public String insertProfile(Profile profile) throws SQLException { String r = "New profile inserted!"; if (this.getProfileID(profile) == -1) { try { // creates a SQL Statement object in order to execute the SQL insert command stmt = conn.createStatement(); // String login = (firstName, lastName, password)).createLogin(); if (profile.getEmail() != null) { stmt.execute( "INSERT INTO Profiles (FirstName, LastName, Login, Password, Email, IsAdmin) " + "VALUES ('" + profile.getFirstName() + "', '" + profile.getLastName() + "', " + "'" + profile.getLogin() + "', '" + profile.getPassword() + "', " + "'" + profile.getEmail() + "', " + profile.isAdmin() + ")"); } else { stmt.execute( "INSERT INTO Profiles (FirstName, LastName, Login, Password, IsAdmin) " + "VALUES ('" + profile.getFirstName() + "', '" + profile.getLastName() + "', " + "'" + profile.getLogin() + "', '" + profile.getPassword() + "', " + profile.isAdmin() + ") "); } stmt.close(); // System.out.println("Requête executée"); } catch (SQLException e) { // System.err.println(e.toString()); r = e.toString(); throw e; } } return r; }
private void createNotification( Profile profile, UGCAudit currentAudit, Map<String, Profile> actionOwnersCache) { if (currentAudit.getProfileId() != null && !currentAudit.getProfileId().equalsIgnoreCase("anonymous")) { Notification notification = new Notification(); // ACTION of the current JOB notification.setAction(profile.getSubscriptions().getAction()); notification.setCreatedDate(new Date()); notification.setRow(currentAudit.getRow()); // FORMAT of the current JOB notification.setFormat(profile.getSubscriptions().getFormat()); // FORMAT of the current JOB notification.setFrequency(profile.getSubscriptions().getFrequency()); notification.setSubscriberUsername(profile.getUserName()); notification.setSubscriberEmail(profile.getEmail()); notification.setSubscriberId(profile.getId()); notification.setTransmitedStatus(TransmittedStatus.PENDING); notification.setEvent( createEvent(currentAudit, getActionAuditOwner(actionOwnersCache, currentAudit)));; } }
private Profile getActionAuditOwner( Map<String, Profile> actionOwnersCache, UGCAudit currentAudit) { Profile p = actionOwnersCache.get(currentAudit.getProfileId()); if (p == null) { Profile currentProfile = this.profileRepository.findOne(new ObjectId(currentAudit.getProfileId())); p = new Profile(); if (currentProfile != null) { p.setUserName(currentProfile.getUserName()); p.setTenantName(currentProfile.getTenantName()); p.setEmail(currentProfile.getEmail()); p.setId(currentProfile.getId()); } actionOwnersCache.put(currentAudit.getProfileId(), p); } return p; }