public static Doclean assertDoclean() { Doclean doclean = context.value(); if (doclean == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Doclean is absent!!!"); } return doclean; }
/** * Runs the body of code within a cleanup context. If the context is null, establishes a new one. * * @param body */ public static void run(Runnable body) { Doclean doclean = context.value(); if (doclean != null) {; } else { runNew(body); } }
/** * Runs the body of code wihin a new established cleanup context. Cleans the context after doing * the job. * * @param body */ public static void runNew(Runnable body) { Doclean doclean = new Doclean(); try { context.binding(doclean, body); } finally { doclean.clear(); } }
public class Doclean { private static final DynVar<Doclean> context = DynVar.initially(null); /** * Runs the body of code wihin a new established cleanup context. Cleans the context after doing * the job. * * @param body */ public static void runNew(Runnable body) { Doclean doclean = new Doclean(); try { context.binding(doclean, body); } finally { doclean.clear(); } } /** * Runs the body of code within a cleanup context. If the context is null, establishes a new one. * * @param body */ public static void run(Runnable body) { Doclean doclean = context.value(); if (doclean != null) {; } else { runNew(body); } } public static Doclean assertDoclean() { Doclean doclean = context.value(); if (doclean == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Doclean is absent!!!"); } return doclean; } public void register(Runnable cleanupBody) { bodies.add(0, cleanupBody); } private void clear() { for (Runnable body : bodies) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private final List<Runnable> bodies = new LinkedList<Runnable>(); private Doclean() { ; } }