Ejemplo n.º 1
  * The default implementation of this method attempts to resolve an {@link HttpRequestHandler} for
  * the request URI of the given request and, if found, executes its {@link
  * HttpRequestHandler#handle(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpContext)} method.
  * <p>Super-classes can override this method in order to provide a custom implementation of the
  * request processing logic.
  * @param request the HTTP request.
  * @param response the HTTP response.
  * @param context the execution context.
  * @throws IOException in case of an I/O error.
  * @throws HttpException in case of HTTP protocol violation or a processing problem.
 protected void doService(
     final HttpRequest request, final HttpResponse response, final HttpContext context)
     throws HttpException, IOException {
   HttpRequestHandler handler = null;
   if (this.handlerResolver != null) {
     String requestURI = request.getRequestLine().getUri();
     handler = this.handlerResolver.lookup(requestURI);
   if (handler != null) {
     handler.handle(request, response, context);
   } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void runServer(
      final Socket socket, BufferedReader in, String line, final ThreadPool threads)
      throws InterruptedException {

     * Special URL control Returns page with a: student information b: list of all threads in the
     * thread pool c: status of each thread (waiting or URL it is currently handling) d: a button
     * that shuts down the server
    final HttpRequestHandler controlHandler =
        new HttpRequestHandler() {
          public void handle(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
            String threadsStatus = threads.getThreadsStatus(request.path);

            String msg =
                ("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>"
                    + "<h1>Student Information</h1><p>Name:  James Jin Park</p>"
                    + "<p>SEAS login:  jamespj</p>"
                    + "<h1>Server Information</h1>"
                    + "<p>"
                    + threadsStatus
                    + "</p>"
                    + "<button onclick=\"location.href='/errorLog'\">View Error Log</button></br>"
                    + "<p> </p>"
                    + "<button onclick=\"location.href='/shutdown'\">Shutdown Server</button>"
                    + "</body></html>");
            response.headers.put("Content-Type", "text/html");

    final HttpRequestHandler logHandler =
        new HttpRequestHandler() {
          public void handle(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
            File file = new File(rootDir + "/ErrorLog.txt");
            try {
              BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              String line = reader.readLine();

              while (line != null) {
                line = reader.readLine();
              String errorString = builder.toString();

              String msg =
                  ("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>"
                      + "<h1>Student Information</h1><p>Name:  James Jin Park</p>"
                      + "<p>SEAS login:  jamespj</p>"
                      + "<h1>Error Log</h1>"
                      + "<p>"
                      + errorString
                      + "</p>"
                      + "<button onclick=\"location.href='/control'\">Back to Control</button>"
                      + "</body></html>");
              response.headers.put("Content-Type", "text/html");
            } catch (Exception e) {
              String msg =
                  ("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>"
                      + "<h1>Student Information</h1><p>Name:  James Jin Park</p>"
                      + "<p>SEAS login:  jamespj</p>"
                      + "<h1>Missing Error Log</h1>"
                      + "<button onclick=\"location.href='/control'\">Back to Control</button>"
                      + "</body></html>");

    //        try (ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(this.port, 200)) {
    //            serverSocket.setSoTimeout(200); // timeout so we can periodically check flag
    //            System.out.println("Server started and listening for connections.");
    //            while (!ShutdownHook.isShutdown.get()) {
    //                try {
    //                    final Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();

    //                    Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
    //                        @Override
    //                        public void run() {
    try ( // all these are closeable by putting them in as arguments for try()

    //                                  InputStreamReader reader = new
    // InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream());
    //                                  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(reader);

    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream()); ) {

      HttpRequest request = httpRequestParser.parse(line, in);

      HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
      String absoluteSpecialPath = null;
      if (request.headers.get("Host") != null) {
        absoluteSpecialPath = ("http://" + request.headers.get("Host"));
      //     	System.out.println("Here is the request: \n" + request + "\n\nEnd of Transmission\n");

      Route requestedRoute = null;
      HttpRequestHandler handler = null;

      if (request.method.toUpperCase().equals("HEAD")
          && !request.path.equals("/shutdown")
          && !request.path.equals(absoluteSpecialPath + "/shutdown")
          && !request.path.equals(absoluteSpecialPath + "/control")
          && !request.path.equals("/control")) {
        request.isHead = true;
        request.method = "GET";

      if (request.method.toUpperCase().equals("HEAD") && request.path.equals("/shutdown")
          || request.path.equals(absoluteSpecialPath + "/shutdown")
          || request.path.equals(absoluteSpecialPath + "/control")
          || request.path.equals("/control")) {
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "405Error");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);

      if (request.method.toUpperCase().equals("POST")) {
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "405Error");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);

