private void jButton1ActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_jButton1ActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: DataBaseConnect db = new DataBaseConnect(); Connection con; Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; try { con = db.dbConnect(); stmt = con.createStatement(); // String id=getConnectionId(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("select *from userlogin"); Boolean found = false; while ( { if (rs.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase(jtxtuser.getText()) && rs.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase(jtxtpass.getText())) { found = true; break; } } rs.close(); // int i= stmt.executeUpdate("insert into // bills(billid,customerid,datefrom,dateto,units,maxunit,minunit,maxcharge,mincharge,status) // values ( // '"+jtxtbillid.getText()+"','"+jcmbcustomerid.getSelectedItem().toString()+"','"+jtxtbillfrom.getText()+"','"+jtxtbillto.getText()+"','"+jtxtunits.getText()+"','"+jtxtmaxunit.getText()+"','"+jtxtminunit.getText()+"','"+Double.parseDouble(jtxtmaxunit.getText())*maxunitrate+"','"+Double.parseDouble(jtxtmaxunit.getText())*unitrate+"','1')"); if (found) { this.dispose(); CEB ce = new CEB(); ce.setVisible(true); } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Wrong Password"); stmt.close(); con.close(); } catch (SQLException sql) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, sql); } } // GEN-LAST:event_jButton1ActionPerformed
public class DBWorkerOffers { private Statement statement = DataBaseConnect.getStatement(); private ResultSet resultSet; private static final int YEAR = 2015; HSSFWorkbook wb; HSSFSheet sheet; HSSFRow row; HSSFCell cell; public DBWorkerOffers() {} public boolean processFile(File file) { ArrayList<String> queries; int idMo; try { POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(file.getAbsolutePath())); queries = new ArrayList<>(); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); idMo = getIdMo(); process_24h(idMo, queries); process_8h(idMo, queries); process_ambul(idMo, queries); process_smp(idMo, queries); process_other(idMo, queries); for (String q : queries) { System.out.println(q); } runQueries(queries); } catch (IOException ioException) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Файл не может быть прочитан. " + ioException.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println(file.getName()); // e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Файл " + file.getName() + " не загрузился."); return false; } return true; } public int getIdMo() { sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); row = sheet.getRow(6); cell = row.getCell(0); DBWorkerMO dbWorkerMO = new DBWorkerMO(); return dbWorkerMO.getIdMo((int) cell.getNumericCellValue()); } private void runQueries(ArrayList<String> queries) { try { for (String query : queries) { statement.execute(query); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } } private void process_24h(int idMo, ArrayList<String> queries) { sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); queries.add( String.format("DELETE FROM offers_hours_24 WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year='%d';", idMo, YEAR)); for (int i = 14; i < 47; i++) { row = sheet.getRow(i); int bed = (int) row.getCell(1).getNumericCellValue(); int hosp = (int) row.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue(); int kdays = (int) row.getCell(3).getNumericCellValue(); int idprofile = Constants.planPatHours24[i - 14]; queries.add( String.format( "INSERT INTO offers_hours_24 VALUES(NULL, '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d');", idMo, idprofile, bed, hosp, kdays, YEAR)); } } private void process_8h(int idMo, ArrayList<String> queries) { sheet = wb.getSheetAt(1); queries.add( String.format("DELETE FROM offers_hours_8 WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year='%d';", idMo, YEAR)); for (int i = 5; i < 21; i++) { row = sheet.getRow(i); int outP = (int) row.getCell(1).getNumericCellValue(); int kdays = (int) row.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue(); int idprofile = Constants.planPatHours8[i - 5]; queries.add( String.format( "INSERT INTO offers_hours_8 VALUES(NULL, '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d');", idMo, idprofile, outP, kdays, YEAR)); } } private void process_ambul(int idMo, ArrayList<String> queries) { sheet = wb.getSheetAt(2); queries.add( String.format( "DELETE FROM offers_ambul_prof WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year='%d';", idMo, YEAR)); int numberOfProfile = 0; for (int i = 6; i < 37; i++) { if (i == 33) continue; row = sheet.getRow(i); int prof = (int) row.getCell(1).getNumericCellValue(); int idprofile = Constants.planPatAmbulProf[numberOfProfile++]; queries.add( String.format( "INSERT INTO offers_ambul_prof VALUES(NULL, '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d');", idMo, idprofile, prof, YEAR)); } queries.add( String.format( "DELETE