  public void shouldReceiveAttributesUsingExplicitConversion(boolean flag) throws JMSException {
    // Given
    String pattern = "dd.MM.YYYY";
    LocalDate today = new LocalDate();
    Mapping mapping =
        new MappingBuilder(OPERATION_FIELD_NAME) //
            .mapField("date", FieldMapping.map("date", new JodaLocalDateConverter(pattern))) //
            .mapField("flag", FieldMapping.map("flag", new StringToBooleanConverter("1", "0"))) //

    MapMessage message =
            flag ? "1" : "0");

    // When
    JodaTimeApi mock = mock(JodaTimeApi.class);
    MapMessageDecoder.of(JodaTimeApi.class, mock, mapping).onMessage(message);

    // Then
    verify(mock).localDateCall(today, flag);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void updateFormFromModel(
     final Object model, ModelBindingMetaData modelBindingMetaData) {
   try {
     for (Map.Entry<Field, FieldMapping> binding :
         modelBindingMetaData.getFieldMapping().entrySet()) {
       final FieldMapping fieldMapping = binding.getValue();
       final Object component = fieldMapping.getComponent();
           new ObjectUtil.OperationOnField() {
             public void operate(Field field) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
               Object modelValue = field.get(model);
               Method setterMethod = fieldMapping.getSetterMethod();
               if (setterMethod == null) return;
               Object currentValue = fieldMapping.getGetterMethod().invoke(component);
               if (modelValue != null && modelValue.getClass().isArray()) {
                 if (Arrays.equals((Object[]) modelValue, (Object[]) currentValue)) return;
               } else if (modelValue == null && currentValue == null) {
               } else if (modelValue != null && modelValue.equals(currentValue)) {
               if (fieldMapping.getBindingType().equals(FieldMapping.BindingType.BY_REFERENCE))
                 setterMethod.invoke(component, modelValue);
                 setterMethod.invoke(component, modelValue == null ? null : modelValue.toString());
   } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public FieldMapping getFieldMapping(String fieldName) {
   for (FieldMapping fm : fieldMappings) {
     if (fm.getFieldName().equals(fieldName)) {
       return fm;
   return null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Get the column families required by this schema.
  * @return The set of column families.
 public Set<String> getRequiredColumnFamilies() {
   Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
   for (FieldMapping mapping : fieldMappings) {
     if (FieldMapping.MappingType.KEY != mapping.getMappingType())
   return set;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Validate that a {@link FieldMapping} is compatible with this builder's current set of
  * mappings and add it to the set of mappings.
  * <p>A mapping is not compatible if it results in:
  * <pre>
  * 1. Multiple occVersion mappings in the mapping set
  * 2. Both a counter and an occVersion mapping in the mapping set
  * </pre>
  * @param fm a {@code FieldMapping} to add to this builder
 private void addField(FieldMapping fm) {
   // validate!
   if (fm.getMappingType() == FieldMapping.MappingType.OCC_VERSION) {
     ValidationException.check(!hasOCCVersion, "Cannot use multiple occVersion fields");
     ValidationException.check(!hasCounter, "Cannot use both counter and occVersion fields");
     hasOCCVersion = true;
   } else if (fm.getMappingType() == FieldMapping.MappingType.COUNTER) {
     ValidationException.check(!hasOCCVersion, "Cannot use both counter and occVersion fields");
     hasCounter = true;
 private Mapping partialMapping() {
   Mapping mapping = mock(Mapping.class);
   givenFieldMapping(mapping, "s1", FieldMapping.map("a"));
   return new CheckedMapping(mapping);
  public void shouldCallServiceWhenSendingAsMapMessage() {
    // Given
    MappedApi sendProxy = MessageSender.of(MappedApi.class);
    Mapping receiveMapping =
        new MappingBuilder(OPERATION_FIELD_NAME) //
            .mapField("s1", FieldMapping.map("A")) //
            .mapField("s2", FieldMapping.map("B")) //

    // When
    sendProxy.mappedCall("a", 0L);
    receive(captureMessage(), receiveMapping);

    // Then
    verify(serviceMock).mappedCall("a", 0L);
  private SavedMappings processISAFields(IsaFieldMappingsDocument isaDocument) {
    SavedMappings mappings = new SavedMappings();

