Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void testGrowReplaceShrink() {
    Random r = new Random();
    int k = 10000;
    String s = "A";
    double t = 0;
    FibonacciHeap<String> h = new FibonacciHeap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < (k * 3); ++i) {
      // during first two-thirds, insert
      if (i < (k * 2)) {
        double d = r.nextDouble();
        t += d;
        FibonacciHeapNode<String> n = new FibonacciHeapNode<>(s);
        h.insert(n, d);

      // during last two-thirds, delete (so during middle
      // third, we'll do both insert and delete, interleaved)
      if (i >= k) {
        FibonacciHeapNode<String> n2 = h.removeMin();
        t -= n2.getKey();

    // tally should come back down to zero, or thereabouts (due to roundoff)
    assertEquals(0.0, t, 0.00001);
 // makes x's nextSibling and prevSibling point to itself
 private void removeFromSiblings(FibonacciHeapNode x) {
   if (x.nextSibling == x) return;
   x.nextSibling.prevSibling = x.prevSibling;
   x.prevSibling.nextSibling = x.nextSibling;
   x.nextSibling = x;
   x.prevSibling = x;
 // joins siblings lists of a and b
 private void concatenateSiblings(FibonacciHeapNode a, FibonacciHeapNode b) {
   a.nextSibling.prevSibling = b;
   b.nextSibling.prevSibling = a;
   FibonacciHeapNode origAnext = a.nextSibling;
   a.nextSibling = b.nextSibling;
   b.nextSibling = origAnext;
 // links y under x
 private void link(FibonacciHeapNode y, FibonacciHeapNode x) {
   y.parent = x;
   if (x.child == null) x.child = y;
   else concatenateSiblings(x.child, y);
   y.mark = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 // in honor of sf.net bug #1845376
 public void testAddRemoveOne() {
   String s = "A";
   FibonacciHeapNode<String> n = new FibonacciHeapNode<>(s);
   FibonacciHeap<String> h = new FibonacciHeap<>();
   h.insert(n, 1.0);
   FibonacciHeapNode<String> n2 = h.removeMin();
   assertEquals(s, n2.getData());
  // cut node x from below y
  private void cut(FibonacciHeapNode x, FibonacciHeapNode y) {
    // remove x from y's children
    if (y.child == x) y.child = x.nextSibling;
    if (y.child == x) y.child = null;

    concatenateSiblings(x, min);
    x.parent = null;
    x.mark = false;
  * Decreases the <code>priority</code> value associated with
  * <code>item</code>.
  * <p>
  * <code>item<code> must exist in the heap, and it's current
  * priority must be greater than <code>priority</code>.
  * @throws IllegalStateException if <code>item</code> does not exist
  * in the heap, or if <code>item</code> already has an equal or
  * lower priority than the supplied<code>priority</code>.
 public void decreaseKey(Object item, int priority) {
   FibonacciHeapNode node = (FibonacciHeapNode) itemsToNodes.get(item);
   if (node == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No such element: " + item);
   if (node.priority < priority)
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         "decreaseKey(" + item + ", " + priority + ") called, but priority=" + node.priority);
   node.priority = priority;
   FibonacciHeapNode parent = node.parent;
   if ((parent != null) && (node.priority < parent.priority)) {
     cut(node, parent);
   if (node.priority < min.priority) min = node;
 private void cascadingCut(FibonacciHeapNode y) {
   FibonacciHeapNode z = y.parent;
   if (z != null) {
     if (!y.mark) {
       y.mark = true;
     } else {
       cut(y, z);
  * Returns the object which has the <em>lowest</em> priority in the heap. If the heap is empty,
  * <code>null</code> is returned.
 public Object popMin() {
   if (min == null) return null;
   if (min.child != null) {
     FibonacciHeapNode tmp = min.child;
     // rempve parent pointers to min
     while (tmp.parent != null) {
       tmp.parent = null;
       tmp = tmp.nextSibling;
     // add children of min to root list
     concatenateSiblings(tmp, min);
   // remove min from root list
   FibonacciHeapNode oldMin = min;
   if (min.nextSibling == min) {
     min = null;
   } else {
     min = min.nextSibling;
   return oldMin.userObject;
Ejemplo n.º 10
   * routing using A* algorithm with fibonacci heap basically same as routingAStar function
   * @param startNode
   * @param endNode
   * @param startTime
   * @param pathNodeList return path
   * @return
  public static double routingAStarFibonacci(
      long startNode, long endNode, int startTime, int dayIndex, ArrayList<Long> pathNodeList) {
    System.out.println("start finding the path...");
    int debug = 0;
    double totalCost = -1;
    try {
      // test store transversal nodes
      // HashSet<Long> transversalSet = new HashSet<Long>();

      if (!OSMData.nodeHashMap.containsKey(startNode)
          || !OSMData.nodeHashMap.containsKey(endNode)) {
        System.err.println("cannot find start or end node!");
        return -1;

      if (startNode == endNode) {
        System.out.println("start node is the same as end node.");
        return 0;

