Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Wrapper method is used to delete/ignore a Invite
   * @param connectionId unique id of the connection
   * @return returns true if invite is deleted successfully
   * @throws ProfileServiceException
  public boolean deleteInvite(String connectionId) throws ProfileServiceException {
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
      logger.entering(sourceClass, "deleteInvite", connectionId);
    Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
    parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.CONNECTIONID, connectionId);
    String url =
            ProfileEntity.NONADMIN.getProfileEntityType(), ProfileType.CONNECTION.getProfileType());
    boolean result = executeDelete(url, parameters);

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
      logger.exiting(sourceClass, "deleteInvite");
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Wrapper method to accept a Invite
   * @param connectionId unique id of the connection
   * @param title message to the other user
   * @param content message to the other user
   * @return if invite is accepted then return true
   * @throws ProfileServiceException
  public boolean acceptInvite(String connectionId, String title, String content)
      throws ProfileServiceException {
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
      logger.entering(sourceClass, "acceptInvite", connectionId);

    Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
    parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.CONNECTIONID, connectionId);
    String url =
            ProfileEntity.NONADMIN.getProfileEntityType(), ProfileType.CONNECTION.getProfileType());

    XMLProfilesPayloadBuilder builder = XMLProfilesPayloadBuilder.INSTANCE;
    Object payload = builder.generateAcceptInvitePayload(connectionId, title, content);
    boolean result = executePut(url, parameters, null, payload, null);
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
      logger.exiting(sourceClass, "acceptInvite");
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Wrapper method to get check if two users are colleagues
   * @param sourceId userid or email of first user
   * @param targetId userid or email of second user
   * @param parameters list of query string parameters to pass to API
   * @return ConnectionEntry
   * @throws ProfileServiceException
  private ConnectionEntry checkColleague(
      String sourceId, String targetId, Map<String, String> parameters)
      throws ProfileServiceException {

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
      logger.entering(sourceClass, "checkColleague");
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sourceId)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.InvalidArgument_4);
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(targetId)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.InvalidArgument_5);
    Document data = null;
    if (parameters == null) {
      parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
    String url =
            ProfileEntity.NONADMIN.getProfileEntityType(), ProfileType.CONNECTION.getProfileType());
    if (isEmail(sourceId)) {
      parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.SOURCEEMAIL, sourceId);
    } else {
      parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.SOURCEUSERID, sourceId);
    if (isEmail(targetId)) {
      parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.TARGETEMAIL, targetId);
    } else {
      parameters.put(ProfileRequestParams.TARGETUSERID, targetId);
    parameters.put("connectionType", "colleague");

    data = executeGet(url, parameters, ClientService.FORMAT_XML);
    ConnectionEntry connection =
        Converter.returnConnectionEntries(data, "connectionEntry").iterator().next();

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
      logger.exiting(sourceClass, "getColleagues");
    return connection;