      String absolutePath = null;
      if (request.headers.get("Host") != null) {
        absolutePath = request.path;
        request.path = request.path.replace("http://", "").replace(request.headers.get("Host"), "");
      } else if ((request.path.contains("http://")) && request.version.equals("HTTP/1.0")) {
        absolutePath = request.path;
        request.path = request.path.replace("http://", "");
        request.path = request.path.replace(request.path.split("\\/")[0], "");
      } else {
        absolutePath = "http://localhost:" + port + "/" + request.path;
      File absoluteFile = null;
      if (request.path.equals("/")) {
        absoluteFile = new File(rootDir + "/" + request.path);
      } else {
        absoluteFile = new File("." + request.path);

      // complicated path
      String HTMLregex = "([^\\s]+(\\.(?i)(html))$)";
      String ImageRegex = "([^\\s]+(\\.(?i)(jpg|png|gif|bmp|))$)";
      String pdfRegex = "([^\\s]+(\\.(?i)(pdf))$)";
      String relativePathRegex = "([^\\s]+(\\.(?i)(.))$)";
      Matcher htmlFinder = Pattern.compile(HTMLregex).matcher(request.path);
      Matcher imageFinder = Pattern.compile(ImageRegex).matcher(request.path);
      Matcher pdfFinder = Pattern.compile(pdfRegex).matcher(request.path);
      Matcher relativePathFinder = Pattern.compile(relativePathRegex).matcher(request.path);

      if (relativePathFinder.find()) {
        request.path = request.path.substring(0, request.path.lastIndexOf('/'));
      File f = new File(rootDir + "/" + request.path);

      if (htmlFinder.find() && f.isFile()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Successfully found html");
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "html");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (htmlFinder.find() && absoluteFile.isFile()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Successfully found html");
        request.path = absolutePath;
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "html");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (imageFinder.find() && f.isFile()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Successfully found image");
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "image");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (imageFinder.find() && absoluteFile.isFile()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Successfully found image");
        request.path = absolutePath;
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "image");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (f.isDirectory()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Successfully found directory");
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "directory");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (absoluteFile.isDirectory()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Successfully found directory");
        request.path = absolutePath;
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "directory");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (pdfFinder.find() && f.isFile()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Successfully found pdf file.");
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "pdf");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (pdfFinder.find() && absoluteFile.isFile()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Successfully found pdf file.");
        request.path = absolutePath;
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "pdf");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (f.isFile()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Treat like text file.");
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "plainText");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else if (absoluteFile.isFile()) {
        //                                	System.out.println("Treat like text file.");
        request.path = absolutePath;
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, "plainText");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else { // root, special URLs
        requestedRoute = Route.of(request.method, request.path);
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      if ((requestedRoute.method.equals(Route.of("GET", "/control").method)
              && requestedRoute.path.equals(Route.of("GET", "/control").path))
          || ((requestedRoute.method.equals(Route.of("GET", absolutePath + "/control").method)
              && requestedRoute.path.equals(Route.of("GET", absolutePath + "/control").path)))) {
        handler = controlHandler;

      // shutdown handler
      if ((requestedRoute.method.equals(Route.of("GET", "/shutdown").method)
              && requestedRoute.path.equals(Route.of("GET", "/shutdown").path))
          || ((requestedRoute.method.equals(
                  Route.of("GET", absoluteSpecialPath + "/shutdown").method)
              && requestedRoute.path.equals(
                  Route.of("GET", absoluteSpecialPath + "/shutdown").path)))) {
        handler = shutdownHandler;

      // log handler
      if ((requestedRoute.method.equals(Route.of("GET", "/errorLog").method)
              && requestedRoute.path.equals(Route.of("GET", "/errorLog").path))
          || ((requestedRoute.method.equals(
                  Route.of("GET", absoluteSpecialPath + "/errorLog").method)
              && requestedRoute.path.equals(
                  Route.of("GET", absoluteSpecialPath + "/errorLog").path)))) {
        handler = logHandler;

      if ((request.method.equals("Missing"))
          || (request.path.equals("Missing"))
          || (request.version.equals("Missing"))
          || (request.headers.get("Host") == null && request.version.equals("HTTP/1.1"))) {
        requestedRoute = Route.of("GET", "400Error");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);

