Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Executes the given SQL asset in the given database (SQL file should be UTF-8). The database
  * file may contain multiple SQL statements. Statements are split using a simple regular
  * expression (something like "semicolon before a line break"), not by analyzing the SQL syntax.
  * This will work for many SQL files, but check yours.
  * @return number of statements executed.
 public static int executeSqlScript(
     Context context, SQLiteDatabase db, String assetFilename, boolean transactional)
     throws IOException {
   byte[] bytes = readAsset(context, assetFilename);
   String sql = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
   String[] lines = sql.split(";(\\s)*[\n\r]");
   int count;
   if (transactional) {
     count = executeSqlStatementsInTx(db, lines);
   } else {
     count = executeSqlStatements(db, lines);
   DaoLog.i("Executed " + count + " statements from SQL script '" + assetFilename + "'");
   return count;