Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param y vector of measurements.
  * @param cy covaariance matrix of measurements.
  * @param x vector of first approximations of unknowns.
  * @param list array containing the elements of a list specifying which of the n variables are
  *     fixed (list element = 0) and which are adjustable (list element = 1). m number of constaint
  *     equations
  * @param uf user function which must be an extension of the abstract class DatanUserFunction.
 public LsqGen(
     DatanVector y, DatanMatrix cy, DatanVector x, int[] list, int m, DatanUserFunction uf) {
   this.y = y;
   this.cy = cy;
   this.x = x;
   this.list = list;
   this.m = m;
   this.uf = uf;
   n = y.getNumberOfElements();
   r = list.length;
   nred = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
     if (list[i] == 1) nred++;
   l = n + nred;
   t = new DatanVector(l);
   f = new DatanMatrix(cy);
   fy = f.choleskyDecomposition();
   mfvec = new DatanVector(1);
   ok = new boolean[1];
   mf = 0.;
   nstep = 100;
   d = new DatanVector(m);
   for (int istep = 0; istep < nstep; istep++) {
     mflast = mf;
     f = new DatanMatrix(l, l);
     f.putSubmatrix(nred, nred, fy);
     e = new DatanMatrix(m, l);
     for (int k = 0; k < m; k++) {
       d.setElement(k, -uf.getValue(y, x, k));
     b = f.choleskyMultiply(t);
     b = b.multiply(-1.);
     u = f.leastSquaresWithConstraints(b, e, d, mfvec, 0., ok);
     converged = ok[0];
     if (!converged) break loop;
     mf = mfvec.getElement(0);
     if (nred > 0) {
       // update x
       int ired = -1;
       for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
         if (list[i] != 0) {
           x.setElement(i, x.getElement(i) + u.getElement(ired));
     // update y and t
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       y.setElement(i, y.getElement(i) + u.getElement(i + nred));
       t.setElement(i + nred, t.getElement(i + nred) + u.getElement(i + nred));
     // test for convergence
     if (istep > 0 && Math.abs(mf - mflast) < mf * EPSILON + T) break loop;
   if (converged) {
     a = e.getSubmatrix(m, n, 0, nred);
     help = cy.multiplyWithTransposed(a);
     gb = a.multiply(help);
     if (nred > 0) {
       help2 = e.getSubmatrix(m, nred, 0, 0);
       help3 = help2.multiplyTransposedWith(gb);
       cx = help3.multiply(help2);
       // cx contains covariance matrx of unknowns
     } else {
       cx = new DatanMatrix(1, 1);
       // for nred ==0 the matrix cx is set to be the (1 x 1) zero matrix
     a = e.getSubmatrix(m, n, 0, nred);
     help = a.multiply(cy);
     help2 = gb.multiply(a.multiply(cy));
     help3 = help.multiplyTransposedWith(help2);
     cyimproved = cy.sub(help3);
     // cyimproved contains covariance matrix of "improved" measurements