FROM offers_ambul_neot WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year='%d';", idMo, YEAR)); queries.add( String.format( "DELETE FROM offers_ambul_zab WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year='%d';", idMo, YEAR)); numberOfProfile = 0; for (int i = 6; i < 37; i++) { if (i >= 31 && i <= 35) continue; row = sheet.getRow(i); int neot = (int) row.getCell(3).getNumericCellValue(); int zab = (int) row.getCell(5).getNumericCellValue(); int idprofile = Constants.planPatAmbulNeot[numberOfProfile++]; queries.add( String.format( "INSERT INTO offers_ambul_neot VALUES(NULL, '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d');", idMo, idprofile, neot, YEAR)); queries.add( String.format( "INSERT INTO offers_ambul_zab VALUES(NULL, '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d');", idMo, idprofile, zab, YEAR)); } queries.add( String.format( "DELETE FROM offers_ambul_uet WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year='%d';", idMo, YEAR)); row = sheet.getRow(36); double prof_uet = row.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue(); double neot_uet = row.getCell(4).getNumericCellValue(); double zab_uet = row.getCell(6).getNumericCellValue(); int idprofile = 43; queries.add( "INSERT INTO offers_ambul_uet VALUES(NULL, '" + idMo + "', '" + idprofile + "', '" + prof_uet + "', '" + neot_uet + "', '" + zab_uet + "', '" + YEAR + "');"); } private void process_smp(int idMo, ArrayList<String> queries) { sheet = wb.getSheetAt(3); queries.add( String.format("DELETE FROM offers_smp WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year='%d';", idMo, YEAR)); for (int i = 5; i < 8; i++) { row = sheet.getRow(i); int offer = (int) row.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue(); int idprofile = Constants.planPatSmp[i - 5]; queries.add( String.format( "INSERT INTO offers_smp VALUES(NULL, '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d');", idMo, idprofile, offer, YEAR)); } } private void process_other(int idMo, ArrayList<String> queries) { sheet = wb.getSheetAt(4); queries.add( String.format("DELETE FROM offers_other WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year='%d';", idMo, YEAR)); int numberOfProfile = 0; for (int i = 6; i < 16; i++) { if (i == 8) continue; row = sheet.getRow(i); int offer = 0; if (i < 10) { offer = (int) row.getCell(2).getNumericCellValue(); } else { offer = (int) row.getCell(1).getNumericCellValue(); } int idprofile = Constants.planPatOther[numberOfProfile++]; queries.add( String.format( "INSERT INTO offers_other VALUES(NULL, '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d');", idMo, idprofile, offer, YEAR)); } } public ArrayList<String> getNamesProfile(OffersTabs offersTabs) { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); int[] profilesId = new int[0]; String table = ""; switch (offersTabs) { case HOURS_24: profilesId = Constants.planPatHours24; table = "offers_hours_24"; break; case HOURS_8: profilesId = Constants.planPatHours8; table = "offers_hours_8"; break; case AMBUL_PROF: profilesId = Constants.planPatAmbulProf; table = "offers_ambul_prof"; break; case AMBUL_NEOT: case AMBUL_ZAB: profilesId = Constants.planPatAmbulNeot; table = "offers_ambul_neot"; break; case SMP: profilesId = Constants.planPatSmp; table = "offers_smp"; break; case OTHER: profilesId = Constants.planPatOther; table = "offers_other"; break; } for (int i : profilesId) { try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery( String.format("SELECT name FROM profiles WHERE id_profile = '%d'", i)); while ( result.add(resultSet.getString("name")); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } } return result; } public HashMap<Integer, Integer> getValuesByProfilesFromHours24(int idMo) { HashMap<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<>(); int[] profiles = Constants.planPatHours24; for (int i : profiles) { result.put(i, 0); } try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery( String.format( "SELECT id_profile, offer FROM offers_hours_24 WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year = '%d'", idMo, YEAR)); while ( result.replace(resultSet.getInt("id_profile"), resultSet.getInt("offer")); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public HashMap<Integer, Integer> getValuesByProfilesFromHours8(int idMo) { HashMap<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<>(); int[] profiles = Constants.planPatHours8; for (int i : profiles) { result.put(i, 0); } try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery( String.format( "SELECT id_profile, offer FROM offers_hours_8 WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year = '%d'", idMo, YEAR)); while ( result.replace(resultSet.getInt("id_profile"), resultSet.getInt("offer")); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public