private boolean handleFault(int i) { Handler handler = _chain.get(i); boolean success = false; _invoked[i] = true; try { if (handler instanceof LogicalHandler) { _logicalContext.getMessage().setPayload(_source); success = handler.handleFault(_logicalContext); _source = _logicalContext.getMessage().getPayload(); } else if (handler instanceof SOAPHandler) { try { _soapContext.setMessage(_source); success = handler.handleFault(_soapContext); _source = _soapContext.getMessage().getSOAPPart().getContent(); } catch (SOAPException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } } else { throw new WebServiceException( L.l("Unsupported Handler type: {0}", handler.getClass().getName())); } _protocolException = null; } catch (ProtocolException e) { _protocolException = e; serializeProtocolException(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _runtimeException = e; serializeRuntimeException(); } return success; }
void process(MessageContext synCtx) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Processing message with ID: " + synCtx.getMessageID() + " through the " + "API: " + name); } synCtx.setProperty(RESTConstants.SYNAPSE_REST_API, getName()); synCtx.setProperty(RESTConstants.SYNAPSE_REST_API_VERSION, versionStrategy.getVersion()); synCtx.setProperty(RESTConstants.REST_API_CONTEXT, context); // Remove the API context part from the REST_URL_POSTFIX String restURLPostfix = (String) ((Axis2MessageContext) synCtx) .getAxis2MessageContext() .getProperty(NhttpConstants.REST_URL_POSTFIX); if (restURLPostfix != null) { if (!restURLPostfix.startsWith("/")) { restURLPostfix = "/" + restURLPostfix; } if (restURLPostfix.startsWith(context)) { restURLPostfix = restURLPostfix.substring(context.length()); if (versionStrategy instanceof URLBasedVersionStrategy) { String version = versionStrategy.getVersion(); if (restURLPostfix.startsWith(version)) { restURLPostfix = restURLPostfix.substring(version.length()); } else if (restURLPostfix.startsWith("/" + version)) { restURLPostfix = restURLPostfix.substring(version.length() + 1); } } ((Axis2MessageContext) synCtx) .getAxis2MessageContext() .setProperty(NhttpConstants.REST_URL_POSTFIX, restURLPostfix); } } for (Handler handler : handlers) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Processing message with ID: " + synCtx.getMessageID() + " through " + "handler: " + handler.getClass().getName()); } boolean proceed; if (synCtx.isResponse()) { proceed = handler.handleResponse(synCtx); } else { proceed = handler.handleRequest(synCtx); } if (!proceed) { return; } } if (synCtx.isResponse()) { String resourceName = (String) synCtx.getProperty(RESTConstants.SYNAPSE_RESOURCE); if (resourceName != null) { Resource resource = resources.get(resourceName); if (resource != null) { resource.process(synCtx); } } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No resource information on the response: " + synCtx.getMessageID()); } return; } String path = RESTUtils.getFullRequestPath(synCtx); String subPath; if (versionStrategy.getVersionType().equals(VersionStrategyFactory.TYPE_URL)) { // for URL based // request --> http://{host:port}/context/version/path/to/resource subPath = path.substring(context.length() + versionStrategy.getVersion().length() + 1); } else { subPath = path.substring(context.length()); } if ("".equals(subPath)) { subPath = "/"; } synCtx.setProperty(RESTConstants.REST_SUB_REQUEST_PATH, subPath); org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext msgCtx = ((Axis2MessageContext) synCtx).getAxis2MessageContext(); String hostHeader = getHostHeader(msgCtx); if (hostHeader != null) { synCtx.setProperty( RESTConstants.REST_URL_PREFIX, msgCtx.getIncomingTransportName() + "://" + hostHeader); } Set<Resource> acceptableResources = new HashSet<Resource>(); for (Resource r : resources.values()) { if (r.canProcess(synCtx)) { acceptableResources.add(r); } } boolean processed = false; if (!acceptableResources.isEmpty()) { for (RESTDispatcher dispatcher : RESTUtils.getDispatchers()) { Resource resource = dispatcher.findResource(synCtx, acceptableResources); if (resource != null) { resource.process(synCtx); processed = true; break; } } } if (!processed) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No matching resource was found for the request: " + synCtx.getMessageID()); } Mediator sequence = synCtx.getSequence(RESTConstants.NO_MATCHING_RESOURCE_HANDLER); if (sequence != null) { sequence.mediate(synCtx); } } }