      HashSet<Long> closedSet = new HashSet<Long>();
      HashMap<Long, FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper>> nodeHelperCache =
          new HashMap<Long, FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper>>();

      FibonacciHeap<NodeInfoHelper> openSet = initialStartSet(startNode, endNode, nodeHelperCache);
      HashSet<Long> endSet = initialEndSet(endNode);
      NodeInfoHelper current = null;
      FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper> fCurrent = null;

      while (!openSet.isEmpty()) {
        // remove current from openset
        fCurrent = openSet.min();
        current = fCurrent.getData();

        // if(!transversalSet.contains(current.getNodeId()))
        //	transversalSet.add(current.getNodeId());

        long nodeId = current.getNodeId();
        // add current to closedset
        if (endSet.contains(nodeId)) { // find the destination
          current = current.getEndNodeHelper(endNode);
          totalCost = current.getCost();
        // for time dependent routing
        int timeIndex =
                + (int)
                    (current.getCost() / OSMParam.SECOND_PER_MINUTE / OSMRouteParam.TIME_INTERVAL);
        if (timeIndex
            > OSMRouteParam.TIME_RANGE
                - 1) // time [6am - 9 pm], we regard times after 9pm as constant edge weights
        timeIndex = OSMRouteParam.TIME_RANGE - 1;
        LinkedList<ToNodeInfo> adjNodeList = OSMData.adjListHashMap.get(nodeId);
        if (adjNodeList == null) continue; // this node cannot go anywhere
        double arriveTime = current.getCost();
        // for each neighbor in neighbor_nodes(current)
        for (ToNodeInfo toNode : adjNodeList) {
          long toNodeId = toNode.getNodeId();
          int travelTime;
          if (toNode.isFix()) // fix time
          travelTime = toNode.getTravelTime();
          else // fetch from time array
          travelTime = toNode.getSpecificTravelTime(dayIndex, timeIndex);
          // tentative_g_score := g_score[current] + dist_between(current,neighbor)
          double costTime = arriveTime + (double) travelTime / OSMParam.MILLI_PER_SECOND;
          // tentative_f_score := tentative_g_score + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbor, goal)
          double heuristicTime = estimateHeuristic(toNodeId, endNode);
          double totalCostTime = costTime + heuristicTime;
          // if neighbor in closedset and tentative_f_score >= f_score[neighbor]
          if (closedSet.contains(toNodeId)
              && nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId).getData().getTotalCost() <= totalCostTime) {
          NodeInfoHelper node = null;
          FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper> fNode = null;
          // if neighbor not in openset or tentative_f_score < f_score[neighbor]
          if (!nodeHelperCache.containsKey(toNodeId)) { // neighbor not in openset
            // create new one
            node = new NodeInfoHelper(toNodeId);
            fNode = new FibonacciHeapNode<NodeInfoHelper>(node);
            openSet.insert(fNode, node.getTotalCost());
            nodeHelperCache.put(node.getNodeId(), fNode);
          } else if (nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId).getData().getTotalCost()
              > totalCostTime) { // neighbor in openset
            fNode = nodeHelperCache.get(toNodeId);
            node = fNode.getData();
            // update information
            if (closedSet.contains(toNodeId)) { // neighbor in closeset
              closedSet.remove(toNodeId); // remove neighbor form colseset
              openSet.insert(fNode, node.getTotalCost());
            } else { // neighbor in openset, decreaseKey
              openSet.decreaseKey(fNode, node.getTotalCost());
      if (totalCost != -1) {
        long traceNodeId = current.getNodeId();
        pathNodeList.add(traceNodeId); // add end node
        traceNodeId = current.getParentId();
        while (traceNodeId != 0) {
          pathNodeList.add(traceNodeId); // add node
          fCurrent = nodeHelperCache.get(traceNodeId);
          current = fCurrent.getData();
          traceNodeId = current.getParentId();
        Collections.reverse(pathNodeList); // reverse the path list
        System.out.println("find the path successful!");
      } else {
        System.out.println("can not find the path!");
      // OSMOutput.generateTransversalNodeKML(transversalSet, nodeHashMap);
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "tdsp: debug code " + debug + ", start node " + startNode + ", end node " + endNode);
    return totalCost;