatter formatter =

    return Slices.copiedBuffer(formatter.print(timestamp), Charsets.UTF_8);

  public static long dateParse(
      ConnectorSession session,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice dateTime,
      @SqlType(VarcharType.class) Slice formatString) {
    DateTimeFormatter formatter =

    try {
      return formatter.parseMillis(dateTime.toString(Charsets.UTF_8));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      throw new PrestoException(StandardErrorCode.INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT.toErrorCode(), e);

  @Description("second of the minute of the given timestamp")
  public static long secondFromTimestamp(@SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    // Time is effectively UTC so no need for a custom chronology
    return SECOND_OF_MINUTE.get(timestamp);

  @Description("second of the minute of the given timestamp")
  public static long secondFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    // Time is effectively UTC so no need for a custom chronology
    return SECOND_OF_MINUTE.get(unpackMillisUtc(timestampWithTimeZone));

  @Description("second of the minute of the given time")
  public static long secondFromTime(@SqlType(TimeType.class) long time) {
    // Time is effectively UTC so no need for a custom chronology
    return SECOND_OF_MINUTE.get(time);

  @Description("second of the minute of the given time")
  public static long secondFromTimeWithTimeZone(@SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long time) {
    // Time is effectively UTC so no need for a custom chronology
    return SECOND_OF_MINUTE.get(unpackMillisUtc(time));

  @Description("second of the minute of the given interval")
  public static long secondFromInterval(@SqlType(IntervalDayTimeType.class) long milliseconds) {

  @Description("minute of the hour of the given timestamp")
  public static long minuteFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).minuteOfHour().get(timestamp);

  @Description("minute of the hour of the given timestamp")
  public static long minuteFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone)

  @Description("minute of the hour of the given time")
  public static long minuteFromTime(ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimeType.class) long time) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).minuteOfHour().get(time);

  @Description("minute of the hour of the given time")
  public static long minuteFromTimeWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long timeWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timeWithTimeZone).minuteOfHour().get(unpackMillisUtc(timeWithTimeZone));

  @Description("minute of the hour of the given interval")
  public static long minuteFromInterval(@SqlType(IntervalDayTimeType.class) long milliseconds) {

  @Description("hour of the day of the given timestamp")
  public static long hourFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).hourOfDay().get(timestamp);

  @Description("hour of the day of the given timestamp")
  public static long hourFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone)

  @Description("hour of the day of the given time")
  public static long hourFromTime(ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimeType.class) long time) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).hourOfDay().get(time);

  @Description("hour of the day of the given time")
  public static long hourFromTimeWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimeWithTimeZoneType.class) long timeWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timeWithTimeZone).hourOfDay().get(unpackMillisUtc(timeWithTimeZone));

  @Description("hour of the day of the given interval")
  public static long hourFromInterval(@SqlType(IntervalDayTimeType.class) long milliseconds) {
    return (milliseconds % MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY) / MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR;

  @Description("day of the week of the given timestamp")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day_of_week", alias = "dow")
  public static long dayOfWeekFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).dayOfWeek().get(timestamp);

  @Description("day of the week of the given timestamp")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day_of_week", alias = "dow")
  public static long dayOfWeekFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone)

  @Description("day of the week of the given date")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day_of_week", alias = "dow")
  public static long dayOfWeekFromDate(@SqlType(DateType.class) long date) {
    return DAY_OF_WEEK.get(date);

  @Description("day of the month of the given timestamp")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day", alias = "day_of_month")
  public static long dayFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).dayOfMonth().get(timestamp);

  @Description("day of the month of the given timestamp")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day", alias = "day_of_month")
  public static long dayFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone)

  @Description("day of the month of the given date")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day", alias = "day_of_month")
  public static long dayFromDate(@SqlType(DateType.class) long date) {
    return DAY_OF_MONTH.get(date);

  @Description("day of the month of the given interval")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day", alias = "day_of_month")
  public static long dayFromInterval(@SqlType(IntervalDayTimeType.class) long milliseconds) {
    return milliseconds / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY;

  @Description("day of the year of the given timestamp")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day_of_year", alias = "doy")
  public static long dayOfYearFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).dayOfYear().get(timestamp);

  @Description("day of the year of the given timestamp")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day_of_year", alias = "doy")
  public static long dayOfYearFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone)

  @Description("day of the year of the given date")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "day_of_year", alias = "doy")
  public static long dayOfYearFromDate(@SqlType(DateType.class) long date) {
    return DAY_OF_YEAR.get(date);

  @Description("week of the year of the given timestamp")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "week", alias = "week_of_year")
  public static long weekFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).weekOfWeekyear().get(timestamp);

  @Description("week of the year of the given timestamp")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "week", alias = "week_of_year")
  public static long weekFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone)

