Ejemplo n.º 1
 static {
   InputStream resource = Boot._init.getResource2("/page.html");
   try {
     _htmlTemplate =
         new String(ByteStreams.toByteArray(resource)).replace("%cloud_name", H2O.NAME);
   } catch (NullPointerException e) {
     Log.die("page.html not found in resources.");
   } catch (Exception e) {
   } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  private static void addFolder2(
      FileSystem fs, Path p, ArrayList<String> keys, ArrayList<String> failed) {
    try {
      if (fs == null) return;

      Futures futures = new Futures();
      for (FileStatus file : fs.listStatus(p)) {
        Path pfs = file.getPath();
        if (file.isDir()) {
          addFolder2(fs, pfs, keys, failed);
        } else {
          long size = file.getLen();
          Key res;
          if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.JSON)) {
            throw H2O.unimpl();
          } else if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.HEX)) { // Hex file?
            throw H2O.unimpl();
          } else {
            Key k = null;
            keys.add((k = HdfsFileVec.make(file, futures)).toString());
            Log.info("PersistHdfs: DKV.put(" + k + ")");
    } catch (Exception e) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void addFolder(FileSystem fs, Path p, JsonArray succeeded, JsonArray failed) {
   try {
     if (fs == null) return;
     for (FileStatus file : fs.listStatus(p)) {
       Path pfs = file.getPath();
       if (file.isDir()) {
         addFolder(fs, pfs, succeeded, failed);
       } else {
         Key k = Key.make(pfs.toString());
         long size = file.getLen();
         Value val = null;
         if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.JSON)) {
           JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
           JsonObject json = parser.parse(new InputStreamReader(fs.open(pfs))).getAsJsonObject();
           JsonElement v = json.get(Constants.VERSION);
           if (v == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing version");
           JsonElement type = json.get(Constants.TYPE);
           if (type == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type");
           Class c = Class.forName(type.getAsString());
           OldModel model = (OldModel) c.newInstance();
         } else if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.HEX)) { // Hex file?
           FSDataInputStream s = fs.open(pfs);
           int sz = (int) Math.min(1L << 20, size); // Read up to the 1st meg
           byte[] mem = MemoryManager.malloc1(sz);
           // Convert to a ValueArray (hope it fits in 1Meg!)
           ValueArray ary = new ValueArray(k, 0).read(new AutoBuffer(mem));
           val = new Value(k, ary, Value.HDFS);
         } else if (size >= 2 * ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ) {
           val =
               new Value(
                   new ValueArray(k, size),
                   Value.HDFS); // ValueArray byte wrapper over a large file
         } else {
           val = new Value(k, (int) size, Value.HDFS); // Plain Value
         DKV.put(k, val);
         Log.info("PersistHdfs: DKV.put(" + k + ")");
         JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
         o.addProperty(Constants.KEY, k.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, pfs.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.VALUE_SIZE, file.getLen());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
     o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, p.toString());
     o.addProperty(Constants.ERROR, e.getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void cancel(final String msg, JobState resultingState) {
   if (resultingState == JobState.CANCELLED) {
     Log.info("Job " + self() + "(" + description + ") was cancelled.");
   } else {
     Log.err("Job " + self() + "(" + description + ") failed.");
   exception = msg;
   state = resultingState;
   // replace finished job by a job handle
   final Job job = this;
       new H2OCountedCompleter() {
         public void compute2() {
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static byte [] unzipBytes(byte [] bs, Compression cmp) {
   InputStream is = null;
   int off = 0;
   try {
     switch(cmp) {
     case NONE: // No compression
       return bs;
     case ZIP: {
       ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bs));
       ZipEntry ze = zis.getNextEntry(); // Get the *FIRST* entry
       // There is at least one entry in zip file and it is not a directory.
       if( ze != null && !ze.isDirectory() ) {
