Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void finishDisconnect(final Message m, final PeerNode source) {
   source.disconnected(true, true);
   // If true, remove from active routing table, likely to be down for a while.
   // Otherwise just dump all current connection state and keep trying to connect.
   boolean remove = m.getBoolean(DMT.REMOVE);
   if (remove) node.peers.disconnect(source, false, false, false);
   // If true, purge all references to this node. Otherwise, we can keep the node
   // around in secondary tables etc in order to more easily reconnect later.
   // (Mostly used on opennet)
   boolean purge = m.getBoolean(DMT.PURGE);
   if (purge) {
     OpennetManager om = node.getOpennet();
     if (om != null) om.purgeOldOpennetPeer(source);
   // Process parting message
   int type = m.getInt(DMT.NODE_TO_NODE_MESSAGE_TYPE);
   ShortBuffer messageData = (ShortBuffer) m.getObject(DMT.NODE_TO_NODE_MESSAGE_DATA);
   if (messageData.getLength() == 0) return;
   node.receivedNodeToNodeMessage(source, type, messageData, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Send loop. Strategy: - Each peer can tell us when its data needs to be sent by. This is usually
   * 100ms after it is posted. It could vary by message type. Acknowledgements also become valid
   * 100ms after being queued. - If any peer's data is overdue, send the data from the most overdue
   * peer. - If there are peers with more than a packet's worth of data queued, send the data from
   * the peer with the oldest data. - If there are peers with overdue ack's, send to the peer whose
   * acks are oldest.
   * <p>It does not attempt to ensure fairness, it attempts to minimise latency. Fairness is best
   * dealt with at a higher level e.g. requests, although some transfers are not part of requests,
   * e.g. bulk f2f transfers, so we may need to reconsider this eventually...
  private void realRun() {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    PeerManager pm;
    PeerNode[] nodes;

    pm = node.peers;
    nodes = pm.myPeers();

    long nextActionTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    long oldTempNow = now;

    boolean canSendThrottled = false;

    int MAX_PACKET_SIZE = node.darknetCrypto.socket.getMaxPacketSize();
    long count = node.outputThrottle.getCount();
    if (count > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) canSendThrottled = true;
    else {
      long canSendAt = node.outputThrottle.getNanosPerTick() * (MAX_PACKET_SIZE - count);
      canSendAt = MILLISECONDS.convert(canSendAt + MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1) - 1, NANOSECONDS);
      if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Can send throttled packets in " + canSendAt + "ms");
      nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, now + canSendAt);

     * The earliest time at which a peer needs to send a packet, which is before now. Throttled if
     * canSendThrottled, otherwise not throttled. Note: we only use it to sort the full-packed peers
     * by priority, don't rely on it when setting nextActionTime!
    long lowestUrgentSendTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    /** The peer(s) which lowestUrgentSendTime is referring to */
    ArrayList<PeerNode> urgentSendPeers = null;
     * The earliest time at which a peer needs to send a packet, which is after now, where there is
     * a full packet's worth of data to send. Throttled if canSendThrottled, otherwise not
     * throttled.
    long lowestFullPacketSendTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    /** The peer(s) which lowestFullPacketSendTime is referring to */
    ArrayList<PeerNode> urgentFullPacketPeers = null;
    /** The earliest time at which a peer needs to send an ack, before now. */
    long lowestAckTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    /** The peer(s) which lowestAckTime is referring to */
    ArrayList<PeerNode> ackPeers = null;
    /** The earliest time at which a peer needs to handshake. */
    long lowestHandshakeTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    /** The peer(s) which lowestHandshakeTime is referring to */
    ArrayList<PeerNode> handshakePeers = null;

    for (PeerNode pn : nodes) {
      now = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // Basic peer maintenance.