  @Description("week of the year of the given date")
  @ScalarFunction(value = "week", alias = "week_of_year")
  public static long weekFromDate(@SqlType(DateType.class) long date) {
    return WEEK_OF_YEAR.get(date);

  @Description("month of the year of the given timestamp")
  public static long monthFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).monthOfYear().get(timestamp);

  @Description("month of the year of the given timestamp")
  public static long monthFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone)

  @Description("month of the year of the given date")
  public static long monthFromDate(@SqlType(DateType.class) long date) {
    return MONTH_OF_YEAR.get(date);

  @Description("month of the year of the given interval")
  public static long monthFromInterval(@SqlType(IntervalYearMonthType.class) long months) {
    return months % 12;

  @Description("quarter of the year of the given timestamp")
  public static long quarterFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return QUARTER_OF_YEAR.getField(getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey())).get(timestamp);

  @Description("quarter of the year of the given timestamp")
  public static long quarterFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return QUARTER_OF_YEAR

  @Description("quarter of the year of the given date")
  public static long quarterFromDate(@SqlType(DateType.class) long date) {
    return QUARTER.get(date);

  @Description("year of the given timestamp")
  public static long yearFromTimestamp(
      ConnectorSession session, @SqlType(TimestampType.class) long timestamp) {
    return getChronology(session.getTimeZoneKey()).year().get(timestamp);

  @Description("year of the given timestamp")
  public static long yearFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return unpackChronology(timestampWithTimeZone)

  @Description("year of the given date")
  public static long yearFromDate(@SqlType(DateType.class) long date) {
    return YEAR.get(date);

  @Description("year of the given interval")
  public static long yearFromInterval(@SqlType(IntervalYearMonthType.class) long months) {
    return months / 12;

  @Description("time zone minute of the given timestamp")
  public static long timeZoneMinuteFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return extractZoneOffsetMinutes(timestampWithTimeZone) % 60;

  @Description("time zone hour of the given timestamp")
  public static long timeZoneHourFromTimestampWithTimeZone(
      @SqlType(TimestampWithTimeZoneType.class) long timestampWithTimeZone) {
    return extractZoneOffsetMinutes(timestampWithTimeZone) / 60;

  public static DateTimeFormatter createDateTimeFormatter(Slice format) {
    DateTimeFormatterBuilder builder = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder();

    String formatString = format.toString(Charsets.UTF_8);
    boolean escaped = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < format.length(); i++) {
      char character = formatString.charAt(i);

      if (escaped) {
        switch (character) {
          case 'a': // %a Abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)
          case 'b': // %b Abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)
          case 'c': // %c Month, numeric (0..12)
          case 'd': // %d Day of the month, numeric (00..31)
          case 'e': // %e Day of the month, numeric (0..31)
          case 'f': // %f Microseconds (000000..999999)
          case 'H': // %H Hour (00..23)
          case 'h': // %h Hour (01..12)
          case 'I': // %I Hour (01..12)
          case 'i': // %i Minutes, numeric (00..59)
          case 'j': // %j Day of year (001..366)
          case 'k': // %k Hour (0..23)
          case 'l': // %l Hour (1..12)
          case 'M': // %M Month name (January..December)
          case 'm': // %m Month, numeric (00..12)
          case 'p': // %p AM or PM
          case 'r': // %r Time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss followed by AM or PM)
                .appendLiteral(' ')
          case 'S': // %S Seconds (00..59)
          case 's': // %s Seconds (00..59)
          case 'T': // %T Time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)
          case 'v': // %v Week (01..53), where Monday is the first day of the week; used with %x
          case 'x': // %x Year for the week, where Monday is the first day of the week, numeric,
                    // four digits; used with %v
            builder.appendWeekyear(4, 4);
          case 'W': // %W Weekday name (Sunday..Saturday)
          case 'w': // %w Day of the week (0=Sunday..6=Saturday)
          case 'Y': // %Y Year, numeric, four digits
            builder.appendYear(4, 4);
          case 'y': // %y Year, numeric (two digits)
            builder.appendYearOfCentury(2, 2);
          case 'U': // %U Week (00..53), where Sunday is the first day of the week
          case 'u': // %u Week (00..53), where Monday is the first day of the week
          case 'V': // %V Week (01..53), where Sunday is the first day of the week; used with %X
          case 'X': // %X Year for the week where Sunday is the first day of the week, numeric, four
                    // digits; used with %V
          case 'D': // %D Day of the month with English suffix (0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, …)
            throw new PrestoException(
                String.format("%%%s not supported in date format string", character));
          case '%': // %% A literal “%” character
          default: // %<x> The literal character represented by <x>
        escaped = false;
      } else if (character == '%') {
        escaped = true;
      } else {

    try {
      return builder.toFormatter();
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
      throw new PrestoException(INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT.toErrorCode(), e);