private void startChecksum(ByteBuffer dataBuffer, boolean isChecksumTarget)
      throws ChecksumException {

    if (!doChecksumOnRead) {

    if (!isChecksumTarget) {

    /* Clear out any previous data. */

    int originalPosition = threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer);
    if (currentEntryHeader.isInvisible()) {

       * Turn off invisibility so that the checksum will succeed. When
       * entries are made invisible, the checksum is not adjusted. Note
       * that the dataBuffer can leave the invisible bit transformed,
       * because the header has already been initialized, and this data
       * will never be read again.
          dataBuffer, originalPosition - LogEntryHeader.MIN_HEADER_SIZE);

    /* Position the buffer at the start of the data, after the checksum. */
    int headerSizeMinusChecksum = currentEntryHeader.getInvariantSizeMinusChecksum();
    int entryTypeStart = originalPosition - headerSizeMinusChecksum;
    threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer, entryTypeStart);

    /* Load the validate with the header bytes. */
    cksumValidator.update(dataBuffer, headerSizeMinusChecksum);

    /* Move the data buffer back to the original position. */
    threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer, originalPosition);