 public void testIsValidNavigonUrl() throws IOException {
   ParserResult result = read(TEST_PATH + "from-nmn.txt");
   assertEquals(NmnUrlFormat.class, result.getFormat().getClass());
   ParserResult plainResult = read(TEST_PATH + "from-nmn-plain.txt");
   assertEquals(NmnUrlFormat.class, plainResult.getFormat().getClass());
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Import an entry from an OAI2 archive. The BibtexEntry provided has to have the field
   * OAI2_IDENTIFIER_FIELD set to the search string.
   * @param key The OAI2 key to fetch from ArXiv.
   * @return The imnported BibtexEntry or null if none.
  private BibtexDatabase importInspireEntries(String key, OutputPrinter frame) {
    String url = constructUrl(key);
    try {
      HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
      conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Jabref");
      InputStream inputStream = conn.getInputStream();

      INSPIREBibtexFilterReader reader =
          new INSPIREBibtexFilterReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));

      ParserResult pr = BibtexParser.parse(reader);

      return pr.getDatabase();
    } catch (IOException e) {
          Localization.lang("An Exception ocurred while accessing '%0'", url) + "\n\n" + e,
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                  "An Error occurred while fetching from INSPIRE source (%0):", new String[] {url})
              + "\n\n"
              + e.getMessage(),
    return null;
  public void testAddEntrysFromFiles() throws Exception {
    ParserResult result =
        BibtexParser.parse(new FileReader(ImportDataTest.UNLINKED_FILES_TEST_BIB));
    BibtexDatabase database = result.getDatabase();

    List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();


    EntryFromFileCreatorManager manager = new EntryFromFileCreatorManager();
    List<String> errors = manager.addEntrysFromFiles(files, database, null, true);

    /** One file doesn't exist, so adding it as an entry should lead to an error message. */
    Assert.assertEquals(1, errors.size());

    boolean file1Found = false;
    boolean file2Found = false;
    for (BibtexEntry entry : database.getEntries()) {
      String filesInfo = entry.getField("file");
      if (filesInfo.contains(files.get(0).getName())) {
        file1Found = true;
      if (filesInfo.contains(files.get(1).getName())) {
        file2Found = true;

Ejemplo n.º 4
  * After a JabRef version number has been parsed and put into _pr, parse the version number to
  * determine the JabRef major and minor version number
 private void setMajorMinorVersions() {
   String v = _pr.getJabrefVersion();
   Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+).*");
   Matcher m = p.matcher(v);
   if (!m.matches()) return;
   if (m.groupCount() >= 2) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    ParserResult result =
        BibtexParser.parse(new FileReader(ImportDataTest.UNLINKED_FILES_TEST_BIB));
    database = result.getDatabase();
    entries = database.getEntries();

    entry1 = database.getEntryByKey("entry1");
    entry2 = database.getEntryByKey("entry2");
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private BibtexDatabase parseBibtexDatabase(List<String> id, boolean abs) throws IOException {
    if (id.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    URLConnection conn;
    try {
      conn = new URL(IEEEXploreFetcher.IMPORT_URL).openConnection();
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      return null;
    conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    conn.setRequestProperty("Referer", searchUrl);
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(conn.getOutputStream());

    String recordIds = "";
    for (String anId : id) {
      recordIds += anId + " ";
    recordIds = recordIds.trim();
    String citation = abs ? "citation-abstract" : "citation-only";

    String content =
            + recordIds.replaceAll(" ", "%20")
            + "&fromPageName=&citations-format="
            + citation
            + "&download-format=download-bibtex";

    BufferedReader bufr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    char[] buffer = new char[256];
    while (true) {
      int bytesRead = bufr.read(buffer);
      if (bytesRead == -1) {
      for (int i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++) {

    ParserResult results = new BibtexParser(bufr).parse();
    return results.getDatabase();
Ejemplo n.º 7
  public void checkEntryTypes(ParserResult _pr) {

    for (BibtexEntry be : _db.getEntries()) {
      if (be.getType() instanceof UnknownEntryType) {
        // Look up the unknown type name in our map of parsed types:

