Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void tick() {
    super.tick(); // ticks the Entity.java part of this class

    if (level.player != null
        && randomWalkTime
            == 0) { // checks if player is on zombies level and if there is no time left on timer
      int xd = level.player.x - x; // gets the horizontal distance between the zombie and the player
      int yd = level.player.y - y; // gets the vertical distance between the zombie and the player
      if (xd * xd + yd * yd < 50 * 50) { // more evil distance checker code
        xa = 0; // sets direction to nothing
        ya = 0;
        if (xd < 0)
          xa =
              -1; // if the horizontal difference is smaller than 0, then the x acceleration will be
                  // 1 (negative direction)
        if (xd > 0)
          xa =
              +1; // if the horizontal difference is larger than 0, then the x acceleration will be
                  // 1
        if (yd < 0)
          ya =
              -1; // if the vertical difference is smaller than 0, then the y acceleration will be 1
                  // (negative direction)
        if (yd > 0)
          ya = +1; // if the vertical difference is larger than 0, then the y acceleration will be 1

    // halp david! I have no idea what the & sign does in maths! Unless it's a bit opereator, in
    // which case I'm rusty
    // Calm down, go google "java bitwise AND operator" for information about this. -David
    int speed = tickTime & 1; // Speed is either 0 or 1 depending on the tickTime
    if (!move(xa * speed, ya * speed)
        || random.nextInt(200)
            == 0) { // moves the zombie, doubles as a check to see if it's still moving -OR- random
                    // chance out of 200
      randomWalkTime = 60; // sets the not-so-random walk time to 60
      xa =
          (random.nextInt(3) - 1)
              * random.nextInt(2); // sets the acceleration to random i.e. idling code
      ya =
          (random.nextInt(3) - 1)
              * random.nextInt(2); // sets the acceleration to random i.e. idling code
    if (randomWalkTime > 0) randomWalkTime--; // if walk time is larger than 0, decrement!