         is = zis;
       return bs; // Don't crash, ignore file if cannot unzip
     case GZIP:
       is = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bs));
       assert false:"cmp = " + cmp;
     // If reading from a compressed stream, estimate we can read 2x uncompressed
     assert( is != null ):"is is NULL, cmp = " + cmp;
     bs = new byte[bs.length * 2];
     // Now read from the (possibly compressed) stream
     while( off < bs.length ) {
       int len = is.read(bs, off, bs.length - off);
       if( len < 0 )
       off += len;
       if( off == bs.length ) { // Dataset is uncompressing alot! Need more space...
         if( bs.length >= ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ )
           break; // Already got enough
         bs = Arrays.copyOf(bs, bs.length * 2);
   } catch( IOException ioe ) { // Stop at any io error
   } finally {
   return bs;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected void err(Object tag, Object obj) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Simple GLM wrapper to enable launching GLM from command line.
  * <p>Example input: java -jar target/h2o.jar -name=test -runMethod water.util.GLMRunner
  * -file=smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv -y=CAPSULE -family=binomial
  * @param args
  * @throws InterruptedException
 public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
   try {
     GLMArgs ARGS = new GLMArgs();
     new Arguments(args).extract(ARGS);
     System.out.println("==================<GLMRunner START>===================");
     ValueArray ary = Utils.loadAndParseKey(ARGS.file);
     int ycol;
     try {
       ycol = Integer.parseInt(ARGS.y);
     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
       ycol = ary.getColumnIds(new String[] {ARGS.y})[0];
     int ncols = ary.numCols();
     if (ycol < 0 || ycol >= ary.numCols()) {
       System.err.println("invalid y column: " + ycol);
     int[] xcols;
     if (ARGS.xs.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
       xcols = new int[ncols - 1];
       for (int i = 0; i < ycol; ++i) xcols[i] = i;
       for (int i = ycol; i < ncols - 1; ++i) xcols[i] = i + 1;
     } else {
       System.out.println("xs = " + ARGS.xs);
       String[] names = ARGS.xs.split(",");
       xcols = new int[names.length];
       try {
         for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) xcols[i] = Integer.valueOf(names[i]);
       } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
         xcols = ary.getColumnIds(ARGS.xs.split(","));
     for (int x : xcols)
       if (x < 0) {
         System.err.println("Invalid predictor specification " + ARGS.xs);
     GLMJob j =
             DGLM.getData(ary, xcols, ycol, null, true),
             new ADMMSolver(ARGS.lambda, ARGS._alpha),
             new GLMParams(Family.valueOf(ARGS.family)),
     System.out.print("[GLM] computing model...");
     int progress = 0;
     while (!j.isDone()) {
       int p = (int) (100 * j.progress());
       int dots = p - progress;
       progress = p;
       for (int i = 0; i < dots; ++i) System.out.print('.');
     Log.debug(Sys.GENLM, "DONE.");
     GLMModel m = j.get();
     String[] colnames = ary.colNames();
     System.out.println("Intercept" + " = " + m._beta[ncols - 1]);
     for (int i = 0; i < xcols.length; ++i) {
       System.out.println(colnames[i] + " = " + m._beta[i]);
   } catch (Throwable t) {
   } finally { // we're done. shutdown the cloud
     Log.debug(Sys.GENLM, "==================<GLMRunner DONE>===================");
     UDPRebooted.suicide(UDPRebooted.T.shutdown, H2O.SELF);
Ejemplo n.º 8
   * Copy properties "of the same name" from one POJO to the other. If the fields are named
   * consistently (both sides have fields named "_foo" and/or "bar") this acts like Apache Commons
   * PojoUtils.copyProperties(). If one side has leading underscores and the other does not then the
   * names are conformed according to the field_naming parameter.
   * @param dest Destination POJO
   * @param origin Origin POJO
   * @param field_naming Are the fields named consistently, or does one side have underscores?
   * @param skip_fields Array of origin or destination field names to skip
   * @param only_fields Array of origin or destination field names to include; ones not in this list
   *     will be skipped
  public static void copyProperties(
      Object dest,
      Object origin,
      FieldNaming field_naming,
      String[] skip_fields,
      String[] only_fields) {
    if (null == dest || null == origin) return;

