Ejemplo n.º 1
   * The most important part of the classifier learning process! This method determines, for the
   * given weight vector x, what the (negative) log conditional likelihood of the data is, as well
   * as the derivatives of that likelihood wrt each weight parameter.
  public Pair<Double, double[]> calculate() {
    double objective = 0.0;
    System.out.println("In Calculate...");

    double[] derivatives = DoubleArrays.constantArray(0.0, dimension());
    int numSubLabels = encoding.getNumSubLabels();
    int numData = data.length;
    for (int l = 0; l < numData; ++l) {
      EncodedDatum datum = data[l];
      double[] logProbabilities = getLogProbabilities(datum, x, encoding, indexLinearizer);
      int C = datum.getLabelIndex();
      double[] labelWeights = datum.getWeights();
      int numSubstatesC = labelWeights.length;
      int substate0 = encoding.getLabelSubindexBegin(C);
      for (int c = 0; c < numSubstatesC; c++) { // For each substate of label C
        objective -= labelWeights[c] * logProbabilities[substate0 + c];
      // Convert to probabilities:
      double[] probabilities = new double[numSubLabels];
      double sum = 0.0;
      for (int c = 0; c < numSubLabels; ++c) { // For each substate
        probabilities[c] = Math.exp(logProbabilities[c]);
        sum += probabilities[c];
      if (Math.abs(sum - 1.0) > 1e-3) {
        System.err.println("Probabilities do not sum to 1!");
      // Compute derivatives:
      for (int i = 0; i < datum.getNumActiveFeatures(); ++i) {
        int featureIndex = datum.getFeatureIndex(i);
        double featureCount = datum.getFeatureCount(i);
        for (int c = 0; c < numSubLabels; ++c) { // For each substate
          int index = indexLinearizer.getLinearIndex(featureIndex, c);
          derivatives[index] += featureCount * probabilities[c];
        for (int c = 0; c < numSubstatesC; c++) { // For each substate of label C
          int index = indexLinearizer.getLinearIndex(featureIndex, substate0 + c);
          derivatives[index] -= labelWeights[c] * featureCount;

    // Incorporate penalty terms (regularization) into the objective and derivatives
    double sigma2 = sigma * sigma;
    double penalty = 0.0;
    for (int index = 0; index < x.length; ++index) {
      penalty += x[index] * x[index];
    objective += penalty / (2 * sigma2);

    for (int index = 0; index < x.length; ++index) {
      // 'x' and 'derivatives' have same layout
      derivatives[index] += x[index] / sigma2;
    return new Pair<Double, double[]>(objective, derivatives);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** Calculate the log probabilities of each class, for the given datum (feature bundle). */
  public <F, L> double[] getLogProbabilities(
      EncodedDatum datum,
      double[] weights,
      Encoding<F, L> encoding,
      IndexLinearizer indexLinearizer) {
    // Compute unnormalized log probabilities
    int numSubLabels = encoding.getNumSubLabels();
    double[] logProbabilities = DoubleArrays.constantArray(0.0, numSubLabels);
    for (int i = 0; i < datum.getNumActiveFeatures(); i++) {
      int featureIndex = datum.getFeatureIndex(i);
      double featureCount = datum.getFeatureCount(i);
      for (int j = 0; j < numSubLabels; j++) {
        int index = indexLinearizer.getLinearIndex(featureIndex, j);
        double weight = weights[index];
        logProbabilities[j] += weight * featureCount;
    // Normalize
    double logNormalizer = SloppyMath.logAdd(logProbabilities);
    for (int i = 0; i < numSubLabels; i++) {
      logProbabilities[i] -= logNormalizer;

    return logProbabilities;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public int dimension() {
   return indexLinearizer.getNumLinearIndexes();