        Object o = entryTypes.get(be.getType().getName().toLowerCase());
        if (o != null) {
          BibtexEntryType type = (BibtexEntryType) o;
        } else {
          // System.out.println("Unknown entry type:
          // "+be.getType().getName());
              Globals.lang("unknown entry type")
                  + ": "
                  + be.getType().getName()
                  + ". "
                  + Globals.lang("Type set to 'other'")
                  + ".");
 void readRouteCharacteristics(
     String testFileName,
     RouteCharacteristics characteristics,
     int characteristicsCount,
     int[] positionCount)
     throws IOException {
   ParserResult result = read(testFileName);
   List<BaseRoute> routes = getRouteCharacteristics(result.getAllRoutes(), characteristics);
   if (routes == null || characteristicsCount == 0) {
   } else {
     assertEquals(characteristicsCount, routes.size());
     for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); i++) {
       BaseRoute route = routes.get(i);
       assertEquals(characteristics, route.getCharacteristics());
       assertEquals(positionCount[i], route.getPositionCount());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /** Adds a key-&gt;value assignment to the values HashMap */
 private void createKeyValueAssignment(String line, int lineNr) {
   String[] split = line.split("=");
   if (split.length == 1) {
     split = new String[] {split[0], ""};
   if (split[0].matches(PlotConstants.KEY_INT_GRID_WIDTH)) {
     parserResult.addPlotGridValue(split[0], new KeyValue(split[0], split[1], lineNr));
   } else {
     tempPlotValuesCache.put(split[0], new KeyValue(split[0], split[1], lineNr));
Ejemplo n.º 10
  public ParserResult parse(String source) {

    List<String> inputList = Arrays.asList(source.split("\n", -1));
    ListIterator<String> inputIterator = inputList.listIterator();

    while (inputIterator.hasNext()) {
      String line = inputIterator.next();
      if (line.isEmpty() || line.matches(PlotConstants.REGEX_COMMENT)) {
        /* ignore empty lines and comments */
      } else if (line.matches(PlotConstants.REGEX_PLOT)) {
        parserResult.addPlotState(createPlotStateObject(line.split(" "), inputIterator));
      } else if (line.matches(PlotConstants.REGEX_PLOT_ADD)) {
        List<PlotState> plotStates = parserResult.getPlotStateList();
        if (plotStates.isEmpty()) {
          // if no plotStates, create a new one
          parserResult.addPlotState(createPlotStateObject(line.split(" "), inputIterator));
        } else {
          // if plots exist, add new plotState to last plotState
          PlotState last = plotStates.get(plotStates.size() - 1);
          last.addSubPlot(createPlotStateObject(line.split(" "), inputIterator));
      } else if (line.matches(PlotConstants.REGEX_DATA)) {
        createDatasetObject(line.split(" "), inputIterator);
      } else if (line.matches(PlotConstants.REGEX_DATA_GUESS)) {
            .previous(); // Must go 1 step back to avoid skipping the first line in
                         // createDatasetObject
        createDatasetObject(new String[] {PlotConstants.DATA}, inputIterator);
      } else if (line.matches(PlotConstants.REGEX_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT)) {
        createKeyValueAssignment(line, inputIterator.nextIndex());
      } else {
        throw new ParserException(
            "Invalid line: " + line + "(line: " + inputIterator.nextIndex() + ")");

    return parserResult;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /** Is called after parsing everything to fill datasets in each plotState Object */
 private void addDatasetsToPlotStates() {
   if (datasetList.isEmpty()) {
     throw new ParserException("You must specify at least one dataset.");
   int actualAutoDatasetNr = 0;
   for (PlotState plotState : parserResult.getPlotStateList()) {
     actualAutoDatasetNr = addDataset(plotState, actualAutoDatasetNr);
     // also add datasets to subplots
     for (PlotState subPlotState : plotState.getSubplots()) {
       log.info("Add dataset for subplot");
       actualAutoDatasetNr = addDataset(subPlotState, actualAutoDatasetNr);
 ParserResult read(String testFileName) throws IOException {
   File source = new File(testFileName);
   ParserResult result = parser.read(source);
   assertTrue(result.getAllRoutes().size() > 0);
   assertNotNull("Cannot read route from " + source, result.getTheRoute());
   assertTrue(result.getTheRoute().getPositionCount() > 0);
   return result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
   * Tries to restore the key
   * @return rest of key on success, otherwise empty string
   * @throws IOException on Reader-Error
  private String fixKey() throws IOException {
    StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder();
    int lookahead_used = 0;
    char currentChar;

