/** Set up the test; create some initial tables to work with */
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    // Create some sample tables to work with
    this.tuples1 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    this.f1 = SystemTestUtil.createRandomHeapFile(10, 1000, 20, null, tuples1, "c");

    this.tableName1 = "TA";
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(f1, tableName1);
    this.tableId1 = Database.getCatalog().getTableId(tableName1);
    System.out.println("tableId1: " + tableId1);

    stats1 = new TableStats(tableId1, 19);
    TableStats.setTableStats(tableName1, stats1);

    this.tuples2 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    this.f2 = SystemTestUtil.createRandomHeapFile(10, 10000, 20, null, tuples2, "c");

    this.tableName2 = "TB";
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(f2, tableName2);
    this.tableId2 = Database.getCatalog().getTableId(tableName2);
    System.out.println("tableId2: " + tableId2);

    stats2 = new TableStats(tableId2, 19);

    TableStats.setTableStats(tableName2, stats2);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public static void computeStatistics() {
    Iterator<Integer> tableIt = Database.getCatalog().tableIdIterator();

    System.out.println("Computing table stats.");
    while (tableIt.hasNext()) {
      int tableid = tableIt.next();
      TableStats s = new TableStats(tableid, IOCOSTPERPAGE);
      setTableStats(Database.getCatalog().getTableName(tableid), s);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Remove the specified tuple from the buffer pool. Will acquire a write lock on the page the
  * tuple is removed from. May block if the lock cannot be acquired.
  * <p>Marks any pages that were dirtied by the operation as dirty by calling their markDirty bit.
  * Does not need to update cached versions of any pages that have been dirtied, as it is not
  * possible that a new page was created during the deletion (note difference from addTuple).
  * @param tid the transaction deleting the tuple.
  * @param t the tuple to delete
 public void deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)
     throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
   HeapFile heapFile =
       (HeapFile) Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(t.getRecordId().getPageId().getTableId());
   Page dirtiedPage = heapFile.deleteTuple(tid, t);
   dirtiedPage.markDirty(true, tid);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Add a tuple to the specified table behalf of transaction tid. Will acquire a write lock on the
  * page the tuple is added to(Lock acquisition is not needed for lab2). May block if the lock
  * cannot be acquired.
  * <p>Marks any pages that were dirtied by the operation as dirty by calling their markDirty bit,
  * and updates cached versions of any pages that have been dirtied so that future requests see
  * up-to-date pages.
  * @param tid the transaction adding the tuple
  * @param tableId the table to add the tuple to
  * @param t the tuple to add
 public void insertTuple(TransactionId tid, int tableId, Tuple t)
     throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
   HeapFile heapFile = (HeapFile) Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(tableId);
   List<Page> dirtiedPages = heapFile.insertTuple(tid, t);
   for (Page dirtiedPage : dirtiedPages) {
     dirtiedPage.markDirty(true, tid);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Returns the TupleDesc with field names from the underlying HeapFile, prefixed with the
  * tableAlias string from the constructor. This prefix becomes useful when joining tables
  * containing a field(s) with the same name.
  * @return the TupleDesc with field names from the underlying HeapFile, prefixed with the
  *     tableAlias string from the constructor.
 public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
   TupleDesc tup = Database.getCatalog().getTupleDesc(id);
   int length = tup.numFields();
   String[] field = new String[length];
   Type[] types = new Type[length];
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
     types[i] = tup.getFieldType(i);
     field[i] = alias + "." + tup.getFieldName(i);
   return new TupleDesc(types, field);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
   // some code goes here
   if (i_pos != null) {
     i = i_pos;
   } else {
     Catalog gc = Database.getCatalog();
     HeapFile file = (HeapFile) gc.getDbFile(tableid);
     i = file.iterator(tid);
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Create a new TableStats object, that keeps track of statistics on each column of a table
   * @param tableid The table over which to compute statistics
   * @param ioCostPerPage The cost per page of IO. This doesn't differentiate between
   *     sequential-scan IO and disk seeks.
  public TableStats(int tableid, int ioCostPerPage) {
    // For this function, we use the DbFile for the table in question,
    // then scan through its tuples and calculate the values that you
    // to build the histograms.

    // TODO: Fill out the rest of the constructor.
    // Feel free to change anything already written, it's only a guideline

    this.ioCostPerPage = ioCostPerPage;
    DbFile file = Database.getCatalog().getDbFile(tableid);
    tupleDesc = file.getTupleDesc();
    numPages = ((HeapFile) file).numPages();
    numTuples = 0;

    int numFields = tupleDesc.numFields();

    // TODO: what goes here?
    statistics = new ArrayList<Object>();

    for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
      if (Type.INT_TYPE.equals(tupleDesc.getFieldType(i))) {
        statistics.add(new IntStatistics(NUM_HIST_BINS));
      } else {
        statistics.add(new StringHistogram(NUM_HIST_BINS));

    final DbFileIterator iter = file.iterator(null);
    try {

      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Tuple t = iter.next();

