Ejemplo n.º 1
	* Returns the origin of the base of this team.
	* This returns null if the base has no flag !!!
	public Point3f getBaseOrigin()
		if ( fFlag != null )
			return fFlag.getBaseOrigin();
			return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	public String getDeathmatchScoreboardMessage( GameObject victim, GameObject killer, boolean inIntermission ) 
		int xOffset, statHeader, statCaps, headerIndex;
		String s;
		Team otherTeam;
		otherTeam   = ( this == TEAM1 ? TEAM2 : TEAM1 );
		xOffset     = ( this == TEAM1 ? 0 : 160 );
		statHeader  = ( this == TEAM1 ? STAT_CTF_TEAM1_HEADER          : STAT_CTF_TEAM2_HEADER          );
		headerIndex = ( this == TEAM1 ? Engine.getImageIndex("ctfsb1") : Engine.getImageIndex("ctfsb2") );
		statCaps    = ( this == TEAM1 ? STAT_CTF_TEAM1_CAPS            : STAT_CTF_TEAM2_CAPS            );

		// display our teamheader
		victim.fEntity.setPlayerStat( statHeader, (short)headerIndex );	

/*		// if during intermission, we must blink our header if we're the winning team (or tie)
		if ( inIntermission && ((int)Game.getGameTime()%2 == 0 ) )	// blink every second
			if ( this.getCaptures() > otherTeam.getCaptures() )
				victim.fEntity.setPlayerStat( statHeader, (short)0 );	
			// Capture tie, check total frags
			else if ( this.getScore() >= otherTeam.getScore() )
				victim.fEntity.setPlayerStat( statHeader, (short)0 );	
		s = "if " + statHeader + " xv " + (8+xOffset) + " yv 8 pic " + statHeader + " endif " +
			"xv " + (40+xOffset) + " yv 28 string \"" + getScore() + "/" + fCaptures + "\" " +
			"xv " + (98+xOffset) + " yv 12 num 2 " + statCaps + " ";

		// TODO: sort players by score
		Player[] players = getPlayers();
	/*	int begin = 0;
		int i     = begin;
		while ( i < players.length-1 )
			if ( players[i].getScore() < players[i+1].getScore() )
				Player dummy = players[i];
				players[i]   = players[i+1];
				players[i+1] = dummy;
			if ( i == players.length-2 )
				i = ++begin;
		for ( int i=0; i<8 && i<players.length; i++ )
			Player p    = players[i];
			int    ping = Math.min( p.fEntity.getPlayerPing(), 999 );

			s += "ctf " + xOffset + " " + (42+i*8) + " " + p.fEntity.getPlayerNum() + " " +
			     p.getScore() + " " +
				 ping + " ";

			GenericFlag flag = (GenericFlag)p.getInventory( "flag" );

			if ( flag != null )	// flag IS other teams flag...
				s += "xv " + (56+xOffset) + " picn " + flag.getSmallIconName() + " ";

		if ( players.length > 8 )
			s += "xv " + (8+xOffset) + " yv " + (42+8*8) + " string \"...and " + (players.length-8) + " more\" ";

		return s;