    // Find a char which ends key (','&&'\n') or entryfield ('='):
    do {
      currentChar = (char) read();
    } while ((currentChar != ',' && currentChar != '\n' && currentChar != '=')
        && (lookahead_used < LOOKAHEAD));

    // Consumed a char too much, back into reader and remove from key:
    key.deleteCharAt(key.length() - 1);

    // Restore if possible:
    switch (currentChar) {
      case '=':

        // Get entryfieldname, push it back and take rest as key
        key = key.reverse();

        boolean matchedAlpha = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) {
          currentChar = key.charAt(i);

          /// Skip spaces:
          if (!matchedAlpha && currentChar == ' ') {
          matchedAlpha = true;

          // Begin of entryfieldname (e.g. author) -> push back:
          if (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\n') {

             * found whitespaces, entryfieldname completed -> key in
             * keybuffer, skip whitespaces
            StringBuilder newKey = new StringBuilder();
            for (int j = i; j < key.length(); j++) {
              currentChar = key.charAt(j);
              if (!Character.isWhitespace(currentChar)) {

            // Finished, now reverse newKey and remove whitespaces:
                Globals.lang("Line %0: Found corrupted BibTeX-key.", String.valueOf(line)));
            key = newKey.reverse();

      case ',':
                "Line %0: Found corrupted BibTeX-key (contains whitespaces).",

      case '\n':
                "Line %0: Found corrupted BibTeX-key (comma missing).", String.valueOf(line)));



        // No more lookahead, give up:
        return "";

    return removeWhitespaces(key).toString();
Ejemplo n.º 14
   * Will parse the BibTex-Data found when reading from reader.
   * <p>The reader will be consumed.
   * <p>Multiple calls to parse() return the same results
   * @return ParserResult
   * @throws IOException
  public ParserResult parse() throws IOException {

    // If we already parsed this, just return it.
    if (_pr != null) return _pr;

    _db = new BibtexDatabase(); // Bibtex related contents.
    _meta = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Metadata in comments for Bibkeeper.
    entryTypes = new HashMap<String, BibtexEntryType>(); // To store custem entry types parsed.
    _pr = new ParserResult(_db, _meta, entryTypes);

    // First see if we can find the version number of the JabRef version that
    // wrote the file:
    String versionNum = readJabRefVersionNumber();
    if (versionNum != null) {
    } else {
      // No version number found. However, we have only


    try {
      while (!_eof) {
        boolean found = consumeUncritically('@');
        if (!found) break;
        String entryType = parseTextToken();
        BibtexEntryType tp = BibtexEntryType.getType(entryType);
        boolean isEntry = (tp != null);
        // Util.pr(tp.getName());
        if (!isEntry) {
          // The entry type name was not recognized. This can mean
          // that it is a string, preamble, or comment. If so,
          // parse and set accordingly. If not, assume it is an entry
          // with an unknown type.
          if (entryType.toLowerCase().equals("preamble")) {
          } else if (entryType.toLowerCase().equals("string")) {
            BibtexString bs = parseString();
            try {
            } catch (KeyCollisionException ex) {
              _pr.addWarning(Globals.lang("Duplicate string name") + ": " + bs.getName());
              // ex.printStackTrace();
          } else if (entryType.toLowerCase().equals("comment")) {
            StringBuffer commentBuf = parseBracketedTextExactly();
             * Metadata are used to store Bibkeeper-specific information in .bib files.
             * <p>Metadata are stored in bibtex files in the format
             * @comment{jabref-meta: type:data0;data1;data2;...}
             *     <p>Each comment that starts with the META_FLAG is stored in the meta HashMap,
             *     with type as key. Unluckily, the old META_FLAG bibkeeper-meta: was used in JabRef
             *     1.0 and 1.1, so we need to support it as well. At least for a while. We'll always
             *     save with the new one.
            String comment = commentBuf.toString().replaceAll("[\\x0d\\x0a]", "");
            if (comment
                    .substring(0, Math.min(comment.length(), GUIGlobals.META_FLAG.length()))
                || comment
                    .substring(0, Math.min(comment.length(), GUIGlobals.META_FLAG_OLD.length()))
                    .equals(GUIGlobals.META_FLAG_OLD)) {

