Ejemplo n.º 1
  protected void drawToolTip(
      DrawContext dc,
      java.awt.Rectangle viewport,
      String text,
      int x,
      int y,
      ToolTipAttributes attributes) {
    java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D textBounds = this.computeTextBounds(dc, text, attributes.getFont());
    java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bgBounds =
            dc, textBounds.getWidth(), textBounds.getHeight(), attributes.getInsets());

    java.awt.Point screenPoint = this.adjustDrawPointToViewport(x, y, bgBounds, viewport);
    java.awt.geom.Point2D textTranslation =
        this.computeTextTranslation(dc, textBounds, attributes.getInsets());

    GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.
    OGLStackHandler stackHandler = new OGLStackHandler();

    try {
          screenPoint.getX() + bgBounds.getX(), screenPoint.getY() + bgBounds.getY(), 0);
      this.drawToolTipInterior(dc, bgBounds.getWidth(), bgBounds.getHeight(), attributes);
      this.drawToolTipOutline(dc, bgBounds.getWidth(), bgBounds.getHeight(), attributes);

      gl.glTranslated(textTranslation.getX(), textTranslation.getY(), 0);
      this.drawToolTipText(dc, text, 0, 0, attributes);
    } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  protected void applyBackground(
      DrawContext dc,
      WWIcon icon,
      Vec4 screenPoint,
      double width,
      double height,
      double pedestalSpacing,
      double pedestalScale) {
    GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.

    double backgroundScale;
    backgroundScale = icon.getBackgroundScale();

    if (icon.getBackgroundTexture() != null) {
      if (icon.getBackgroundTexture().bind(dc)) {
        TextureCoords texCoords = icon.getBackgroundTexture().getTexCoords();
        double bgwidth = backgroundScale * width;
        double bgheight = backgroundScale * height;
        // Offset the background for the highlighted scale.
        // if (icon.isHighlighted())
        // {
        //    gl.glTranslated(0d, height * (icon.getHighlightScale() - 1) / 2, 0d);
        // }
        // Offset the background for the pedestal height.
        gl.glTranslated(0d, (pedestalScale * height) + pedestalSpacing, 0d);
        // Place the background centered behind the icon.
        gl.glTranslated(screenPoint.x - bgwidth / 2, screenPoint.y - (bgheight - height) / 2, 0d);
        // Scale to the background image dimension.
        gl.glScaled(bgwidth, bgheight, 1d);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  protected Vec4 drawIcon(DrawContext dc, OrderedIcon uIcon) {
    if (uIcon.point == null) {
      String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PointIsNull");

      // Record feedback data for this WWIcon if feedback is enabled.
      if (uIcon.icon != null) this.recordFeedback(dc, uIcon.icon, null, null);

      return null;

    WWIcon icon = uIcon.icon;
    if (dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates().getNear().distanceTo(uIcon.point) < 0) {
      // Record feedback data for this WWIcon if feedback is enabled.
      this.recordFeedback(dc, icon, uIcon.point, null);

      return null;

    final Vec4 screenPoint = dc.getView().project(uIcon.point);
    if (screenPoint == null) {
      // Record feedback data for this WWIcon if feedback is enabled.
      this.recordFeedback(dc, icon, uIcon.point, null);

      return null;

    double pedestalScale;
    double pedestalSpacing;
    if (this.pedestal != null) {
      pedestalScale = this.pedestal.getScale();
      pedestalSpacing = pedestal.getSpacingPixels();
    } else {
      pedestalScale = 0d;
      pedestalSpacing = 0d;

    GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.

    this.setDepthFunc(dc, uIcon, screenPoint);


    Dimension size = icon.getSize();
    double width = size != null ? size.getWidth() : icon.getImageTexture().getWidth(dc);
    double height = size != null ? size.getHeight() : icon.getImageTexture().getHeight(dc);
        screenPoint.x - width / 2, screenPoint.y + (pedestalScale * height) + pedestalSpacing, 0d);

    if (icon.isHighlighted()) {
      double heightDelta = this.pedestal != null ? 0 : height / 2; // expand only above the pedestal
      gl.glTranslated(width / 2, heightDelta, 0);
      gl.glScaled(icon.getHighlightScale(), icon.getHighlightScale(), icon.getHighlightScale());
      gl.glTranslated(-width / 2, -heightDelta, 0);

    Rectangle rect =
        new Rectangle(
            (int) (screenPoint.x - width / 2),
            (int) (screenPoint.y),
            (int) width,
            (int) (height + (pedestalScale * height) + pedestalSpacing));

    if (dc.isPickingMode()) {
      // If in picking mode and pick clipping is enabled, check to see if the icon is within the
      // pick volume.
      if (this.isPickFrustumClippingEnabled() && !dc.getPickFrustums().intersectsAny(rect)) {
        // Record feedback data for this WWIcon if feedback is enabled.
        this.recordFeedback(dc, icon, uIcon.point, rect);

        return screenPoint;
      } else {
        java.awt.Color color = dc.getUniquePickColor();
        int colorCode = color.getRGB();
        this.pickSupport.addPickableObject(colorCode, icon, uIcon.getPosition(), false);
        gl.glColor3ub((byte) color.getRed(), (byte) color.getGreen(), (byte) color.getBlue());

    if (icon.getBackgroundTexture() != null)
      this.applyBackground(dc, icon, screenPoint, width, height, pedestalSpacing, pedestalScale);

    if (icon.getImageTexture().bind(dc)) {
      TextureCoords texCoords = icon.getImageTexture().getTexCoords();
      gl.glScaled(width, height, 1d);

    if (this.pedestal != null && this.pedestal.getImageTexture() != null) {
      gl.glTranslated(screenPoint.x - (pedestalScale * (width / 2)), screenPoint.y, 0d);
      gl.glScaled(width * pedestalScale, height * pedestalScale, 1d);

      if (this.pedestal.getImageTexture().bind(dc)) {
        TextureCoords texCoords = this.pedestal.getImageTexture().getTexCoords();

    // Record feedback data for this WWIcon if feedback is enabled.
    this.recordFeedback(dc, icon, uIcon.point, rect);

    return screenPoint;