        // TODO: and here?
        for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
          if (Type.INT_TYPE.equals(tupleDesc.getFieldType(i))) {
            ((IntStatistics) statistics.get(i)).addValue(((IntField) t.getField(i)).getValue());
          } else {
            ((StringHistogram) statistics.get(i))
                .addValue(((StringField) t.getField(i)).getValue());
    } catch (DbException e) {
    } catch (TransactionAbortedException e) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Flushes a certain page to disk
  * @param pageId an ID indicating the page to flush
 private synchronized void flushPage(PageId pageId) throws IOException {
   if (pageIdToPages.containsKey(pageId)) {
     Page page = pageIdToPages.get(pageId);
     // append an update record to the log, with
     // a before-image and after-image.
     TransactionId dirtier = page.isDirty();
     if (dirtier != null) {
       addDirtiedFlushedPage(dirtier, pageId);
       Database.getLogFile().logWrite(dirtier, page.getBeforeImage(), page);
       page.markDirty(false, null);
Ejemplo n.º 9
   * Retrieve the specified page with the associated permissions. Will acquire a lock and may block
   * if that lock is held by another transaction.
   * <p>The retrieved page should be looked up in the buffer pool. If it is present, it should be
   * returned. If it is not present, it should be added to the buffer pool and returned. If there is
   * insufficient space in the buffer pool, an page should be evicted and the new page should be
   * added in its place.
   * @param tid the ID of the transaction requesting the page
   * @param pid the ID of the requested page
   * @param perm the requested permissions on the page
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws NoSuchElementException
  public Page getPage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid, Permissions perm)
      throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException, NoSuchElementException, IOException {

    if (this.deadPool.containsKey(pid)) {
      return this.deadPool.get(pid);
    } else {
      if (this.deadPool.size() >= this.numPages) {
        throw new DbException("Too many pages!");
      } else {
            pid, Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(pid.getTableId()).readPage(pid));
        return this.deadPool.get(pid);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Retrieve the specified page with the associated permissions. Will acquire a lock and may block
  * if that lock is held by another transaction.
  * <p>The retrieved page should be looked up in the buffer pool. If it is present, it should be
  * returned. If it is not present, it should be added to the buffer pool and returned. If there is
  * insufficient space in the buffer pool, an page should be evicted and the new page should be
  * added in its place.
  * @param tid the ID of the transaction requesting the page
  * @param pid the ID of the requested page
  * @param perm the requested permissions on the page
  * @throws DbException
  * @throws TransactionAbortedException
 public Page getPage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid, Permissions perm)
     throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
   lockManager.acquireLock(tid, pid, perm);
   if (pageIdToPages.containsKey(pid)) {
     return pageIdToPages.get(pid);
   if (currentPages.get() == maxPages) {
   int tableId = pid.getTableId();
   Catalog catalog = Database.getCatalog();
   DbFile dbFile = catalog.getDatabaseFile(tableId);
   Page page = dbFile.readPage(pid);
   pageIdToPages.put(pid, page);
   return page;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void createAliasedTd() {
   Catalog gc = Database.getCatalog();
   TupleDesc old_td = gc.getTupleDesc(tableid);
   String[] newFieldAr = new String[old_td.numFields()];
   Type[] typeAr = new Type[old_td.numFields()];
   String field = null;
   for (int i = 0; i < newFieldAr.length; i++) {
     field = old_td.getFieldName(i);
     if (alias == null) {
       alias = "null";
     } else if (field == null) {
       field = "null";
     newFieldAr[i] = alias + "." + field;
     typeAr[i] = old_td.getFieldType(i);
   td = new TupleDesc(typeAr, newFieldAr);
Ejemplo n.º 12
   * Create a HeapPage from a set of bytes of data read from disk. The format of a HeapPage is a set
   * of header bytes indicating the slots of the page that are in use, some number of tuple slots.
   * Specifically, the number of tuples is equal to:
   * <p>floor((BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE*8) / (tuple size * 8 + 1))
   * <p>where tuple size is the size of tuples in this database table, which can be determined via
   * {@link Catalog#getTupleDesc}. The number of 8-bit header words is equal to:
   * <p>ceiling(no. tuple slots / 8)
   * <p>
   * @see Database#getCatalog
   * @see Catalog#getTupleDesc
   * @see BufferPool#PAGE_SIZE
  public HeapPage(HeapPageId id, byte[] data) throws IOException {
    this.pid = id;
    this.td = Database.getCatalog().getTupleDesc(id.getTableId());
    this.numSlots = getNumTuples();
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));

    // allocate and read the header slots of this page
    header = new byte[getHeaderSize()];
    for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) header[i] = dis.readByte();

    try {
      // allocate and read the actual records of this page
      tuples = new Tuple[numSlots];
      for (int i = 0; i < tuples.length; i++) tuples[i] = readNextTuple(dis, i);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {

Ejemplo n.º 13
   * Create a HeapPage from a set of bytes of data read from disk. The format of a HeapPage is a set
   * of 32-bit header words indicating the slots of the page that are in use, plus
   * (BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE/tuple size) tuple slots, where tuple size is the size of tuples in this
   * database table, which can be determined via {@link Catalog#getTupleDesc}.
   * <p>The number of 32-bit header words is equal to:
   * <p>(no. tuple slots / 32) + 1
   * <p>
   * @see Database#getCatalog
   * @see Catalog#getTupleDesc
   * @see BufferPool#PAGE_SIZE
  public HeapPage(HeapPageId id, byte[] data) throws IOException {
    this.pid = id;
    this.td = Database.getCatalog().getTupleDesc(id.tableid());
    // this.numSlots = (BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE) / (td.getSize());
    this.numSlots = (BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE * 8) / ((td.getSize() * 8) + 1);
    // System.out.println(this.numSlots);
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));

    // allocate and read the header slots of this page
    header = new Header(dis);

    try {
      // allocate and read the actual records of this page
      tuples = new Tuple[numSlots];
      for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) {
        tuples[i] = readNextTuple(dis, i);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      // e.printStackTrace();

Ejemplo n.º 14
   * Returns the TupleDesc with field names from the underlying HeapFile, prefixed with the
   * tableAlias string from the constructor. This prefix becomes useful when joining tables
   * containing a field(s) with the same name.
   * @return the TupleDesc with field names from the underlying HeapFile, prefixed with the
   *     tableAlias string from the constructor.
  public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
    // some code goes here
    TupleDesc td = Database.getCatalog().getTupleDesc(tableid);
    Iterator<TDItem> tdIter = td.iterator();
    int size = td.numFields();
    Type[] typeAr = new Type[size];
    String[] fieldAr = new String[size];

    String aliasString = this.tableAlias;

    TDItem item;
    Type fieldType;
    String fieldName;
    int count = 0;

    if (aliasString == null) {
      aliasString = "null";
    //      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
    //    	item = tdIter.next();
    //    	fieldType = item.fieldType;
    //    	fieldName = item.fieldName;

    while (tdIter.hasNext()) {
      item = tdIter.next();
      fieldType = item.fieldType;
      fieldName = item.fieldName;
      if (fieldName == null) {
        fieldName = "null";
      typeAr[count] = fieldType;
      fieldAr[count] = aliasString + "." + fieldName; // "null.null case may occur"
    return new TupleDesc(typeAr, fieldAr);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Creates a sequential scan over the specified table as a part of the specified transaction.
  * @param tid The transaction this scan is running as a part of.
  * @param tableid the table to scan.
  * @param tableAlias the alias of this table (needed by the parser); the returned tupleDesc should
  *     have fields with name tableAlias.fieldName (note: this class is not responsible for
  *     handling a case where tableAlias or fieldName are null. It shouldn't crash if they are, but
  *     the resulting name can be null.fieldName, tableAlias.null, or null.null).
 public SeqScan(TransactionId tid, int tableid, String tableAlias) {
   alias = tableAlias;
   id = tableid;
   dbiter = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(id).iterator(tid);
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Static method to generate a byte array corresponding to an empty HeapPage. Used to add new,
  * empty pages to the file. Passing the results of this method to the HeapPage constructor will
  * create a HeapPage with no valid tuples in it.
  * @param tableid The id of the table that this empty page will belong to.
  * @return The returned ByteArray.
 public static byte[] createEmptyPageData(int tableid) {
   TupleDesc td = Database.getCatalog().getTupleDesc(tableid);
   // int hb = (((BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE / td.getSize()) / 32) +1) * 4;
   int len = BufferPool.PAGE_SIZE; // + hb;
   return new byte[len]; // all 0
Ejemplo n.º 17
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 5) {
      System.out.println("Invalid number of arguments.\n" + usage);

    String confDir = Server.DEFAULT_CONF_DIR;
    String outputDir = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR;
    if (args.length >= 3 && args[1].equals("--conf")) {
      confDir = args[2];
      args = ParallelUtility.removeArg(args, 1);
      args = ParallelUtility.removeArg(args, 1);

    if (args.length >= 3 && args[1].equals("--output")) {
      outputDir = args[2];
      args = ParallelUtility.removeArg(args, 1);
      args = ParallelUtility.removeArg(args, 1);

    Catalog c = Database.getCatalog();

    SocketInfo[] workers = ParallelUtility.loadWorkers(confDir);

    File catalogFile = new File(args[0]);

    for (SocketInfo worker : workers) {
      File folder = new File(outputDir + "/" + worker.getHost() + "_" + worker.getPort());
          catalogFile, new File(folder.getAbsolutePath() + "/catalog.schema"), true);

    TransactionId fateTid = new TransactionId();

    Iterator<Integer> tableIds = c.tableIdIterator();
    while (tableIds.hasNext()) {
      int tableid = tableIds.next();
      int numTuples = getTotalTuples(tableid);
      HeapFile h = (HeapFile) c.getDatabaseFile(tableid);

      int eachSplitSize = numTuples / workers.length;
      int[] splitSizes = new int[workers.length];
      Arrays.fill(splitSizes, eachSplitSize);
      for (int i = 0; i < numTuples % workers.length; i++) {
        splitSizes[i] += 1;