    Field[] dest_fields = Weaver.getWovenFields(dest.getClass());
    Field[] orig_fields = Weaver.getWovenFields(origin.getClass());

    for (Field orig_field : orig_fields) {
      String origin_name = orig_field.getName();

      if (skip_fields != null & ArrayUtils.contains(skip_fields, origin_name)) continue;

      if (only_fields != null & !ArrayUtils.contains(only_fields, origin_name)) continue;

      String dest_name = null;
      if (field_naming == FieldNaming.CONSISTENT) {
        dest_name = origin_name;
      } else if (field_naming == FieldNaming.DEST_HAS_UNDERSCORES) {
        dest_name = "_" + origin_name;
      } else if (field_naming == FieldNaming.ORIGIN_HAS_UNDERSCORES) {
        dest_name = origin_name.substring(1);

      if (skip_fields != null & ArrayUtils.contains(skip_fields, dest_name)) continue;

      if (only_fields != null & !ArrayUtils.contains(only_fields, dest_name)) continue;

      try {
        Field dest_field = null;
        for (Field fd : dest_fields) {
          if (fd.getName().equals(dest_name)) {
            dest_field = fd;

        if (dest_field != null) {
          // Log.info("PojoUtils.copyProperties, origin field: " + orig_field + "; destination
          // field: " + dest_field);
          if (null == orig_field.get(origin)) {
            // Assigning null to dest.
            dest_field.set(dest, null);
          } else if (dest_field.getType().isArray()
              && orig_field.getType().isArray()
              && (dest_field.getType().getComponentType()
                  != orig_field.getType().getComponentType())) {
            // Assigning an array to another array.
            // You can't use reflection to set an int[] with an Integer[].  Argh.
            // TODO: other types of arrays. . .
            if (dest_field.getType().getComponentType() == double.class
                && orig_field.getType().getComponentType() == Double.class) {
              // Assigning an Double[] to an double[]
              double[] copy = (double[]) orig_field.get(origin);
              dest_field.set(dest, copy);
            } else if (dest_field.getType().getComponentType() == Double.class
                && orig_field.getType().getComponentType() == double.class) {
              // Assigning an double[] to an Double[]
              Double[] copy = (Double[]) orig_field.get(origin);
              dest_field.set(dest, copy);
            } else if (dest_field.getType().getComponentType() == int.class
                && orig_field.getType().getComponentType() == Integer.class) {
              // Assigning an Integer[] to an int[]
              int[] copy = (int[]) orig_field.get(origin);
              dest_field.set(dest, copy);
            } else if (dest_field.getType().getComponentType() == Integer.class
                && orig_field.getType().getComponentType() == int.class) {
              // Assigning an int[] to an Integer[]
              Integer[] copy = (Integer[]) orig_field.get(origin);
              dest_field.set(dest, copy);
            } else if (Schema.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType().getComponentType())
                && (Schema.getImplClass(
                        (Class<? extends Schema>) dest_field.getType().getComponentType()))
                    .isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType().getComponentType())) {
              // Assigning an array of impl fields to an array of schema fields, e.g. a
              // DeepLearningParameters[] into a DeepLearningParametersV2[]
              Class dest_component_class = dest_field.getType().getComponentType();
              Schema[] translation =
                          dest_component_class, Array.getLength(orig_field.get(origin)));
              int i = 0;
              int version = ((Schema) dest).getSchemaVersion();

