Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Forcefully shuts down the connection to this tablet server and fails all the outstanding RPCs.
   * Only use when shutting down a client.
   * @return deferred object to use to track the shutting down of this connection
  public Deferred<Void> shutdown() {
    // First, check whether we have RPCs in flight and cancel them.
    for (Iterator<KuduRpc<?>> ite = rpcs_inflight.values().iterator(); ite.hasNext(); ) {
      KuduRpc<?> rpc = ite.next();
      rpc.errback(new ConnectionResetException(null));

    // Same for the pending RPCs.
    synchronized (this) {
      if (pending_rpcs != null) {
        for (Iterator<KuduRpc<?>> ite = pending_rpcs.iterator(); ite.hasNext(); ) {
          ite.next().errback(new ConnectionResetException(null));

    final Channel chancopy = chan;
    if (chancopy == null) {
      return Deferred.fromResult(null);
    if (chancopy.isConnected()) {
      Channels.disconnect(chancopy); // ... this is going to set it to null.
      // At this point, all in-flight RPCs are going to be failed.
    if (chancopy.isBound()) {
    // It's OK to call close() on a Channel if it's already closed.
    final ChannelFuture future = Channels.close(chancopy);
    // Now wrap the ChannelFuture in a Deferred.
    final Deferred<Void> d = new Deferred<Void>();
    // Opportunistically check if it's already completed successfully.
    if (future.isSuccess()) {
    } else {
      // If we get here, either the future failed (yeah, that sounds weird)
      // or the future hasn't completed yet (heh).
          new ChannelFutureListener() {
            public void operationComplete(final ChannelFuture future) {
              if (future.isSuccess()) {
              final Throwable t = future.getCause();
              if (t instanceof Exception) {
              } else {
                // Wrap the Throwable because Deferred doesn't handle Throwables,
                // it only uses Exception.
                    new NonRecoverableException("Failed to shutdown: " + TabletClient.this, t));
    return d;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Retry the given RPC.
  * @param rpc an RPC to retry or fail
  * @param exception an exception to propagate with the RPC
 private void failOrRetryRpc(final KuduRpc<?> rpc, final ConnectionResetException exception) {
   AsyncKuduClient.RemoteTablet tablet = rpc.getTablet();
   // Note As of the time of writing (03/11/16), a null tablet doesn't make sense, if we see a null
   // tablet it's because we didn't set it properly before calling sendRpc().
   if (tablet == null) { // Can't retry, dunno where this RPC should go.
   } else {
     kuduClient.handleRetryableError(rpc, exception);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private ChannelBuffer header() {
   RpcHeader.ConnectionContextPB.Builder builder = RpcHeader.ConnectionContextPB.newBuilder();
   RpcHeader.UserInformationPB.Builder userBuilder = RpcHeader.UserInformationPB.newBuilder();
   userBuilder.setEffectiveUser(SecureRpcHelper.USER_AND_PASSWORD); // TODO set real user
   RpcHeader.ConnectionContextPB pb = builder.build();
   RpcHeader.RequestHeader header =
   return KuduRpc.toChannelBuffer(header, pb);
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * The reason we are suppressing the unchecked conversions is because the KuduRpc is coming from a
   * collection that has RPCs with different generics, and there's no way to get "decoded" casted
   * correctly. The best we can do is to rely on the RPC to decode correctly, and to not pass an
   * Exception in the callback.
  protected Object decode(
      ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Channel chan, ChannelBuffer buf, VoidEnum voidEnum) {
    final long start = System.nanoTime();
    final int rdx = buf.readerIndex();
    LOG.debug("------------------>> ENTERING DECODE >>------------------");

    try {
      buf = secureRpcHelper.handleResponse(buf, chan);
    } catch (SaslException e) {
      String message = getPeerUuidLoggingString() + "Couldn't complete the SASL handshake";
      throw new NonRecoverableException(message, e);
    if (buf == null) {
      return null;

    CallResponse response = new CallResponse(buf);

