Ejemplo n.º 1
  public static void do_trace(EProc proc, EAtom what, EObject info) throws Pausable {

    EPID pid = proc.get_trace_flags().tracer;

    EObject msg = ETuple4.make_tuple(am_trace, proc.self_handle(), what, info);

    pid.send(proc.self_handle(), msg);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param s
  * @return
 public static EPID loopkup_pid(ESeq name) {
   String str = name.stringValue();
   for (EProc p : EProc.all_tasks.values()) {
     if (p.self_handle().toString().equals(str)) {
       return p.self_handle();
   throw ERT.badarg(name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  private static EObject send_to_remote(
      EProc proc, ETuple dest, EAtom node_name, EAtom reg_name, EObject msg, EObject options)
      throws Pausable {
    // INVARIANT: t == ETuple.make(node_name, reg_name)

    if (node_name == getLocalNode().node) { // We're talking to ourselves
      send_to_locally_registered(proc, reg_name, msg);
      return am_ok; // Even if the process does not exist.
      // TODO: Return 'noconnect' if options contain noconnect?...
    } else { // We're talking to another node
      if (ipclog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        ipclog.fine("sending msg " + dest + " ! " + msg);

      EAbstractNode node = EPeer.get(node_name);
      if (node == null) {
        EObject[] args =
            (options != null
                ? new EObject[] {dest, msg, options}
                : new EObject[] {dest, msg, ERT.NIL});
        return erlang__dsend__3.invoke(proc, args);
      } else {
        node.dsig_reg_send(proc.self_handle(), reg_name, msg);
        return am_ok;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public static EInteger trace_pattern(EProc proc, EObject arg0, EObject arg1, EObject arg2) {

    ETuple3 mfa = ETuple3.cast(arg0);
    EAtom mod, fun;

    if (mfa == null
        || (mod = mfa.elem1.testAtom()) == null
        || (fun = mfa.elem2.testAtom()) == null) {
      throw ERT.badarg(arg0, arg1, arg2);

    int count = EModuleManager.trace_pattern(proc.self_handle(), mod, fun, mfa.elem3, arg1, arg2);

    return ERT.box(count);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public static EInteger trace(EProc self_proc, EObject arg0, EObject arg1, EObject arg2) {
    EInternalPID pid = arg0.testInternalPID();
    EAtom all = arg0.testAtom();
    EObject how = arg1.testBoolean();
    ESeq flags = arg2.testSeq();

    if ((pid == null && all != am_all) || how == null || flags == null) {
      throw ERT.badarg(arg0, arg1, arg2);

    EInternalPID self = self_proc.self_handle();

    if (all == am_all) {
      ESeq allprocs = EProc.processes();
      int result = allprocs.length();
      global_trace_flags.update(how == ERT.TRUE, flags, self);
      while (!allprocs.isNil()) {
        EProc proc = allprocs.head().testInternalPID().task();
        allprocs = allprocs.tail();

        if (proc.trace_flags != null) {
          proc.trace_flags.update(how == ERT.TRUE, flags, self);

      return ERT.box(result);

    } else {
      EProc proc = pid.task();

      if (!proc.is_alive_dirtyread()) {
        return ESmall.ZERO;

      if (proc.trace_flags == null) {
        proc.trace_flags = global_trace_flags.clone();

      proc.trace_flags.update(how == ERT.TRUE, flags, self);

      return ESmall.ONE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private static void send_to_handle(EProc proc, EHandle handle, EObject msg) throws Pausable {
   int penalty = handle.send(proc.self_handle(), msg);