    IsaFieldMappings isaFields = isaDocument.getIsaFieldMappings();

    for (IsaField field : isaFields.getIsaFieldArray()) {

      MappingField isaFieldBeingMappedTo = new MappingField(field.getColumnName());

      ISAFieldMapping currentMapping = new ISAFieldMapping();
      for (FieldMapping fieldMapping : field.getFieldMappingArray()) {
            fieldMapping.getMappedFieldArray(), ISAFieldMapping.FIELD, currentMapping);

      if (field.sizeOfDateMappingArray() > 0) {
        for (DateMapping dateMapping : field.getDateMappingArray()) {
              dateMapping.getMappedFieldArray(), ISAFieldMapping.DATE, currentMapping);

      if (field.sizeOfProviderMappingArray() > 0) {
        for (ProviderMapping providerMapping : field.getProviderMappingArray()) {
              providerMapping.getMappedFieldArray(), ISAFieldMapping.PERFORMER, currentMapping);

      if (field.sizeOfUnitMappingArray() > 0) {
        for (UnitMapping unitMapping : field.getUnitMappingArray()) {
              unitMapping.getMappedFieldArray(), ISAFieldMapping.UNIT, currentMapping);

      mappings.addMapping(isaFieldBeingMappedTo, currentMapping);

    return mappings;
  public void shouldSendAttributesUsingExplicitConversion(boolean flag) throws JMSException {
    // Given
    LocalDate today = new LocalDate();
    String pattern = "dd.MM.YYYY";
    Mapping mapping =
        new MappingBuilder(OPERATION_FIELD_NAME) //
            .mapField("date", FieldMapping.map("date", new JodaLocalDateConverter(pattern))) //
            .mapField("flag", FieldMapping.map("flag", new StringToBooleanConverter("1", "0"))) //
    MapJmsPayloadHandler payloadHandler = new MapJmsPayloadHandler(mapping);
    JodaTimeApi service = JmsSenderFactory.create(CONFIG, payloadHandler).create(JodaTimeApi.class);

    // When
    service.localDateCall(today, flag);

    // Then
    MapMessage message = (MapMessage) captureMessage();
    assertEquals(today.toString(pattern), message.getString("date"));
    assertEquals(flag ? "1" : "0", message.getString("flag"));
  public void shouldCallServiceWithDefaultValueIfNotSendingMandatoryParameter() {
    // Given
    Mapping mapping =
        new MappingBuilder(OPERATION_FIELD_NAME)
            .mapField("s1", FieldMapping.mapWithDefault("s1", "default value"))
    MappedApi service = service(mapping);

    // When
    service.mappedCall(null, 1L);
    receive(captureMessage(), mapping);

    // Then
    verify(serviceMock).mappedCall("default value", 1L);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Get the columns required by this schema.
  * @return The set of columns
 public Set<String> getRequiredColumns() {
   Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
   for (FieldMapping fieldMapping : fieldMappings) {
     if (FieldMapping.MappingType.KEY == fieldMapping.getMappingType()) {
     } else if (FieldMapping.MappingType.KEY_AS_COLUMN == fieldMapping.getMappingType()) {
       set.add(fieldMapping.getFamilyAsString() + ":");
     } else {
       set.add(fieldMapping.getFamilyAsString() + ":" + fieldMapping.getQualifierAsString());
   return set;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private Converter<?> resolveConverter(final FieldMapping field) {
   Converter<?> converter;
   switch (field.getField()) {
     case AMOUNT:
       converter = mapping.getNumberConverter();
     case NEGATE_AMOUNT:
       converter = mapping.getNegateAmountConverter();
     case DATE:
       converter = mapping.getDateConverter();
     case IGNORED:
       converter = null;
       converter = DEFAULT_CONVERTER;
   return converter;
  // TODO reenable
  public void shouldMapReceiveBoxedPrimitiveAttributesIfWrittenAsStrings(
      /* @Values("BOXED_PRIMITIVE_CALLS") */ SimpleServiceCall call) throws Exception {
    // Given
    MappingBuilder mapping = new MappingBuilder(OPERATION_FIELD_NAME);
    String operation = call.operation;
    String argument = call.argument;
    Class<?> type = call.type;
    Object value = call.value;
    mapping.mapField(argument, FieldMapping.map(argument));

    MapMessage message =
        createPayload(OPERATION_FIELD_NAME, operation, argument, String.valueOf(value));