      // For purposes of detecting not having received anything, which indicates a
      // serious connectivity problem, we want to look for *any* packets received,
      // including auth packets.
      lastReceivedPacketFromAnyNode =
          Math.max(pn.lastReceivedPacketTime(), lastReceivedPacketFromAnyNode);
      if (pn.shouldDisconnectAndRemoveNow() && !pn.isDisconnecting()) {
        // Might as well do it properly.
        node.peers.disconnectAndRemove(pn, true, true, false);

      if (pn.isConnected()) {

        boolean shouldThrottle = pn.shouldThrottle();


        // Is the node dead?
        // It might be disconnected in terms of FNP but trying to reconnect via JFK's, so we need to
        // use the time when we last got a *data* packet.
        if (now - pn.lastReceivedDataPacketTime() > pn.maxTimeBetweenReceivedPackets()) {
          Logger.normal(this, "Disconnecting from " + pn + " - haven't received packets recently");
          // Hopefully this is a transient network glitch, but stuff will have already started to
          // timeout, so lets dump the pending messages.
          pn.disconnected(true, false);
        } else if (now - pn.lastReceivedAckTime() > pn.maxTimeBetweenReceivedAcks()
            && !pn.isDisconnecting()) {
          // FIXME better to disconnect immediately??? Or check canSend()???
          Logger.normal(this, "Disconnecting from " + pn + " - haven't received acks recently");
          // Do it properly.
          // There appears to be connectivity from them to us but not from us to them.
          // So it is helpful for them to know that we are disconnecting.
          node.peers.disconnect(pn, true, true, false, true, false, SECONDS.toMillis(5));
        } else if (pn.isRoutable() && pn.noLongerRoutable()) {
          NOTE: Whereas isRoutable() && noLongerRoutable() are generally mutually exclusive, this
          code will only execute because of the scheduled-runnable in start() which executes
          updateVersionRoutablity() on all our peers. We don't disconnect the peer, but mark it
          as being incompatible.
              "shouldDisconnectNow has returned true : marking the peer as incompatible: " + pn);

        // The peer is connected.

        if (canSendThrottled || !shouldThrottle) {
          // We can send to this peer.
          long sendTime = pn.getNextUrgentTime(now);
          if (sendTime != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
            if (sendTime <= now) {
              // Message is urgent.
              if (sendTime < lowestUrgentSendTime) {
                lowestUrgentSendTime = sendTime;
                if (urgentSendPeers != null) urgentSendPeers.clear();
                else urgentSendPeers = new ArrayList<PeerNode>();
              if (sendTime <= lowestUrgentSendTime) urgentSendPeers.add(pn);
            } else if (pn.fullPacketQueued()) {
              if (sendTime < lowestFullPacketSendTime) {
                lowestFullPacketSendTime = sendTime;
                if (urgentFullPacketPeers != null) urgentFullPacketPeers.clear();
                else urgentFullPacketPeers = new ArrayList<PeerNode>();
              if (sendTime <= lowestFullPacketSendTime) urgentFullPacketPeers.add(pn);
        } else if (shouldThrottle && !canSendThrottled) {
          long ackTime = pn.timeSendAcks();
          if (ackTime != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
            if (ackTime <= now) {
              if (ackTime < lowestAckTime) {
                lowestAckTime = ackTime;
                if (ackPeers != null) ackPeers.clear();
                else ackPeers = new ArrayList<PeerNode>();
              if (ackTime <= lowestAckTime) ackPeers.add(pn);

        if (canSendThrottled || !shouldThrottle) {
          long urgentTime = pn.getNextUrgentTime(now);
          // Should spam the logs, unless there is a deadlock
          if (urgentTime < Long.MAX_VALUE && logMINOR)
                "Next urgent time: " + urgentTime + "(in " + (urgentTime - now) + ") for " + pn);
          nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, urgentTime);
        } else {
          nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, pn.timeCheckForLostPackets());
      } else
      // Not connected

      if (pn.noContactDetails()) pn.startARKFetcher();

      long handshakeTime = pn.timeSendHandshake(now);
      if (handshakeTime != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
        if (handshakeTime < lowestHandshakeTime) {
          lowestHandshakeTime = handshakeTime;
          if (handshakePeers != null) handshakePeers.clear();
          else handshakePeers = new ArrayList<PeerNode>();
        if (handshakeTime <= lowestHandshakeTime) handshakePeers.add(pn);

      long tempNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
      if ((tempNow - oldTempNow) > SECONDS.toMillis(5))
            "tempNow is more than 5 seconds past oldTempNow ("
                + (tempNow - oldTempNow)
                + ") in PacketSender working with "
                + pn.userToString());
      oldTempNow = tempNow;

    // We may send a packet, send an ack-only packet, or send a handshake.