      if ((!request.method.equals("GET") || request.method.equals("HEAD"))
          && (!request.method.equals("Missing"))) {
        requestedRoute = Route.of("GET", "501Error");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      if (handler == null) {
        requestedRoute = Route.of("GET", "404Error");
        handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
      } else { // handler is not null but we need to check if-modified header
        if (request.headers.get("If-Modified-Since") != null
            && request.version.equals("HTTP/1.1")) {
          if (!request.isHead) {
            File file = new File("." + request.path);
            boolean tempIsModified = false;
            try {
              tempIsModified =
                  httpRequestParser.checkDate(request.headers.get("If-Modified-Since"), file);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
            if (!tempIsModified) {
              requestedRoute =
                  Route.of("GET", "304Error"); // Not modified error. sets isModified to false
              handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);
          } else { // If-Modified-Since does not work methods other than "GET"
            requestedRoute = Route.of("GET", "501Error");
            handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);

        if (request.headers.get("If-Unmodified-Since") != null
            && request.version.equals("HTTP/1.1")) {
          File file = new File("." + request.path);
          boolean tempIsModified = false;
          try {
            tempIsModified =
                httpRequestParser.checkDate(request.headers.get("If-Unmodified-Since"), file);
          } catch (ParseException e) {
          if (tempIsModified) {
            requestedRoute =
                Route.of("GET", "412Error"); // Not modified error. sets isModified to false
            handler = routes.get(requestedRoute);

      handler.handle(request, response);
      if (request.version.equals("HTTP/1.1")) {
        out.println("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue");
      out.println("HTTP/1.1 " + response.getStatus()); // Response includes HTTP version
      final Date currentTime = new Date();
      final SimpleDateFormat dateTemplate = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss");

      if (!request.isError) { // if the response is not error response
        out.println("Date: " + dateTemplate.format(currentTime) + " GMT"); // Response includes date
        out.println("Server: James's HTTP Server"); // Response includes host
        //	                                System.out.println("HTTP/1.1 " +
        // response.getStatus());//DELETE
      if (!request.isModified) { // should only get in here if the document IS NOT MODIFIED or FALSE
        out.println("Date: " + dateTemplate.format(currentTime) + " GMT"); // Response includes date
      if (!request.isModified) { // should only get in here if the document IS NOT MODIFIED or FALSE

      for (Map.Entry<String, Object> header : response.headers.entrySet()) {
        out.println(header.getKey() + ": " + header.getValue());
        //                                    System.out.println("test " + header.getKey() + ": " +
        // header.getValue());//DELETE
      if (!request.isHead) { // if the request was not a HEAD method and is modified
        if (request.isModified) {
          if (response.getBody() != null && response.getBody().length() > 0) {

          if (response.getMyBytes() != null) {
            BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());

                ("HTTP/1.1 " + response.getStatus()).getBytes()); // Response includes HTTP version
                ("Date: " + dateTemplate.format(currentTime) + " GMT")
                    .getBytes()); // Response includes date
            output.write("Server: James's HTTP Server".getBytes()); // Response includes host
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> header : response.headers.entrySet()) {
              output.write((header.getKey() + ": " + header.getValue()).getBytes());
            output.write(response.getMyBytes(), 0, response.getMyBytes().length);
      } else {
          "Connection: close"); // Connection automatically closes. No persistent connection.
      if (request.headers.get("Connection").equals("close")) {
        // currently do nothing.

    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
    //                        }
    //                    };
    //                    threads.run(runnable);//adds this instance of runnable (request) to the
    // queue of the thread pool
    //                } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) {
    //                    // fine poll flag; should be timing out
    //                }
    //            }
    //            threads.killAllThreads();
    //            serverSocket.close();
    //        } catch (Exception e) {
    //            System.err.println("Error! Could not connect to socket:");
    //            e.printStackTrace();
    //            System.exit(1); //server shuts down due to error
    //        }
    //        try {
    //			Thread.sleep(2000);
    //		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    //		}
    //    	int count = 1;
    //        while(threads.howManyThreadsAlive() > 0 ){
    //        	if (count < 6){
    //        		System.out.println("Waiting on " + threads.howManyThreadsAlive() + " thread(s) to
    // exit. " + "Loop #" + count);
    //        	} else {
    //        		System.out.println("Manually shutting down thread(s).");
    //        		threads.emergencyShutdown();
    //        		break;
    //        	}
    //			try {
    //				count += 1;
    //				Thread.sleep(3000);
    //			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    //				e.printStackTrace();
    //			}
    //        }
    //        System.out.println("Server shut down.");