Ejemplo n.º 1
  public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext)
      throws JSONException {
    // starting on ICS, some WebView methods
    // can only be called on UI threads
    mCallbackContext = callbackContext;
    mAction = action;
    mArgs = args;

    if (action.equals("saveScreenshot")) {
      if (PermissionHelper.hasPermission(this, PERMISSIONS[0])) {
      } else {
        PermissionHelper.requestPermissions(this, SAVE_SCREENSHOT_SEC, PERMISSIONS);
      return true;
    } else if (action.equals("getScreenshotAsURI")) {
      if (PermissionHelper.hasPermission(this, PERMISSIONS[0])) {
      } else {
        PermissionHelper.requestPermissions(this, SAVE_SCREENSHOT_URI_SEC, PERMISSIONS);
      return true;
    callbackContext.error("action not found");
    return false;
  public void delResource(Long resourceId, String resourceTypeId) {

    String applicationID = PermissionHelper.getApplicationID();
    String permissionTable = resourceTypeDao.getPermissionTable(applicationID, resourceTypeId);
        "delete " + permissionTable + " t where t.resourceId = ?", resourceId); // 删除该资源的所有授权信息
  public void moveResource(Long resourceId, String resourceTypeId) {
    String applicationID = PermissionHelper.getApplicationID();
    String permissionTable = resourceTypeDao.getPermissionTable(applicationID, resourceTypeId);
    String resourceTable = resourceTypeDao.getResourceTable(applicationID, resourceTypeId);

    List<?> subTree = getChildrenById(resourceTable, resourceId); // 连同自身节点

    IResource resource =
        (IResource) getEntity(BeanUtil.createClassByName(resourceTable), resourceId);
    String hql = "from " + permissionTable + " t where t.resourceId = ?";
    List<?> parentPermissions = getEntities(hql, resource.getParentId());

    String deleteHQL =
        "delete "
            + permissionTable
            + " t where t.resourceId = ? and t.roleId = ? "
            + " and t.operationId = ? and t.isGrant = ? and t.isPass = ?";

    for (Object temp : parentPermissions) {
      AbstractPermission parentPermission = (AbstractPermission) temp;
      Integer parentPermissionState = parentPermission.getPermissionState();

      // 判断移动后的父节点对各个操作权限的授权是否为全勾;如果为全勾,则移动过去整枝节点的授权状态都为全勾。
      if (parentPermissionState.equals(UMConstants.PERMIT_SUB_TREE)) {
        for (Object node : subTree) {
          IResource child = (IResource) node;

          // 先删除已经存在的资源操作的权限

          // 重新按(祖)父节点的权限(全勾)进行授权
          PermissionHelper.getInstance().createPermission(parentPermission, child, permissionTable);
      // 如果父节点是半勾,则移动过来的整枝权限不变
    // TODO 子节点有权限的操作项而继父节点没有的,暂不予处理。如果要保持界面上统一(子节点有勾选的,父节点也必然被勾选)的话,需要考虑删除子节点的这类权限
  public void addResource(Long resourceId, String resourceTypeId) {
    String applicationID = PermissionHelper.getApplicationID();
    String permissionTable = resourceTypeDao.getPermissionTable(applicationID, resourceTypeId);
    String resourceTable = resourceTypeDao.getResourceTable(applicationID, resourceTypeId);

    IResource resource =
        (IResource) getEntity(BeanUtil.createClassByName(resourceTable), resourceId);
    if (resource == null) {
      throw new BusinessException("权限补齐时找不到资源对象,请检查资源视图(" + resourceTable + ")中是否包含该对象?是否过滤掉了?");

    String hql = "from " + permissionTable + " t where t.resourceId = ? and t.permissionState = ?";
    List<?> parentPermissions =
        getEntities(hql, resource.getParentId(), UMConstants.PERMIT_SUB_TREE);
    for (Object temp : parentPermissions) {
      AbstractPermission parentPermission = (AbstractPermission) temp;
      PermissionHelper.getInstance().createPermission(parentPermission, resource, permissionTable);
  public List<?> getParentResourceIds(
      String applicationId,
      String resourceTypeId,
      Long resourceId,
      String operationId,
      Long operatorId) {

    String resourceTable =
        resourceTypeDao.getResourceTable(PermissionHelper.getApplicationID(), resourceTypeId);
    Class<?> resourceClazz = BeanUtil.createClassByName(resourceTable);
    IResource resource = (IResource) getEntity(resourceClazz, resourceId);

    String permissionTable = resourceTypeDao.getPermissionTable(applicationId, resourceTypeId);
    String hql =
        "select distinct t.id from "
            + resourceClazz.getName()
            + " t, RoleUserMapping r, "
            + permissionTable
            + " v"
            + " where t.id = v.resourceId and v.roleId = r.id.roleId and r.id.userId = ? and v.operationId = ? and ? like t.decode || '%'";

    return getEntities(hql, operatorId, operationId, resource.getDecode());