              String rest;
              if (comment.substring(0, GUIGlobals.META_FLAG.length()).equals(GUIGlobals.META_FLAG))
                rest = comment.substring(GUIGlobals.META_FLAG.length());
              else rest = comment.substring(GUIGlobals.META_FLAG_OLD.length());

              int pos = rest.indexOf(':');

              if (pos > 0) _meta.put(rest.substring(0, pos), rest.substring(pos + 1));
              // We remove all line breaks in the metadata - these
              // will have been inserted
              // to prevent too long lines when the file was
              // saved, and are not part of the data.

             * A custom entry type can also be stored in a
             * @comment:
            if (comment
                .substring(0, Math.min(comment.length(), GUIGlobals.ENTRYTYPE_FLAG.length()))
                .equals(GUIGlobals.ENTRYTYPE_FLAG)) {

              CustomEntryType typ = CustomEntryType.parseEntryType(comment);
              entryTypes.put(typ.getName().toLowerCase(), typ);
          } else {
            // The entry type was not recognized. This may mean that
            // it is a custom entry type whose definition will
            // appear
            // at the bottom of the file. So we use an
            // UnknownEntryType
            // to remember the type name by.
            tp = new UnknownEntryType(entryType.toLowerCase());
            // System.out.println("unknown type: "+entryType);
            isEntry = true;

        if (isEntry) // True if not comment, preamble or string.
           * Morten Alver 13 Aug 2006: Trying to make the parser more robust. If an exception is
           * thrown when parsing an entry, drop the entry and try to resume parsing. Add a warning
           * for the user.
           * <p>An alternative solution is to try rescuing the entry for which parsing failed, by
           * returning the entry with the exception and adding it before parsing is continued.
          try {
            BibtexEntry be = parseEntry(tp);

            boolean duplicateKey = _db.insertEntry(be);
            if (duplicateKey) // JZTODO lyrics
                  Globals.lang("duplicate BibTeX key")
                      + ": "
                      + be.getCiteKey()
                      + " ("
                      + Globals.lang("grouping may not work for this entry")
                      + ")");
            else if (be.getCiteKey() == null || be.getCiteKey().equals("")) {
                  Globals.lang("empty BibTeX key")
                      + ": "
                      + be.getAuthorTitleYear(40)
                      + " ("
                      + Globals.lang("grouping may not work for this entry")
                      + ")");
          } catch (IOException ex) {
                Globals.lang("Error occured when parsing entry")
                    + ": '"
                    + ex.getMessage()
                    + "'. "
                    + Globals.lang("Skipped entry."));


      // Before returning the database, update entries with unknown type
      // based on parsed type definitions, if possible.

      return _pr;
    } catch (KeyCollisionException kce) {
      // kce.printStackTrace();
      throw new IOException("Duplicate ID in bibtex file: " + kce.toString());
Ejemplo n.º 15
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    boolean createSampleSet = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[2]);
    int sampleSetSize = 0;
    if (createSampleSet) {
      sampleSetSize = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
    boolean dryRun = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[1]);
    File basePath = new File(args[0]);
    if (basePath.exists()) {

      File artistsFile = null;
      File labelsFile = null;
      File mastersFile = null;
      File releasesFile = null;

      for (File child : basePath.listFiles()) {
        if (child.isFile()) {
          String filename = child.getName().toLowerCase();
          if (filename.endsWith("_artists.xml")) {
            artistsFile = child;
          } else if (filename.endsWith("_labels.xml")) {
            labelsFile = child;
          } else if (filename.endsWith("_masters.xml")) {
            mastersFile = child;
          } else if (filename.endsWith("_releases.xml")) {
            releasesFile = child;

      if (artistsFile == null
          || labelsFile == null
          || mastersFile == null
          || releasesFile == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Not all needed files found");