    RpcHeader.ResponseHeader header = response.getHeader();
    if (!header.hasCallId()) {
      final int size = response.getTotalResponseSize();
      final String msg =
              + "RPC response (size: "
              + size
              + ") doesn't"
              + " have a call ID: "
              + header
              + ", buf="
              + Bytes.pretty(buf);
      throw new NonRecoverableException(msg);
    final int rpcid = header.getCallId();

    final KuduRpc rpc = rpcs_inflight.get(rpcid);

    if (rpc == null) {
      final String msg =
              + "Invalid rpcid: "
              + rpcid
              + " found in "
              + buf
              + '='
              + Bytes.pretty(buf);
      // The problem here is that we don't know which Deferred corresponds to
      // this RPC, since we don't have a valid ID.  So we're hopeless, we'll
      // never be able to recover because responses are not framed, we don't
      // know where the next response will start...  We have to give up here
      // and throw this outside of our Netty handler, so Netty will call our
      // exception handler where we'll close this channel, which will cause
      // all RPCs in flight to be failed.
      throw new NonRecoverableException(msg);

    Pair<Object, Object> decoded = null;
    Exception exception = null;
    KuduException retryableHeaderException = null;
    if (header.hasIsError() && header.getIsError()) {
      RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.Builder errorBuilder = RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.newBuilder();
      KuduRpc.readProtobuf(response.getPBMessage(), errorBuilder);
      RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB error = errorBuilder.build();
      if (error.getCode().equals(RpcHeader.ErrorStatusPB.RpcErrorCodePB.ERROR_SERVER_TOO_BUSY)) {
        // We can't return right away, we still need to remove ourselves from 'rpcs_inflight', so we
        // populate 'retryableHeaderException'.
        retryableHeaderException = new TabletServerErrorException(uuid, error);
      } else {
        String message =
            getPeerUuidLoggingString() + "Tablet server sent error " + error.getMessage();
        exception = new NonRecoverableException(message);
        LOG.error(message); // can be useful
    } else {
      try {
        decoded = rpc.deserialize(response, this.uuid);
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        exception = ex;
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              + "rpcid="
              + rpcid
              + ", response size="
              + (buf.readerIndex() - rdx)
              + " bytes"
              + ", "
              + actualReadableBytes()
              + " readable bytes left"
              + ", rpc="
              + rpc);

      final KuduRpc<?> removed = rpcs_inflight.remove(rpcid);
      if (removed == null) {
        // The RPC we were decoding was cleaned up already, give up.
        throw new NonRecoverableException("RPC not found");

    // This check is specifically for the ERROR_SERVER_TOO_BUSY case above.
    if (retryableHeaderException != null) {
      kuduClient.handleRetryableError(rpc, retryableHeaderException);
      return null;

    // We can get this Message from within the RPC's expected type,
    // so convert it into an exception and nullify decoded so that we use the errback route.
    // Have to do it for both TS and Master errors.
    if (decoded != null) {
      if (decoded.getSecond() instanceof Tserver.TabletServerErrorPB) {
        Tserver.TabletServerErrorPB error = (Tserver.TabletServerErrorPB) decoded.getSecond();
        exception = dispatchTSErrorOrReturnException(rpc, error);
        if (exception == null) {
          // It was taken care of.
          return null;
        } else {
          // We're going to errback.
          decoded = null;

      } else if (decoded.getSecond() instanceof Master.MasterErrorPB) {
        Master.MasterErrorPB error = (Master.MasterErrorPB) decoded.getSecond();
        exception = dispatchMasterErrorOrReturnException(rpc, error);
        if (exception == null) {
          // Exception was taken care of.
          return null;
        } else {
          decoded = null;

