  public void testIsStale() throws IOException {
    int period = 0;
    byte[][] families = new byte[][] {Bytes.toBytes("cf")};
    byte[] qf = Bytes.toBytes("cq");

    HRegionServer regionServer = mock(HRegionServer.class);
    List<Region> regions = new ArrayList<Region>();

    HTableDescriptor htd = getTableDesc(TableName.valueOf("testIsStale"), families);
    Region primary = initHRegion(htd, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW, 0);
    Region replica1 = initHRegion(htd, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW, 1);

    StaleStorefileRefresherChore chore =
        new StaleStorefileRefresherChore(period, regionServer, new StoppableImplementation());

    // write some data to primary and flush
    putData(primary, 0, 100, qf, families);
    verifyData(primary, 0, 100, qf, families);

    try {
      verifyData(replica1, 0, 100, qf, families);
      Assert.fail("should have failed");
    } catch (AssertionError ex) {
      // expected
    verifyData(replica1, 0, 100, qf, families);

    // simulate an fs failure where we cannot refresh the store files for the replica
    ((FailingHRegionFileSystem) ((HRegion) replica1).getRegionFileSystem()).fail = true;

    // write some more data to primary and flush
    putData(primary, 100, 100, qf, families);
    verifyData(primary, 0, 200, qf, families);

    chore.chore(); // should not throw ex, but we cannot refresh the store files

    verifyData(replica1, 0, 100, qf, families);
    try {
      verifyData(replica1, 100, 100, qf, families);
      Assert.fail("should have failed");
    } catch (AssertionError ex) {
      // expected

    chore.isStale = true;
    chore.chore(); // now after this, we cannot read back any value
    try {
      verifyData(replica1, 0, 100, qf, families);
      Assert.fail("should have failed with IOException");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      // expected