      List<Artist> artists = null;
      ParserResult<Artist> artistParserResult = null;
      try (FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(artistsFile)) {
        StaxParser<Artist> parser = new ArtistStaxParser(dryRun);
        artistParserResult = parser.parse(is);
        artists = artistParserResult.getResult();

      List<Label> labels = null;
      ParserResult<Label> labelParserResult = null;
      try (FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(labelsFile)) {
        StaxParser<Label> parser = new LabelStaxParser(dryRun);
        labelParserResult = parser.parse(is);
        labels = labelParserResult.getResult();

      List<Master> masters = null;
      ParserResult<Master> masterParserResult = null;
      try (FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(mastersFile)) {
        StaxParser<Master> parser = new MasterStaxParser(dryRun);
        masterParserResult = parser.parse(is);
        masters = masterParserResult.getResult();

      List<Release> releases = null;
      ParserResult<Release> releaseParserResult = null;
      try (FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(releasesFile)) {
        StaxParser<Release> parser = new ReleaseStaxParser(dryRun, sampleSetSize);
        releaseParserResult = parser.parse(is);
        releases = releaseParserResult.getResult();

      System.out.println("Found " + artistParserResult);
      System.out.println("Found " + labelParserResult);
      System.out.println("Found " + masterParserResult);
      System.out.println("Found " + releaseParserResult);

      if (createSampleSet) {
        System.out.println("Collecting data for sample dataset...");

        Set<Artist> neededArtist = new HashSet<>(artists.size() / 1000);
        for (Release release : releases) {
          for (ArtistRef ref : release.getArtists()) {
            Artist artist = findArtist(ref.getArtistId(), artists);
            if (artist != null) {
          for (ArtistRef ref : release.getExtraArtists()) {
            Artist artist = findArtist(ref.getArtistId(), artists);
            if (artist != null) {

        File file = new File(basePath, "dataset.sample");
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
        SerializationServiceBuilder builder = new SerializationServiceBuilder();
        SerializationService ss =
                .setPartitioningStrategy(new DefaultPartitioningStrategy())

        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
        ObjectDataOutputStream out = new ObjectDataOutputStream(bos, ss, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);

        System.out.println("Writing " + neededArtist.size() + " artists to sample dataset...");
        for (Artist artist : neededArtist) {
        System.out.println("Writing " + labels.size() + " labels to sample dataset...");
        for (Label label : labels) {
        System.out.println("Writing " + masters.size() + " masters to sample dataset...");
        for (Master master : masters) {
        System.out.println("Writing " + releases.size() + " releases to sample dataset...");
        for (Release release : releases) {
  public void testReadWithFormatList() throws IOException {
    List<NavigationFormat> formats = new ArrayList<>();
    ParserResult result1 = parser.read(new File(TEST_PATH + "from.itn"), formats);

    formats.add(new TomTom8RouteFormat());
    ParserResult result2 = parser.read(new File(TEST_PATH + "from.itn"), formats);
    assertEquals(0, result2.getTheRoute().getPositions().size());
    assertEquals(1, result2.getAllRoutes().size());
    assertEquals(result2.getFormat().getClass(), TomTom8RouteFormat.class);

    formats.add(new TomTom5RouteFormat());
    ParserResult result3 = parser.read(new File(TEST_PATH + "from.itn"), formats);
    assertEquals(46, result3.getTheRoute().getPositions().size());
    assertEquals(1, result3.getAllRoutes().size());
    assertEquals(result3.getFormat().getClass(), TomTom5RouteFormat.class);
 public void testIsValidGoogleMapsUrl() throws IOException {
   ParserResult result = read(TEST_PATH + "from-googlemaps.url");
   assertEquals(GoogleMapsUrlFormat.class, result.getFormat().getClass());