    PeerNode toSendPacket = null;
    PeerNode toSendAckOnly = null;
    PeerNode toSendHandshake = null;

    long t = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    if (lowestUrgentSendTime <= now) {
      // We need to send a full packet.
      toSendPacket = urgentSendPeers.get(localRandom.nextInt(urgentSendPeers.size()));
      t = lowestUrgentSendTime;
    } else if (lowestFullPacketSendTime < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
      toSendPacket = urgentFullPacketPeers.get(localRandom.nextInt(urgentFullPacketPeers.size()));
      t = lowestFullPacketSendTime;
    } else if (lowestAckTime <= now) {
      // We need to send an ack
      toSendAckOnly = ackPeers.get(localRandom.nextInt(ackPeers.size()));
      t = lowestAckTime;

    if (lowestHandshakeTime <= now && t > lowestHandshakeTime) {
      toSendHandshake = handshakePeers.get(localRandom.nextInt(handshakePeers.size()));
      toSendPacket = null;
      toSendAckOnly = null;

    if (toSendPacket != null) {
      try {
        if (toSendPacket.maybeSendPacket(now, false)) {
          // Round-robin over the loop to update nextActionTime appropriately
          nextActionTime = now;
      } catch (BlockedTooLongException e) {
            "Waited too long: "
                + TimeUtil.formatTime(e.delta)
                + " to allocate a packet number to send to "
                + toSendPacket
                + " : "
                + ("(new packet format)")
                + " (version "
                + toSendPacket.getVersionNumber()
                + ") - DISCONNECTING!");

      if (canSendThrottled || !toSendPacket.shouldThrottle()) {
        long urgentTime = toSendPacket.getNextUrgentTime(now);
        // Should spam the logs, unless there is a deadlock
        if (urgentTime < Long.MAX_VALUE && logMINOR)
              "Next urgent time: "
                  + urgentTime
                  + "(in "
                  + (urgentTime - now)
                  + ") for "
                  + toSendPacket);
        nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, urgentTime);
      } else {
        nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, toSendPacket.timeCheckForLostPackets());

    } else if (toSendAckOnly != null) {
      try {
        if (toSendAckOnly.maybeSendPacket(now, true)) {
          count = node.outputThrottle.getCount();
          if (count > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) canSendThrottled = true;
          else {
            canSendThrottled = false;
            long canSendAt = node.outputThrottle.getNanosPerTick() * (MAX_PACKET_SIZE - count);
            canSendAt = MILLISECONDS.convert(canSendAt + MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1) - 1, NANOSECONDS);
            if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Can send throttled packets in " + canSendAt + "ms");
            nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, now + canSendAt);
      } catch (BlockedTooLongException e) {
            "Waited too long: "
                + TimeUtil.formatTime(e.delta)
                + " to allocate a packet number to send to "
                + toSendAckOnly
                + " : "
                + ("(new packet format)")
                + " (version "
                + toSendAckOnly.getVersionNumber()
                + ") - DISCONNECTING!");

      if (canSendThrottled || !toSendAckOnly.shouldThrottle()) {
        long urgentTime = toSendAckOnly.getNextUrgentTime(now);
        // Should spam the logs, unless there is a deadlock
        if (urgentTime < Long.MAX_VALUE && logMINOR)
              "Next urgent time: "
                  + urgentTime
                  + "(in "
                  + (urgentTime - now)
                  + ") for "
                  + toSendAckOnly);
        nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, urgentTime);
      } else {
        nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, toSendAckOnly.timeCheckForLostPackets());

