Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Test to check whether the IPs given overlap or not at all
   * @param flowIntersect - the current potential intersection
   * @param maskShift - the shift value (ie. either for a src_ip or a dst_ip).
   * @param masklenX - the netmask for the first ip.
   * @param masklenY - the netmask for the second ip.
   * @param x - the first ip
   * @param y - the second ip.
   * @return the smallest intersection of this ip space.
  private int testIP(
      FlowIntersect flowIntersect, int maskShift, int masklenX, int masklenY, int x, int y) {
    int min = Math.min(masklenX, masklenY); // get the less specific address
    int max = Math.max(masklenX, masklenY); // get the more specific address
    int min_encoded = 32 - min; // because OpenFlow does it backwards... grr
    int max_encoded = 32 - max; // because OpenFlow does it backwards... grr
    if (max_encoded >= 32) // set all the bits if this is in fact fully
    max_encoded = 63; // wildcarded; if only for wireshark's sake

    int mask;
    if (min == 0) mask = 0; // nasty work around for stupid signed ints
    else mask = ~((1 << min_encoded) - 1); // min < 32, so no signed issues
    // int mask = (1 << min) - 1;

    if ((x & mask) != (y & mask)) // if these are not in the same CIDR block
    // else there is some overlap
    OFMatch interMatch = flowIntersect.getMatch();
    int wildCards = interMatch.getWildcards();
    // turn off all bits for this match and then turn on the used ones
    // use MAX not MIN, because we want the most specific intersection
    // split into two ops, so we can see intermediate step in debugger
    // assumes SRC mask == DST mask
    // turn off all bits for this match (making it an exact match)
    wildCards = wildCards & ~(((1 << OFMatch.OFPFW_NW_SRC_BITS) - 1) << maskShift);
    // turn on the bits for the intersection
    wildCards = wildCards | max_encoded << maskShift;
    if (masklenX < masklenY) {
      flowIntersect.maybeSubset = false;
      return y;
    } else if (masklenX > masklenY) {
      flowIntersect.maybeSuperset = false;
      return x;

    // note that b/c of how CIDR addressing works, there is no overlap that
    // is not a SUB or SUPERSET
    return x; // x == y; doesn't matter