/** {@inheritDoc} */
 public int compare(final ImportResource object, final ImportResource compareWithObject) {
   // Check if one of the objects are null
   if (object != null && compareWithObject == null) {
     return 1; // compareWithObject is null so its bigger
   } else if (object == null && compareWithObject != null) {
     return -1; // object is null so its smaller
   } else if (object == compareWithObject) {
     return 0; // it is the same Object
   } else { // compare the two indexes from the objects
     final int indexOjbect = object.index();
     final int indexCompareWithObject = compareWithObject.index();
     if (indexOjbect > indexCompareWithObject) {
       return 1; // bigger
     } else if (indexOjbect < indexCompareWithObject) {
       return -1; // smaller
     } else {
       return 0; // same index.