    /* Estimating of nextActionTime logic:
     * FullPackets:
     *  - A full packet available, bandwidth available  -->> now
     *  - A full packet available for non-throttled peer -->> now
     *  - A full packet available, no bandwidth -->> wait till bandwidth available
     *  - No packet -->> don't care, will wake up anyway when one arrives, goto Nothing
     * UrgentMessages: Only applies when there's enough bandwidth to send a full packet, Includes any urgent acks
     *  - There's an urgent message, deadline(urgentMessage) > now -->> deadline(urgentMessage)
     *  - There's an urgent message, deadline(urgentMessage) <= now -->> now
     *  - There's an urgent message, but there's not enough bandwidth for a full packet -->> wait till bandwidth available
     *  - There's no urgent message -->> don't care, goto Nothing
     * Nothing:
     *  -->> timeCheckForLostPackets

    if (toSendHandshake != null) {
      // Send handshake if necessary
      long beforeHandshakeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      toSendHandshake.getOutgoingMangler().sendHandshake(toSendHandshake, false);
      long afterHandshakeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      if ((afterHandshakeTime - beforeHandshakeTime) > SECONDS.toMillis(2))
            "afterHandshakeTime is more than 2 seconds past beforeHandshakeTime ("
                + (afterHandshakeTime - beforeHandshakeTime)
                + ") in PacketSender working with "
                + toSendHandshake.userToString());

    // All of these take into account whether the data can be sent already.
    // So we can include them in nextActionTime.
    nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, lowestUrgentSendTime);
    nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, lowestFullPacketSendTime);
    nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, lowestAckTime);
    nextActionTime = Math.min(nextActionTime, lowestHandshakeTime);

    // FIXME: If we send something we will have to go around the loop again.
    // OPTIMISATION: We could track the second best, and check how many are in the array.

    /* Attempt to connect to old-opennet-peers.
     * Constantly send handshake packets, in order to get through a NAT.
     * Most JFK(1)'s are less than 300 bytes. 25*300/15 = avg 500B/sec bandwidth cost.
     * Well worth it to allow us to reconnect more quickly. */

    OpennetManager om = node.getOpennet();
    if (om != null && node.getUptime() > SECONDS.toMillis(30)) {
      PeerNode[] peers = om.getOldPeers();

      for (PeerNode pn : peers) {
        long lastConnected = pn.timeLastConnected(now);
        if (lastConnected <= 0)
          Logger.error(this, "Last connected is zero or negative for old-opennet-peer " + pn);
        // Will be removed by next line.
        if (now - lastConnected > OpennetManager.MAX_TIME_ON_OLD_OPENNET_PEERS) {
          if (logMINOR)
                "Removing old opennet peer (too old): "
                    + pn
                    + " age is "
                    + TimeUtil.formatTime(now - lastConnected));
        if (pn.isConnected()) continue; // Race condition??
        if (pn.noContactDetails()) {
        if (pn.shouldSendHandshake()) {
          // Send handshake if necessary
          long beforeHandshakeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          pn.getOutgoingMangler().sendHandshake(pn, true);
          long afterHandshakeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          if ((afterHandshakeTime - beforeHandshakeTime) > SECONDS.toMillis(2))
                "afterHandshakeTime is more than 2 seconds past beforeHandshakeTime ("
                    + (afterHandshakeTime - beforeHandshakeTime)
                    + ") in PacketSender working with "
                    + pn.userToString());

    long oldNow = now;

    // Send may have taken some time
    now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if ((now - oldNow) > SECONDS.toMillis(10))
          this, "now is more than 10 seconds past oldNow (" + (now - oldNow) + ") in PacketSender");

    long sleepTime = nextActionTime - now;

    // MAX_COALESCING_DELAYms maximum sleep time - same as the maximum coalescing delay
    sleepTime = Math.min(sleepTime, MAX_COALESCING_DELAY);

    if (now - node.startupTime > MINUTES.toMillis(5))
      if (now - lastReceivedPacketFromAnyNode > Node.ALARM_TIME) {
            "Have not received any packets from any node in last "
                + SECONDS.convert(Node.ALARM_TIME, MILLISECONDS)
                + " seconds");
        lastReportedNoPackets = now;

    if (sleepTime > 0) {
      // Update logging only when have time to do so
      try {
        if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Sleeping for " + sleepTime);
        synchronized (this) {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // Ignore, just wake up. Probably we got interrupt()ed
        // because a new packet came in.
    } else {
      if (logDEBUG)
        Logger.debug(this, "Next urgent time is " + (now - nextActionTime) + "ms in the past");