      DbFileIterator dfi = h.iterator(fateTid);

      for (int i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) {
        ArrayList<Tuple> buffer = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
        for (int j = 0; j < splitSizes[i]; j++) {
        Iterator<TDItem> items = h.getTupleDesc().iterator();
        ArrayList<Type> types = new ArrayList<Type>();
        while (items.hasNext()) types.add(items.next().fieldType);

            new File(
                    + "/"
                    + workers[i].getHost()
                    + "_"
                    + workers[i].getPort()
                    + "/"
                    + c.getTableName(tableid)
                    + ".dat"),
            types.toArray(new Type[] {}));
Ejemplo n.º 18
   * This is a helper method that computes the cost and cardinality of joining a LogicalJoinNode j
   * to the current greedy plan we have built up.
   * @param j the join to try adding to our plan
   * @param plan the current plan we have built so far from the greedy algorithm, a Vector of
   *     LogicalJoinNodes that we've so far chosen.
   * @param planCardinalities given the join order from plan, we also keep track of how large joined
   *     tables are, so we can help estimate the cardinality and cost of this next join
   * @param planCosts given the join order from plan, we also keep track of how expensive executing
   *     some joins are, so we can help estimate the cardinality and cost of this next join
   * @param stats table stats for all of the tables, referenced by table names rather than alias
   *     (see {@link #orderGreedyJoins(HashMap, HashMap)})
   * @param filterSelectivities the selectivities of the filters over each of the tables (where
   *     tables are indentified by their alias or name if no alias is given)
   * @return A {@link CostCard} objects desribing the cost, cardinality, optimal subplan
   * @throws ParsingException when stats, filterSelectivities, or pc object is missing tables
   *     involved in join
  private CostCard costGreedyJoin(
      LogicalJoinNode j,
      Vector<LogicalJoinNode> plan,
      Vector<Integer> planCardinalities,
      Vector<Double> planCosts,
      HashMap<String, TableStats> stats,
      HashMap<String, Double> filterSelectivities)
      throws ParsingException {

    if (this.p.getTableId(j.t1Alias) == null)
      throw new ParsingException("Unknown table " + j.t1Alias);
    if (this.p.getTableId(j.t2Alias) == null)
      throw new ParsingException("Unknown table " + j.t2Alias);

    String table1Name = Database.getCatalog().getTableName(this.p.getTableId(j.t1Alias));
    String table2Name = Database.getCatalog().getTableName(this.p.getTableId(j.t2Alias));
    String table1Alias = j.t1Alias;
    String table2Alias = j.t2Alias;

    double t1cost, t2cost;
    int t1card, t2card;
    boolean leftPkey, rightPkey;

    // estimate cost of right subtree
    if (doesJoin(plan, table1Alias)) { // j.t1 is in plan already
      CostCard c = getCostCard(plan, planCardinalities, planCosts, table1Alias);
      t1cost = c.cost; // left side just has cost of whatever left subtree is
      t1card = c.card;
      leftPkey = hasPkey(plan);

      t2cost = j.t2Alias == null ? 0 : stats.get(table2Name).estimateScanCost();
      t2card =
          j.t2Alias == null
              ? 0
              : stats.get(table2Name).estimateTableCardinality(filterSelectivities.get(j.t2Alias));
      rightPkey = j.t2Alias == null ? false : isPkey(j.t2Alias, j.f2PureName);
    } else if (doesJoin(plan, j.t2Alias)) { // j.t2 is in plan
      // (else if since both j.t1 and j.t2 shouldn't both be)
      CostCard c = getCostCard(plan, planCardinalities, planCosts, table2Alias);
      t2cost = c.cost;
      t2card = c.card;
      rightPkey = hasPkey(plan);

      t1cost = stats.get(table1Name).estimateScanCost();
      t1card = stats.get(table1Name).estimateTableCardinality(filterSelectivities.get(j.t1Alias));
      leftPkey = isPkey(j.t1Alias, j.f1PureName);

    } else { // Neither is a plan, both are just single tables
      t1cost = stats.get(table1Name).estimateScanCost();
      t1card = stats.get(table1Name).estimateTableCardinality(filterSelectivities.get(j.t1Alias));
      leftPkey = isPkey(j.t1Alias, j.f1PureName);

      t2cost = table2Alias == null ? 0 : stats.get(table2Name).estimateScanCost();
      t2card =
          table2Alias == null
              ? 0
              : stats.get(table2Name).estimateTableCardinality(filterSelectivities.get(j.t2Alias));
      rightPkey = table2Alias == null ? false : isPkey(table2Alias, j.f2PureName);

    double cost1 = estimateJoinCost(j, t1card, t2card, t1cost, t2cost);

    LogicalJoinNode j2 = j.swapInnerOuter();
    double cost2 = estimateJoinCost(j2, t2card, t1card, t2cost, t1cost);
    if (cost2 < cost1) {
      boolean tmp;
      j = j2;
      cost1 = cost2;
      tmp = rightPkey;
      rightPkey = leftPkey;
      leftPkey = tmp;