    // When
    MapMessageDecoder.of(BoxedPrimitivesTestApi.class, boxedPrimitivesServiceMock, mapping.build())

    // Then
    invoke(verify(boxedPrimitivesServiceMock), operation, type, value);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  public List<TransactionImportDTO> readTransactions(final Reader in)
      throws IllegalTransactionFileFormatException, IOException {
    int lineNumber = 0;

    // Ignore the header lines
    for (int i = 0; i < mapping.getHeaderLines(); i++) {

    // Read each transaction
    final List<TransactionImportDTO> transactions = new LinkedList<TransactionImportDTO>();
    List<String> line;
    while ((line = readLine(in)) != null) {
      if (line.isEmpty()) {
      final TransactionImportDTO transaction = new TransactionImportDTO();
      int column = -1;
      final StringBuilder comments = new StringBuilder();
      for (final FieldMapping field : mapping.getFields()) {
        final Converter<?> converter = resolveConverter(field);
        if (converter == null) {
          // An ignored field
        final String stringValue = StringUtils.trimToNull(line.get(column));
        try {
          Object value = converter.valueOf(stringValue);
          final String property = field.getField().getDtoProperty();

          // If this is a member_custom_field, the value would be a map
          if (field.getField().equals(FieldMapping.Field.MEMBER_CUSTOM_FIELD)) {
            final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
            map.put(field.getMemberField().getInternalName(), (String) value);
            value = map;

          PropertyHelper.set(transaction, property, value);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
          if (comments.length() > 0) {
                  column + 1,

    return transactions;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Adds a mapping to store the record field {@code name} in the record key.
  * <p>The underlying dataset's {@link PartitionStrategy} must have an identity partitioner for
  * the record field {@code name} so that the value can be recovered.
  * @param name The name of a record field
  * @return This Builder for method chaining
 public Builder key(String name) {
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Adds a key-as-column mapping to store the record field {@code name} in the given {@code
  * family}, using its keys or fields as column qualifiers.
  * <p>The record field must be a map or a record.
  * @param name The name of a record field
  * @param family The column family for storing the map or record values
  * @return This Builder for method chaining
 public Builder keyAsColumn(String name, String family) {
   addField(FieldMapping.keyAsColumn(name, family));
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void order(Select sel, ClassMapping elem, Joins joins) {
   if (elem != null) sel.orderBy(elem.getPrimaryKeyColumns(), _asc, joins, false);
   else sel.orderBy(_fm.getElementMapping().getColumns(), _asc, joins, false);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public boolean isInRelation() {
   return _fm.getElement().getTypeMetaData() != null;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Adds a key-as-column mapping to store the record field {@code name} in the given {@code
  * family}, using column qualifiers built from its keys or field names appended to the {@code
  * qualifierPrefix}.
  * <p>The record field must be a map or a record.
  * @param name The name of a record field
  * @param family The column family for storing the map or record values
  * @param qualifierPrefix A prefix to add when building column qualifiers
  * @return This Builder for method chaining
 public Builder keyAsColumn(String name, String family, String qualifierPrefix) {
   addField(FieldMapping.keyAsColumn(name, family, qualifierPrefix));
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Adds a counter mapping to store record field {@code name} in a column using the {@code
  * family} and {@code qualifier}. The record field can be updated atomically using {@link
  * RandomAccessDataset#increment(Key, String, long)}
  * <p>The record field must be an int or a long.
  * <p>Counters cannot be used in combination with optimistic concurrency (OCC).
  * @param name The name of a record field
  * @param family The column family for storing the record counter value
  * @param qualifier The column qualifier for storing the record field value
  * @return This Builder for method chaining
 public Builder counter(String name, String family, String qualifier) {
   addField(FieldMapping.counter(name, family, qualifier));
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Adds an OCC version mapping for the record field {@code name}. The record field will contain
  * the current version number of the record.
  * <p>Using this mapping enables optimistic concurrency (OCC), where the underlying {@link
  * RandomAccessDataset} will only persist changes to a record if it has not changed by another
  * process.
  * <p>The record field must be an int or a long.
  * <p>Optimistic concurrency (OCC) cannot be used in combination with counters.
  * @param name The name of a record field to use for an OCC version
  * @return This Builder for method chaining
 public Builder occ(String name) {
   return this;