Ejemplo n.º 1
   * <code>toRotationMatrix</code> converts this quaternion to a rotational matrix. The result is
   * stored in result. 4th row and 4th column values are untouched. Note: the result is created from
   * a normalized version of this quat.
   * @param result The Matrix4f to store the result in.
   * @return the rotation matrix representation of this quaternion.
  public Matrix4f toRotationMatrix(Matrix4f result) {

    float norm = norm();
    // we explicitly test norm against one here, saving a division
    // at the cost of a test and branch.  Is it worth it?
    float s = (norm == 1f) ? 2f : (norm > 0f) ? 2f / norm : 0;

    // compute xs/ys/zs first to save 6 multiplications, since xs/ys/zs
    // will be used 2-4 times each.
    float xs = x * s;
    float ys = y * s;
    float zs = z * s;
    float xx = x * xs;
    float xy = x * ys;
    float xz = x * zs;
    float xw = w * xs;
    float yy = y * ys;
    float yz = y * zs;
    float yw = w * ys;
    float zz = z * zs;
    float zw = w * zs;

    // using s=2/norm (instead of 1/norm) saves 9 multiplications by 2 here
    result.m00 = 1 - (yy + zz);
    result.m01 = (xy - zw);
    result.m02 = (xz + yw);
    result.m10 = (xy + zw);
    result.m11 = 1 - (xx + zz);
    result.m12 = (yz - xw);
    result.m20 = (xz - yw);
    result.m21 = (yz + xw);
    result.m22 = 1 - (xx + yy);

    return result;