HashMap<Integer, Integer> getValuesByProfilesFromAmbul( int idMo, int[] profiles, String name) { HashMap<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<>(); for (int i : profiles) { result.put(i, 0); } try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery( String.format( "SELECT id_profile, offer FROM offers_ambul_%s WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year = '%d'", name, idMo, YEAR)); while ( result.replace(resultSet.getInt("id_profile"), resultSet.getInt("offer")); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public double getValuesByProfilesFromUet(int idMo, String name) { double result = 0; try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery( String.format( "SELECT %s FROM offers_ambul_uet WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year = '%d'", name, idMo, YEAR)); while ( result = resultSet.getDouble(String.format("%s", name)); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public HashMap<Integer, Integer> getValuesByProfilesFromSMP(int idMo) { HashMap<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<>(); int[] profiles = Constants.planPatSmp; for (int i : profiles) { result.put(i, 0); } try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery( String.format( "SELECT id_profile, offer FROM offers_smp WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year = '%d'", idMo, YEAR)); while ( result.replace(resultSet.getInt("id_profile"), resultSet.getInt("offer")); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public HashMap<Integer, Integer> getValuesByProfilesFromOther(int idMo) { HashMap<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<>(); int[] profiles = Constants.planPatOther; for (int i : profiles) { result.put(i, 0); } try { resultSet = statement.executeQuery( String.format( "SELECT id_profile, offer FROM offers_other WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND year = '%d'", idMo, YEAR)); while ( result.replace(resultSet.getInt("id_profile"), resultSet.getInt("offer")); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public void saveTableValues(ContentTableModel tableModel) { ArrayList<String> queries = new ArrayList<>(); switch (tableModel.getOffersTabs()) { case HOURS_24: queries = updateDataQueries(tableModel, Constants.planPatHours24); break; case HOURS_8: queries = updateDataQueries(tableModel, Constants.planPatHours8); break; case AMBUL_PROF: queries = updateDataQueries(tableModel, Constants.planPatAmbulProf); break; case AMBUL_NEOT: case AMBUL_ZAB: queries = updateDataQueries(tableModel, Constants.planPatAmbulNeot); break; case SMP: queries = updateDataQueries(tableModel, Constants.planPatSmp); break; case OTHER: queries = updateDataQueries(tableModel, Constants.planPatOther); break; } runQueries(queries); // for (String q : queries) { // System.out.println(q); // } } private ArrayList<String> updateDataQueries(ContentTableModel tableModel, int[] profiles) { ArrayList<String> queries = new ArrayList<>(); String tableName = ""; switch (tableModel.getOffersTabs()) { case HOURS_24: tableName += "hours_24"; break; case HOURS_8: tableName += "hours_8"; break; case AMBUL_PROF: tableName += "ambul_prof"; break; case AMBUL_NEOT: tableName += "ambul_neot"; break; case AMBUL_ZAB: tableName += "ambul_zab"; break; case SMP: tableName += "smp"; break; case OTHER: tableName += "other"; break; } for (int row = 0; row < tableModel.getRowCount() - 1; row++) { int idMo = new DBWorkerMO().getIdMo((String) tableModel.getValueAt(row, 0)); if (tableModel.getOffersTabs() == OffersTabs.OTHER) { int counter = 0; for (int column = 1; column < tableModel.getColumnCount() - 1; column++) { if (column == 3) continue; queries.add( String.format( "UPDATE offers_%s SET offer='%d' WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND id_profile='%d' AND year = '%d';", tableName, (Integer) tableModel.getValueAt(row, column), idMo, profiles[counter++], YEAR)); } } else { for (int column = 1; column <= profiles.length; column++) { queries.add( String.format( "UPDATE offers_%s SET offer='%d' WHERE id_mo = '%d' AND id_profile='%d' AND year = '%d';", tableName, (Integer) tableModel.getValueAt(row, column), idMo, profiles[column - 1], YEAR)); } } if (tableModel.getOffersTabs() == OffersTabs.AMBUL_PROF) { queries.add( "UPDATE offers_ambul_uet SET prof='" + (Double) tableModel.getValueAt(row, profiles.length + 2) + "' WHERE id_mo = '" + idMo + "' AND id_profile='43';"); } if (tableModel.getOffersTabs() == OffersTabs.AMBUL_NEOT) { queries.add( "UPDATE offers_ambul_uet SET neot='" + (Double) tableModel.getValueAt(row, profiles.length + 2) + "' WHERE id_mo = '" + idMo + "' AND id_profile='" + 43 + "';"); } if (tableModel.getOffersTabs() == OffersTabs.AMBUL_ZAB) { queries.add( "UPDATE offers_ambul_uet SET zab='" + (Double) tableModel.getValueAt(row, profiles.length + 2) + "' WHERE id_mo = '" + idMo + "' AND id_profile='" + 43 + "';"); } } return queries; } }