    CostCard cc = new CostCard();
    cc.card = estimateJoinCardinality(j, t1card, t2card, leftPkey, rightPkey, stats);
    cc.cost = cost1;
    return cc;
   * Test a join ordering with an inequality, to make sure the inequality gets put as the innermost
   * join
  public void nonequalityOrderJoinsTest() throws IOException, ParsingException {
    final int IO_COST = 103;

    JoinOptimizer j;
    HashMap<String, TableStats> stats = new HashMap<String, TableStats>();
    Vector<LogicalJoinNode> result;
    Vector<LogicalJoinNode> nodes = new Vector<LogicalJoinNode>();
    HashMap<String, Double> filterSelectivities = new HashMap<String, Double>();
    TransactionId tid = new TransactionId();

    // Create a large set of tables, and add tuples to the tables
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> smallHeapFileTuples = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    HeapFile smallHeapFileA =
            2, 100, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, smallHeapFileTuples, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileB = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileC = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileD = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileE = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileF = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileG = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileH = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileI = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");

    // Add the tables to the database
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileA, "a");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileB, "b");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileC, "c");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileD, "d");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileE, "e");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileF, "f");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileG, "g");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileH, "h");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileI, "i");

    // Come up with join statistics for the tables
    stats.put("a", new TableStats(smallHeapFileA.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("b", new TableStats(smallHeapFileB.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("c", new TableStats(smallHeapFileC.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("d", new TableStats(smallHeapFileD.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("e", new TableStats(smallHeapFileE.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("f", new TableStats(smallHeapFileF.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("g", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("h", new TableStats(smallHeapFileH.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("i", new TableStats(smallHeapFileI.getId(), IO_COST));

    // Put in some filter selectivities
    filterSelectivities.put("a", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("b", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("c", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("d", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("e", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("f", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("g", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("h", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("i", Double.valueOf(1.0));

    // Add the nodes to a collection for a query plan
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("a", "b", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.LESS_THAN));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("b", "c", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("c", "d", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("d", "e", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("e", "f", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("f", "g", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("g", "h", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("h", "i", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));

    Parser p = new Parser();
    // Run the optimizer; see what results we get back
    j =
        new JoinOptimizer(
                "SELECT COUNT(a.c0) FROM a, b, c, d,e,f,g,h,i WHERE a.c1 < b.c1 AND b.c0 = c.c0 AND c.c1 = d.c1 AND d.c0 = e.c0 AND e.c1 = f.c1 AND f.c0 = g.c0 AND g.c1 = h.c1 AND h.c0 = i.c0;"),

    // Set the last boolean here to 'true' in order to have orderJoins()
    // print out its logic
    result = j.orderJoins(stats, filterSelectivities, false);

    // If you're only re-ordering the join nodes,
    // you shouldn't end up with more than you started with
    Assert.assertEquals(result.size(), nodes.size());

    // Make sure that "a" is the outermost table in the join
        result.get(result.size() - 1).t2Alias.equals("a")
            || result.get(result.size() - 1).t1Alias.equals("a"));
Ejemplo n.º 20
   * Return true if field is a primary key of the specified table, false otherwise
   * @param tableAlias The alias of the table in the query
   * @param field The pure name of the field
  private boolean isPkey(String tableAlias, String field) {
    int tid1 = p.getTableId(tableAlias);
    String pkey1 = Database.getCatalog().getPrimaryKey(tid1);

    return pkey1.equals(field);
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * @return return the table name of the table the operator scans. This should be the actual name
  *     of the table in the catalog of the database
 public String getTableName() {
   return Database.getCatalog().getTableName(id);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public SeqScan(TransactionId tid, int tableid) {
   this(tid, tableid, Database.getCatalog().getTableName(tableid));
   * Determine whether the orderJoins implementation is doing a reasonable job of ordering joins,
   * and not taking an unreasonable amount of time to do so
  public void orderJoinsTest() throws ParsingException, IOException {
    // This test is intended to approximate the join described in the
    // "Query Planning" section of 2009 Quiz 1,
    // though with some minor variation due to limitations in simpledb
    // and to only test your integer-heuristic code rather than
    // string-heuristic code.

    final int IO_COST = 101;

    // Create a whole bunch of variables that we're going to use
    TransactionId tid = new TransactionId();
    JoinOptimizer j;
    Vector<LogicalJoinNode> result;
    Vector<LogicalJoinNode> nodes = new Vector<LogicalJoinNode>();
    HashMap<String, TableStats> stats = new HashMap<String, TableStats>();
    HashMap<String, Double> filterSelectivities = new HashMap<String, Double>();

    // Create all of the tables, and add them to the catalog
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> empTuples = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    HeapFile emp = SystemTestUtil.createRandomHeapFile(6, 100000, null, empTuples, "c");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(emp, "emp");

    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> deptTuples = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    HeapFile dept = SystemTestUtil.createRandomHeapFile(3, 1000, null, deptTuples, "c");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(dept, "dept");

    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> hobbyTuples = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    HeapFile hobby = SystemTestUtil.createRandomHeapFile(6, 1000, null, hobbyTuples, "c");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(hobby, "hobby");

    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> hobbiesTuples = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    HeapFile hobbies = SystemTestUtil.createRandomHeapFile(2, 200000, null, hobbiesTuples, "c");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(hobbies, "hobbies");

