public static <T> PropertyDelta<T> findPropertyDelta( Collection<? extends ItemDelta> modifications, ItemPath propertyPath) { for (ItemDelta delta : modifications) { if (delta instanceof PropertyDelta && delta.getPath().equivalent(propertyPath)) { return (PropertyDelta) delta; } } return null; }
public static <T> PropertyDelta<T> findPropertyDelta( Collection<? extends ItemDelta> modifications, QName propertyName) { for (ItemDelta delta : modifications) { if (delta instanceof PropertyDelta && delta.getParentPath().isEmpty() && QNameUtil.match(delta.getElementName(), propertyName)) { return (PropertyDelta) delta; } } return null; }
private void addItemDelta( ItemWrapper itemWrapper, ItemDelta pDelta, ItemDefinition propertyDef, ItemPath containerPath) { for (ValueWrapper valueWrapper : itemWrapper.getValues()) { valueWrapper.normalize(propertyDef.getPrismContext()); ValueStatus valueStatus = valueWrapper.getStatus(); if (!valueWrapper.hasValueChanged() && (ValueStatus.NOT_CHANGED.equals(valueStatus) || ValueStatus.ADDED.equals(valueStatus))) { continue; } // TODO: need to check if the resource has defined // capabilities // todo this is bad hack because now we have not tri-state // checkbox if (SchemaConstants.PATH_ACTIVATION.equivalent(containerPath)) { if (object.asObjectable() instanceof ShadowType && (((ShadowType) object.asObjectable()).getActivation() == null || ((ShadowType) object.asObjectable()).getActivation().getAdministrativeStatus() == null)) { if (!hasResourceCapability( ((ShadowType) object.asObjectable()).getResource(), ActivationCapabilityType.class)) { continue; } } } PrismValue newValCloned = clone(valueWrapper.getValue()); PrismValue oldValCloned = clone(valueWrapper.getOldValue()); switch (valueWrapper.getStatus()) { case ADDED: if (newValCloned != null) { if (SchemaConstants.PATH_PASSWORD.equivalent(containerPath)) { // password change will always look like // add, // therefore we push replace pDelta.setValuesToReplace(Arrays.asList(newValCloned)); } else if (propertyDef.isSingleValue()) { // values for single-valued properties // should be pushed via replace // in order to prevent problems e.g. with // summarizing deltas for // unreachable resources pDelta.setValueToReplace(newValCloned); } else { pDelta.addValueToAdd(newValCloned); } } break; case DELETED: if (newValCloned != null) { pDelta.addValueToDelete(newValCloned); } if (oldValCloned != null) { pDelta.addValueToDelete(oldValCloned); } break; case NOT_CHANGED: // this is modify... if (propertyDef.isSingleValue()) { // newValCloned.isEmpty() if (newValCloned != null && !newValCloned.isEmpty()) { pDelta.setValuesToReplace(Arrays.asList(newValCloned)); } else { if (oldValCloned != null) { pDelta.addValueToDelete(oldValCloned); } } } else { if (newValCloned != null && !newValCloned.isEmpty()) { pDelta.addValueToAdd(newValCloned); } if (oldValCloned != null) { pDelta.addValueToDelete(oldValCloned); } } break; } } }
public ObjectDelta getObjectDelta() throws SchemaException { if (ContainerStatus.ADDING.equals(getStatus())) { return createAddingObjectDelta(); } ObjectDelta delta = new ObjectDelta(object.getCompileTimeClass(), ChangeType.MODIFY, object.getPrismContext()); delta.setOid(object.getOid()); List<ContainerWrapper> containers = getContainers(); // sort containers by path size Collections.sort(containers, new PathSizeComparator()); for (ContainerWrapper containerWrapper : getContainers()) { // create ContainerDelta for association container // HACK HACK HACK create correct procession for association container data // according to its structure if (containerWrapper.getItemDefinition().getName().equals(ShadowType.F_ASSOCIATION)) { ContainerDelta<ShadowAssociationType> associationDelta = ContainerDelta.createDelta( ShadowType.F_ASSOCIATION, containerWrapper.getItemDefinition()); List<AssociationWrapper> associationItemWrappers = (List<AssociationWrapper>) containerWrapper.getItems(); for (AssociationWrapper associationItemWrapper : associationItemWrappers) { List<ValueWrapper> assocValueWrappers = associationItemWrapper.getValues(); for (ValueWrapper assocValueWrapper : assocValueWrappers) { PrismContainerValue<ShadowAssociationType> assocValue = (PrismContainerValue<ShadowAssociationType>) assocValueWrapper.getValue(); if (assocValueWrapper.getStatus() == ValueStatus.DELETED) { associationDelta.addValueToDelete(assocValue.clone()); } else if (assocValueWrapper.getStatus().equals(ValueStatus.ADDED)) { associationDelta.addValueToAdd(assocValue.clone()); } } } delta.addModification(associationDelta); } else { if (!containerWrapper.hasChanged()) { continue; } for (ItemWrapper itemWrapper : (List<ItemWrapper>) containerWrapper.getItems()) { if (!itemWrapper.hasChanged()) { continue; } ItemPath containerPath = containerWrapper.getPath() != null ? containerWrapper.getPath() : new ItemPath(); if (itemWrapper instanceof PropertyWrapper) { ItemDelta pDelta = computePropertyDeltas((PropertyWrapper) itemWrapper, containerPath); if (!pDelta.isEmpty()) { delta.addModification(pDelta); } } if (itemWrapper instanceof ReferenceWrapper) { ReferenceDelta pDelta = computeReferenceDeltas((ReferenceWrapper) itemWrapper, containerPath); if (!pDelta.isEmpty()) { delta.addModification(pDelta); } } } } } // returning container to previous order Collections.sort(containers, new ItemWrapperComparator()); // Make sure we have all the definitions if (object.getPrismContext() != null) { object.getPrismContext().adopt(delta); } return delta; }