Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Unsubscribe the provided Subscription
  * @param subscription
 public void unsubscribe(DynSubscription subscription) {
   if (subscription.isConnected()) {
     subscription.publication.publisher.subscriptionDisconnected(name, subscription);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Subscribe and try to connect the provided Subscription.
  * <p>Careful: Calling this method does NOT guarantee to have a valid connection to a publication.
  * It only means, that the request to subscribe was registered and it tries to connect if there is
  * a matching publication.
  * <p>VERY Careful: If a valid connection can be established this method calls directly the
  * Subscribers publicationConnected() method and returns once that method returns.
  * @param subscription
  * @return true if a successful connection to a publication could be established
 public boolean subscribe(DynSubscription subscription) {
   if (!subscriptions.contains(subscription)) {
     if (!subscription.isConnected()) {
       Iterator<DynPublication> i = publications.iterator();
       while (i.hasNext()) {
         DynPublication publication = i.next();
         if (subscription.equalsIdentifier(publication)) {
           subscription.subscriber.publicationConnected(name, subscription);
           publication.publisher.subscriptionConnected(name, subscription);
           return true;
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Publish the provided Publication
   * <p>Careful: Calling this method does NOT guarantee to have a valid connection to a
   * subscription. It only means, that the publication is registered and it tries to connect if
   * there is a matching subscription.
   * <p>VERY Careful: If a valid connection can be established this method calls directly the
   * Publishers subscriptionConnected() method and returns once that method returns.
   * @param publication
   * @throws DynException if the Publications identifier has already been taken
  public void publish(DynPublication publication) throws DynException {
    //		Debugger.debug(getClass(), "try to publish publication: " + publication.getIdentifier());
    // First check if this pointers name has been already taken
    Iterator<DynPublication> p = publications.iterator();
    while (p.hasNext()) {
      if (p.next().identifier.equals(publication.identifier))
        throw new DynException("Publication name already taken: " + publication.identifier);


    Iterator<DynSubscription> i = subscriptions.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
      DynSubscription subscription = i.next();
      if (!subscription.isConnected() && subscription.equalsIdentifier(publication)) {
        publication.publisher.subscriptionConnected(name, subscription);
        subscription.subscriber.publicationConnected(name, subscription);