    // Get TableStats objects for each of the tables that we just generated.
    stats.put("emp", new TableStats(Database.getCatalog().getTableId("emp"), IO_COST));
    stats.put("dept", new TableStats(Database.getCatalog().getTableId("dept"), IO_COST));
    stats.put("hobby", new TableStats(Database.getCatalog().getTableId("hobby"), IO_COST));
    stats.put("hobbies", new TableStats(Database.getCatalog().getTableId("hobbies"), IO_COST));

    // Note that your code shouldn't re-compute selectivities.
    // If you get statistics numbers, even if they're wrong (which they are
    // here
    // because the data is random), you should use the numbers that you are
    // given.
    // Re-computing them at runtime is generally too expensive for complex
    // queries.
    filterSelectivities.put("emp", Double.valueOf(0.1));
    filterSelectivities.put("dept", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("hobby", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("hobbies", Double.valueOf(1.0));

    // Note that there's no particular guarantee that the LogicalJoinNode's
    // will be in
    // the same order as they were written in the query.
    // They just have to be in an order that uses the same operators and
    // semantically means the same thing.
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("hobbies", "hobby", "c1", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("emp", "dept", "c1", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("emp", "hobbies", "c2", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    Parser p = new Parser();
    j =
        new JoinOptimizer(
                "SELECT * FROM emp,dept,hobbies,hobby WHERE emp.c1 = dept.c0 AND hobbies.c0 = emp.c2 AND hobbies.c1 = hobby.c0 AND e.c3 < 1000;"),

    // Set the last boolean here to 'true' in order to have orderJoins()
    // print out its logic
    result = j.orderJoins(stats, filterSelectivities, false);

    // There are only three join nodes; if you're only re-ordering the join
    // nodes,
    // you shouldn't end up with more than you started with
    Assert.assertEquals(result.size(), nodes.size());

    // There were a number of ways to do the query in this quiz, reasonably
    // well;
    // we're just doing a heuristics-based optimizer, so, only ignore the
    // really
    // bad case where "hobbies" is the outermost node in the left-deep tree.
    Assert.assertFalse(result.get(0).t1Alias == "hobbies");

    // Also check for some of the other silly cases, like forcing a cross
    // join by
    // "hobbies" only being at the two extremes, or "hobbies" being the
    // outermost table.
        result.get(2).t2Alias == "hobbies"
            && (result.get(0).t1Alias == "hobbies" || result.get(0).t2Alias == "hobbies"));
Ejemplo n.º 24
   * This is a helper method that computes the cost and cardinality of joining joinToRemove to
   * joinSet (joinSet should contain joinToRemove), given that all of the subsets of size
   * joinSet.size() - 1 have already been computed and stored in PlanCache pc.
   * @param stats table stats for all of the tables, referenced by table names rather than alias
   *     (see {@link #orderJoins})
   * @param filterSelectivities the selectivities of the filters over each of the tables (where
   *     tables are indentified by their alias or name if no alias is given)
   * @param joinToRemove the join to remove from joinSet
   * @param joinSet the set of joins being considered
   * @param bestCostSoFar the best way to join joinSet so far (minimum of previous invocations of
   *     computeCostAndCardOfSubplan for this joinSet, from returned CostCard)
   * @param pc the PlanCache for this join; should have subplans for all plans of size
   *     joinSet.size()-1
   * @return A {@link CostCard} objects desribing the cost, cardinality, optimal subplan
   * @throws ParsingException when stats, filterSelectivities, or pc object is missing tables
   *     involved in join
  private CostCard computeCostAndCardOfSubplan(
      HashMap<String, TableStats> stats,
      HashMap<String, Double> filterSelectivities,
      LogicalJoinNode joinToRemove,
      Set<LogicalJoinNode> joinSet,
      double bestCostSoFar,
      PlanCache pc)
      throws ParsingException {

    LogicalJoinNode j = joinToRemove;

    Vector<LogicalJoinNode> prevBest;

    if (this.p.getTableId(j.t1Alias) == null)
      throw new ParsingException("Unknown table " + j.t1Alias);
    if (this.p.getTableId(j.t2Alias) == null)
      throw new ParsingException("Unknown table " + j.t2Alias);

    String table1Name = Database.getCatalog().getTableName(this.p.getTableId(j.t1Alias));
    String table2Name = Database.getCatalog().getTableName(this.p.getTableId(j.t2Alias));
    String table1Alias = j.t1Alias;
    String table2Alias = j.t2Alias;

    Set<LogicalJoinNode> news = (Set<LogicalJoinNode>) ((HashSet<LogicalJoinNode>) joinSet).clone();

    double t1cost, t2cost;
    int t1card, t2card;
    boolean leftPkey, rightPkey;

    if (news.isEmpty()) { // base case -- both are base relations
      prevBest = new Vector<LogicalJoinNode>();
      t1cost = stats.get(table1Name).estimateScanCost();
      t1card = stats.get(table1Name).estimateTableCardinality(filterSelectivities.get(j.t1Alias));
      leftPkey = isPkey(j.t1Alias, j.f1PureName);

      t2cost = table2Alias == null ? 0 : stats.get(table2Name).estimateScanCost();
      t2card =
          table2Alias == null
              ? 0
              : stats.get(table2Name).estimateTableCardinality(filterSelectivities.get(j.t2Alias));
      rightPkey = table2Alias == null ? false : isPkey(table2Alias, j.f2PureName);
    } else {
      // news is not empty -- figure best way to join j to news
      prevBest = pc.getOrder(news);