              // Look up the schema for each element of the array; if not found fall back to the
              // schema for the base class.
              for (Iced impl : ((Iced[]) orig_field.get(origin))) {
                if (null == impl) {
                  translation[i++] = null;
                } else {
                  Schema s = null;
                  try {
                    s = Schema.schema(version, impl);
                  } catch (H2ONotFoundArgumentException e) {
                    s = ((Schema) dest_field.getType().getComponentType().newInstance());
                  translation[i++] = s.fillFromImpl(impl);
              dest_field.set(dest, translation);
            } else if (Schema.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType().getComponentType())
                && Iced.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType().getComponentType())) {
              // Assigning an array of schema fields to an array of impl fields, e.g. a
              // DeepLearningParametersV2[] into a DeepLearningParameters[]
              // We can't check against the actual impl class I, because we can't instantiate the
              // schema base classes to get the impl class from an instance:
              // dest_field.getType().getComponentType().isAssignableFrom(((Schema)f.getType().getComponentType().newInstance()).getImplClass())) {
              Class dest_component_class = dest_field.getType().getComponentType();
              Iced[] translation =
                          dest_component_class, Array.getLength(orig_field.get(origin)));
              int i = 0;
              for (Schema s : ((Schema[]) orig_field.get(origin))) {
                translation[i++] = s.createImpl();
              dest_field.set(dest, translation);
            } else {
              throw H2O.fail(
                  "Don't know how to cast an array of: "
                      + orig_field.getType().getComponentType()
                      + " to an array of: "
                      + dest_field.getType().getComponentType());
            // end of array handling
          } else if (dest_field.getType() == Key.class
              && Keyed.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a Keyed (e.g., a Frame or Model) to a Key.
            dest_field.set(dest, ((Keyed) orig_field.get(origin))._key);
          } else if (orig_field.getType() == Key.class
              && Keyed.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a Key (for e.g., a Frame or Model) to a Keyed (e.g., a Frame or Model).
            Value v = DKV.get((Key) orig_field.get(origin));
            dest_field.set(dest, (null == v ? null : v.get()));
          } else if (KeyV3.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())
              && Keyed.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a Keyed (e.g., a Frame or Model) to a KeyV1.
                    ((Class<? extends KeyV3>) dest_field.getType()),
                    ((Keyed) orig_field.get(origin))._key));
          } else if (KeyV3.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())
              && Keyed.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a KeyV1 (for e.g., a Frame or Model) to a Keyed (e.g., a Frame or Model).
            KeyV3 k = (KeyV3) orig_field.get(origin);
            Value v = DKV.get(Key.make(k.name));
            dest_field.set(dest, (null == v ? null : v.get()));
          } else if (KeyV3.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())
              && Key.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a Key to a KeyV1.
                    ((Class<? extends KeyV3>) dest_field.getType()), (Key) orig_field.get(origin)));
          } else if (KeyV3.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())
              && Key.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a KeyV1 to a Key.
            KeyV3 k = (KeyV3) orig_field.get(origin);
            dest_field.set(dest, (null == k.name ? null : Key.make(k.name)));
          } else if (dest_field.getType() == Pattern.class
              && String.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a String to a Pattern.
            dest_field.set(dest, Pattern.compile((String) orig_field.get(origin)));
          } else if (orig_field.getType() == Pattern.class
              && String.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())) {
            // We are assigning a Pattern to a String.
            dest_field.set(dest, orig_field.get(origin).toString());
          } else if (dest_field.getType() == FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3.class
              && String.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a String to a ColSpecifier.  Note that we currently support only the
            // colname, not a frame name too.
            dest_field.set(dest, new FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3((String) orig_field.get(origin)));
          } else if (orig_field.getType() == FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3.class
              && String.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())) {
            // We are assigning a ColSpecifierV2 to a String.  The column_name gets copied.
            dest_field.set(dest, ((FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3) orig_field.get(origin)).column_name);
          } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())
              && String.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a String into an enum field.
            Class<Enum> dest_class = (Class<Enum>) dest_field.getType();
            dest_field.set(dest, Enum.valueOf(dest_class, (String) orig_field.get(origin)));
          } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())
              && String.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning an enum field into a String.
            Object o = orig_field.get(origin);
            dest_field.set(dest, (o == null ? null : o.toString()));
          } else if (Schema.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())
              && Schema.getImplClass((Class<? extends Schema>) dest_field.getType())
                  .isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning an impl field into a schema field, e.g. a DeepLearningParameters into a
            // DeepLearningParametersV2.
                        /* ((Schema)dest).getSchemaVersion() TODO: remove HACK!! */ 3,
                        (Class<? extends Iced>) orig_field.get(origin).getClass())
                    .fillFromImpl((Iced) orig_field.get(origin)));
          } else if (Schema.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())
              && Schema.getImplClass((Class<? extends Schema>) orig_field.getType())
                  .isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a schema field into an impl field, e.g. a DeepLearningParametersV2 into a
            // DeepLearningParameters.
            Schema s = ((Schema) orig_field.get(origin));
            dest_field.set(dest, s.fillImpl(s.createImpl()));
          } else if ((Schema.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())
              && Key.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType()))) {
            // Assigning an impl field fetched via a Key into a schema field, e.g. a
            // DeepLearningParameters into a DeepLearningParametersV2.
            // Note that unlike the cases above we don't know the type of the impl class until we
            // fetch in the body of the if.
            Key origin_key = (Key) orig_field.get(origin);
            Value v = DKV.get(origin_key);
            if (null == v || null == v.get()) {
              dest_field.set(dest, null);
            } else {
              if (((Schema) dest_field.get(dest))
                  .isAssignableFrom(v.get().getClass())) {
                Schema s = ((Schema) dest_field.get(dest));
                    Schema.schema(s.getSchemaVersion(), s.getImplClass()).fillFromImpl(v.get()));
              } else {
                    "Can't fill Schema of type: "
                        + dest_field.getType()
                        + " with value of type: "
                        + v.getClass()
                        + " fetched from Key: "
                        + origin_key);
                dest_field.set(dest, null);
          } else if (Schema.class.isAssignableFrom(orig_field.getType())
              && Keyed.class.isAssignableFrom(dest_field.getType())) {
            // Assigning a schema field into a Key field, e.g. a DeepLearningV2 into a
            // (DeepLearningParameters) key.
            Schema s = ((Schema) orig_field.get(origin));
            dest_field.set(dest, ((Keyed) s.fillImpl(s.createImpl()))._key);
          } else {
            // Normal case: not doing any type conversion.
            dest_field.set(dest, orig_field.get(origin));
      } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            "Illegal access exception trying to copy field: "
                + origin_name
                + " of class: "
                + origin.getClass()
                + " to field: "
                + dest_name
                + " of class: "
                + dest.getClass());
      } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            "Instantiation exception trying to copy field: "
                + origin_name
                + " of class: "
                + origin.getClass()
                + " to field: "
                + dest_name
                + " of class: "
                + dest.getClass());