 public void setup() throws IOException {
   OperaIntervals.HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT.setValue(new Duration(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
   profileDirectory = new TemporaryFolder().newFolder();
   capabilities.setCapability(PROFILE.getCapability(), profileDirectory.getPath());
  /** {@inheritDoc */
  public void execute(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation)
      throws OperationFailedException {

    final Resource resource = context.createResource(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
    final ModelNode model = resource.getModel();

    for (AttributeDefinition attr : ServerGroupResourceDefinition.ADD_ATTRIBUTES) {
      attr.validateAndSet(operation, model);

    // Validate the profile reference.

    // Future proofing: We resolve the profile in Stage.MODEL even though system properties may not
    // be available yet
    // solely because currently the attribute doesn't support expressions. In the future if system
    // properties
    // can safely be resolved in stage model, this profile attribute can be changed and this will
    // still work.
    boolean reloadRequired = false;
    final String profile = PROFILE.resolveModelAttribute(context, model).asString();
    try {
          PathAddress.pathAddress(PathElement.pathElement(PROFILE.getName(), profile)));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (master) {
        throw DomainControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.noProfileCalled(profile);
      } else {
        // We are a slave HC and we don't have the socket-binding-group required, so put the slave
        // into reload-required
        reloadRequired = true;

    final String socketBindingGroup;
    if (operation.hasDefined(SOCKET_BINDING_GROUP.getName())) {
      socketBindingGroup = SOCKET_BINDING_GROUP.resolveModelAttribute(context, model).asString();
      try {
                PathElement.pathElement(SOCKET_BINDING_GROUP.getName(), socketBindingGroup)));
      } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        if (master) {
          throw new OperationFailedException(
                  SOCKET_BINDING_GROUP.getName(), socketBindingGroup));
        } else {
          // We are a slave HC and we don't have the socket-binding-group required, so put the slave
          // into reload-required
          reloadRequired = true;
    } else {
      socketBindingGroup = null;

    final boolean revertReloadRequiredOnRollback = reloadRequired;
        new OperationContext.ResultHandler() {
          public void handleResult(
              ResultAction resultAction, OperationContext context, ModelNode operation) {
            if (resultAction == ResultAction.ROLLBACK) {
              if (revertReloadRequiredOnRollback) {