      // possible that we have not cached an answer, if subset
      // includes a cross product
      if (prevBest == null) {
        return null;

      double prevBestCost = pc.getCost(news);
      int bestCard = pc.getCard(news);

      // estimate cost of right subtree
      if (doesJoin(prevBest, table1Alias)) { // j.t1 is in prevBest
        t1cost = prevBestCost; // left side just has cost of whatever
        // left
        // subtree is
        t1card = bestCard;
        leftPkey = hasPkey(prevBest);

        t2cost = j.t2Alias == null ? 0 : stats.get(table2Name).estimateScanCost();
        t2card =
            j.t2Alias == null
                ? 0
                : stats
        rightPkey = j.t2Alias == null ? false : isPkey(j.t2Alias, j.f2PureName);
      } else if (doesJoin(prevBest, j.t2Alias)) { // j.t2 is in prevbest
        // (both
        // shouldn't be)
        t2cost = prevBestCost; // left side just has cost of whatever
        // left
        // subtree is
        t2card = bestCard;
        rightPkey = hasPkey(prevBest);

        t1cost = stats.get(table1Name).estimateScanCost();
        t1card = stats.get(table1Name).estimateTableCardinality(filterSelectivities.get(j.t1Alias));
        leftPkey = isPkey(j.t1Alias, j.f1PureName);

      } else {
        // don't consider this plan if one of j.t1 or j.t2
        // isn't a table joined in prevBest (cross product)
        return null;

    // case where prevbest is left
    double cost1 = estimateJoinCost(j, t1card, t2card, t1cost, t2cost);

    LogicalJoinNode j2 = j.swapInnerOuter();
    double cost2 = estimateJoinCost(j2, t2card, t1card, t2cost, t1cost);
    if (cost2 < cost1) {
      boolean tmp;
      j = j2;
      cost1 = cost2;
      tmp = rightPkey;
      rightPkey = leftPkey;
      leftPkey = tmp;
    if (cost1 >= bestCostSoFar) return null;

    CostCard cc = new CostCard();

    cc.card = estimateJoinCardinality(j, t1card, t2card, leftPkey, rightPkey, stats);
    cc.cost = cost1;
    cc.plan = (Vector<LogicalJoinNode>) prevBest.clone();
    cc.plan.addElement(j); // prevbest is left -- add new join to end
    return cc;
   * Test a much-larger join ordering, to confirm that it executes in a reasonable amount of time
  @Test(timeout = 60000)
  public void bigOrderJoinsTest() throws IOException, ParsingException {
    final int IO_COST = 103;

    JoinOptimizer j;
    HashMap<String, TableStats> stats = new HashMap<String, TableStats>();
    Vector<LogicalJoinNode> result;
    Vector<LogicalJoinNode> nodes = new Vector<LogicalJoinNode>();
    HashMap<String, Double> filterSelectivities = new HashMap<String, Double>();
    TransactionId tid = new TransactionId();

    // Create a large set of tables, and add tuples to the tables
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> smallHeapFileTuples = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    HeapFile smallHeapFileA =
            2, 100, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, smallHeapFileTuples, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileB = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileC = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileD = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileE = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileF = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileG = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileH = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileI = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileJ = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileK = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileL = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileM = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    HeapFile smallHeapFileN = createDuplicateHeapFile(smallHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");

    ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> bigHeapFileTuples = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
      bigHeapFileTuples.add(smallHeapFileTuples.get(i % 100));
    HeapFile bigHeapFile = createDuplicateHeapFile(bigHeapFileTuples, 2, "c");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(bigHeapFile, "bigTable");

    // Add the tables to the database
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(bigHeapFile, "bigTable");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileA, "a");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileB, "b");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileC, "c");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileD, "d");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileE, "e");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileF, "f");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileG, "g");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileH, "h");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileI, "i");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileJ, "j");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileK, "k");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileL, "l");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileM, "m");
    Database.getCatalog().addTable(smallHeapFileN, "n");

    // Come up with join statistics for the tables
    stats.put("bigTable", new TableStats(bigHeapFile.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("a", new TableStats(smallHeapFileA.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("b", new TableStats(smallHeapFileB.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("c", new TableStats(smallHeapFileC.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("d", new TableStats(smallHeapFileD.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("e", new TableStats(smallHeapFileE.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("f", new TableStats(smallHeapFileF.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("g", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("h", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("i", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("j", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("k", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("l", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("m", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));
    stats.put("n", new TableStats(smallHeapFileG.getId(), IO_COST));

