private String generateEmbeddedId(String embeddedType, IdAllocator idAllocator) { // Component types may be in folders; strip off the folder part for starters. int slashx = embeddedType.lastIndexOf("/"); String baseId = embeddedType.substring(slashx + 1).toLowerCase(); // The idAllocator is pre-loaded with all the component ids from the template, so even // if the lower-case type matches the id of an existing component, there won't be a name // collision. return idAllocator.allocateId(baseId); }
/** * Do you smell something? I'm smelling that this class needs to be redesigned to not need a * central method this large and hard to test. I think a lot of instance and local variables need * to be bundled up into some kind of process object. This code is effectively too big to be * tested except through integration testing. */ private void loadTemplateForComponent(final ComponentPageElement loadingElement) { this.loadingElement = loadingElement; loadingComponentModel = loadingElement.getComponentResources().getComponentModel(); String componentClassName = loadingComponentModel.getComponentClassName(); ComponentTemplate template = templateSource.getTemplate(loadingComponentModel, locale); // When the template for a component is missing, we pretend it consists of just a RenderBody // phase. Missing is not an error ... many component simply do not have a template. if (template.isMissing()) { this.loadingElement.addToTemplate(new RenderBodyElement(this.loadingElement)); return; } // Pre-allocate ids to avoid later name collisions. // Don't have a case-insensitive Set, so we'll make due with a Map Map<String, Boolean> embeddedIds = collectedEmbeddedComponentIds(loadingComponentModel); idAllocator.clear(); final Map<String, Location> componentIdsMap = template.getComponentIds(); for (String id : componentIdsMap.keySet()) { idAllocator.allocateId(id); embeddedIds.remove(id); } if (!embeddedIds.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException( ServicesMessages.embeddedComponentsNotInTemplate( embeddedIds.keySet(), componentClassName, template.getResource())); addAttributesAsComponentBindings = false; // The outermost elements of the template belong in the loading component's template list, // not its body list. This shunt allows everyone else to not have to make that decision, // they can add to the "body" and (if there isn't an active component), the shunt will // add the element to the component's template. BodyPageElement shunt = new BodyPageElement() { public void addToBody(PageElement element) { loadingElement.addToTemplate(element); } }; bodyPageElementStack.push(shunt); for (TemplateToken token : template.getTokens()) { switch (token.getTokenType()) { case TEXT: text((TextToken) token); break; case EXPANSION: expansion((ExpansionToken) token); break; case BODY: body(); break; case START_ELEMENT: startElement((StartElementToken) token); break; case START_COMPONENT: startComponent((StartComponentToken) token); break; case ATTRIBUTE: attribute((AttributeToken) token); break; case END_ELEMENT: endElement(); break; case COMMENT: comment((CommentToken) token); break; case BLOCK: block((BlockToken) token); break; case PARAMETER: parameter((ParameterToken) token); break; case DTD: dtd((DTDToken) token); break; case DEFINE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX: defineNamespacePrefix((DefineNamespacePrefixToken) token); break; case CDATA: cdata((CDATAToken) token); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Not implemented yet: " + token); } } // For neatness / symmetry: bodyPageElementStack.pop(); // the shunt // TODO: Check that all stacks are empty. That should never happen, as long // as the ComponentTemplate is valid. }
// Called for each page load of administration public void load() { /* In case plugin is uncheck */ // List all jobs List<String> allJobsName = new ArrayList<String>(); // List all the jobs that use the plugin (with at least one resource) List<String> allExclusionJobs = new ArrayList<String>(); // Check all projects for (Project<?, ?> p : Hudson.getInstance().getProjects()) { // Add all jobs names to the list allJobsName.add(p.getName()); // We want to retrieve all components BuildWrappers Map<Descriptor<BuildWrapper>, BuildWrapper> buildWrappers = p.getBuildWrappers(); // For each of them for (Iterator i = buildWrappers.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Descriptor<BuildWrapper> key = (Descriptor<BuildWrapper>); // We check if the descriptor is "org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.exclusion.IdAllocator $ // DescriptorImpl" if (buildWrappers .get(key) .getDescriptor() .toString() .split("@")[0] .equals("org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.exclusion.IdAllocator$DescriptorImpl")) { // No duplicates if (!allExclusionJobs.contains(p.getName())) { allExclusionJobs.add(p.getName()); } } } } // We delete each job that is in the global list and not in the list of exclusions for (String jobName : allJobsName) { if (!allExclusionJobs.contains(jobName)) { IdAllocator.deleteList(jobName); } } // Set all builds to false (build = currently used) for (RessourcesMonitor rm : listRessources) { rm.setBuild(false); } // For each resource Job, set build to true if a resource is used for (Iterator i = IdAllocationManager.ids.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String resource = (String); IdAllocator.updateBuild( IdAllocationManager.ids.get(resource).getProject().getName(), resource, true); } list = new ArrayList<RessourcesMonitor>(); // Local copy of the list for (RessourcesMonitor rm : listRessources) { list.add(new RessourcesMonitor(rm.getJobName(), rm.getRessource(), rm.getBuild())); } }
public AdministrationPanel() { super(); listRessources = IdAllocator.getListRessources(); }