    try {
      if (decoded != null) {
        assert !(decoded.getFirst() instanceof Exception);
        if (kuduClient.isStatisticsEnabled()) {
          rpc.updateStatistics(kuduClient.getStatistics(), decoded.getFirst());
      } else {
        if (kuduClient.isStatisticsEnabled()) {
          rpc.updateStatistics(kuduClient.getStatistics(), null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
              + "Unexpected exception while handling RPC #"
              + rpcid
              + ", rpc="
              + rpc
              + ", buf="
              + Bytes.pretty(buf),
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "------------------<< LEAVING  DECODE <<------------------"
              + " time elapsed: "
              + ((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000)
              + "us");
    return null; // Stop processing here.  The Deferred does everything else.
Ejemplo n.º 5
  private <R> ChannelBuffer encode(final KuduRpc<R> rpc) {
    final int rpcid = this.rpcid.incrementAndGet();
    ChannelBuffer payload;
    final String service = rpc.serviceName();
    final String method = rpc.method();
    try {
      final RpcHeader.RequestHeader.Builder headerBuilder =

      // If any timeout is set, find the lowest non-zero one, since this will be the deadline that
      // the server must respect.
      if (rpc.deadlineTracker.hasDeadline() || socketReadTimeoutMs > 0) {
        long millisBeforeDeadline = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        if (rpc.deadlineTracker.hasDeadline()) {
          millisBeforeDeadline = rpc.deadlineTracker.getMillisBeforeDeadline();

        long localRpcTimeoutMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        if (socketReadTimeoutMs > 0) {
          localRpcTimeoutMs = socketReadTimeoutMs;

        headerBuilder.setTimeoutMillis((int) Math.min(millisBeforeDeadline, localRpcTimeoutMs));

      payload = rpc.serialize(headerBuilder.build());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Uncaught exception while serializing RPC: " + rpc, e);
      rpc.errback(e); // Make the RPC fail with the exception.
      return null;
    final KuduRpc<?> oldrpc = rpcs_inflight.put(rpcid, rpc);
    if (oldrpc != null) {
      final String wtf =
              + "WTF?  There was already an RPC in flight with"
              + " rpcid="
              + rpcid
              + ": "
              + oldrpc
              + ".  This happened when sending out: "
              + rpc;
      // Make it fail. This isn't an expected failure mode.
      oldrpc.errback(new NonRecoverableException(wtf));

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              + chan
              + " Sending RPC #"
              + rpcid
              + ", payload="
              + payload
              + ' '
              + Bytes.pretty(payload));

    payload = secureRpcHelper.wrap(payload);

    return payload;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  <R> void sendRpc(KuduRpc<R> rpc) {
    if (!rpc.deadlineTracker.hasDeadline()) {
      LOG.warn(getPeerUuidLoggingString() + " sending an rpc without a timeout " + rpc);
    if (chan != null) {
      if (!rpc.getRequiredFeatures().isEmpty()
          && !secureRpcHelper
              .contains(RpcHeader.RpcFeatureFlag.APPLICATION_FEATURE_FLAGS)) {
            new NonRecoverableException(
                "the server does not support the APPLICATION_FEATURE_FLAGS RPC feature"));

      final ChannelBuffer serialized = encode(rpc);
      if (serialized == null) { // Error during encoding.
        return; // Stop here.  RPC has been failed already.

      final Channel chan = this.chan; // Volatile read.
      if (chan != null) { // Double check if we disconnected during encode().
        Channels.write(chan, serialized);
      } else {
        // The RPC was already added to rpcs_inflight so we don't need to fall down in the next big
        // block of code, cleanup() will take care of it.
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              getPeerUuidLoggingString() + " connection was closed before sending rpcid {}, rpc=",
    boolean tryagain = false;
    boolean copyOfDead;
    synchronized (this) {
      copyOfDead = this.dead;
      // Check if we got connected while entering this synchronized block.
      if (chan != null) {
        tryagain = true;
      } else if (!copyOfDead) {
        if (pending_rpcs == null) {
          pending_rpcs = new ArrayList<KuduRpc<?>>();
    if (copyOfDead) {
      failOrRetryRpc(rpc, new ConnectionResetException(null));
    } else if (tryagain) {
      // This recursion will not lead to a loop because we only get here if we
      // connected while entering the synchronized block above. So when trying
      // a second time,  we will either succeed to send the RPC if we're still
      // connected, or fail through to the code below if we got disconnected
      // in the mean time.