    // Put in some filter selectivities
    filterSelectivities.put("bigTable", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("a", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("b", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("c", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("d", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("e", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("f", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("g", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("h", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("i", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("j", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("k", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("l", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("m", Double.valueOf(1.0));
    filterSelectivities.put("n", Double.valueOf(1.0));

    // Add the nodes to a collection for a query plan
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("a", "b", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("b", "c", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("c", "d", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("d", "e", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("e", "f", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("f", "g", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("g", "h", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("h", "i", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("i", "j", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("j", "k", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("k", "l", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("l", "m", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("m", "n", "c1", "c1", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));
    nodes.add(new LogicalJoinNode("n", "bigTable", "c0", "c0", Predicate.Op.EQUALS));

    // Make sure we don't give the nodes to the optimizer in a nice order
    Parser p = new Parser();
    j =
        new JoinOptimizer(
                "SELECT COUNT(a.c0) FROM bigTable, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n WHERE bigTable.c0 = n.c0 AND a.c1 = b.c1 AND b.c0 = c.c0 AND c.c1 = d.c1 AND d.c0 = e.c0 AND e.c1 = f.c1 AND f.c0 = g.c0 AND g.c1 = h.c1 AND h.c0 = i.c0 AND i.c1 = j.c1 AND j.c0 = k.c0 AND k.c1 = l.c1 AND l.c0 = m.c0 AND m.c1 = n.c1;"),

    // Set the last boolean here to 'true' in order to have orderJoins()
    // print out its logic
    result = j.orderJoins(stats, filterSelectivities, false);

    // If you're only re-ordering the join nodes,
    // you shouldn't end up with more than you started with
    Assert.assertEquals(result.size(), nodes.size());

    // Make sure that "bigTable" is the outermost table in the join
    Assert.assertEquals(result.get(result.size() - 1).t2Alias, "bigTable");
Ejemplo n.º 26
   * Helper function to display a Swing window with a tree representation of the specified list of
   * joins. See {@link #orderJoins}, which may want to call this when the analyze flag is true.
   * @param js the join plan to visualize
   * @param pc the PlanCache accumulated whild building the optimal plan
   * @param stats table statistics for base tables
   * @param selectivities the selectivities of the filters over each of the tables (where tables are
   *     indentified by their alias or name if no alias is given)
  private void printJoins(
      Vector<LogicalJoinNode> js,
      PlanCache pc,
      HashMap<String, TableStats> stats,
      HashMap<String, Double> selectivities) {

    JFrame f = new JFrame("Join Plan for " + p.getQuery());

    // Set the default close operation for the window,
    // or else the program won't exit when clicking close button


    f.setSize(300, 500);

    HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode> m = new HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>();

    // int numTabs = 0;

    // int k;
    DefaultMutableTreeNode root = null, treetop = null;
    HashSet<LogicalJoinNode> pathSoFar = new HashSet<LogicalJoinNode>();
    boolean neither;

    for (LogicalJoinNode j : js) {
      System.out.println("PATH SO FAR = " + pathSoFar);

      String table1Name = Database.getCatalog().getTableName(this.p.getTableId(j.t1Alias));
      String table2Name = Database.getCatalog().getTableName(this.p.getTableId(j.t2Alias));

      // Double c = pc.getCost(pathSoFar);
      neither = true;

      root =
          new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
              "Join "
                  + j
                  + " (Cost ="
                  + pc.getCost(pathSoFar)
                  + ", card = "
                  + pc.getCard(pathSoFar)
                  + ")");
      DefaultMutableTreeNode n = m.get(j.t1Alias);
      if (n == null) { // never seen this table before
        n =
            new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
                    + " (Cost = "
                    + stats.get(table1Name).estimateScanCost()
                    + ", card = "
                    + stats.get(table1Name).estimateTableCardinality(selectivities.get(j.t1Alias))
                    + ")");
      } else {
        // make left child root n
        neither = false;
      m.put(j.t1Alias, root);

      n = m.get(j.t2Alias);
      if (n == null) { // never seen this table before

        n =
            new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
                j.t2Alias == null
                    ? "Subplan"
                    : (j.t2Alias
                        + " (Cost = "
                        + stats.get(table2Name).estimateScanCost()
                        + ", card = "
                        + stats
                        + ")"));
      } else {
        // make right child root n
        neither = false;
      m.put(j.t2Alias, root);

      // unless this table doesn't join with other tables,
      // all tables are accessed from root
      if (!neither) {
        for (String key : m.keySet()) {
          m.put(key, root);

      treetop = root;

    JTree tree = new JTree(treetop);
    JScrollPane treeView = new JScrollPane(tree);


    // Set the icon for leaf nodes.
    ImageIcon leafIcon = new ImageIcon("join.jpg");
    DefaultTreeCellRenderer renderer = new DefaultTreeCellRenderer();


    f.setSize(300, 500);

    for (int i = 0; i < tree.getRowCount(); i++) {

    if (js.size() == 0) {
      f.add(new JLabel("No joins in plan."));

Ejemplo n.º 27
 public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
   // some code goes here
   fileIt = Database.getCatalog().getDbFile(tableid).iterator(tid);