Ejemplo n.º 1
   * fillPuzzle()
   * <p>Our recursive backtracking algorithm for solving the crossword puzzle. For each slot in the
   * slots array, tries to find an UNUSED word from the words array that fits. If no such word is
   * found, or all the words it's tried lead to backtracks, returns false to backtrack to the
   * previous call and tell it to choose a different word. If we've filled every slot, we print the
   * solution and return true, which causes every other call to also return true, bringing us back
   * to the solve() wrapper method.
  private boolean fillPuzzle(int slot) {

    // If we've filled every slot, slot will be equal to
    // the length of the slots array. In that case, we are
    // done, so we print the solution and return true to
    // tell all the previous calls to also return true:
    if (slot == slots.length) {
      return true;

    // Consider each word from the words array as a potential
    // fit for the current slot:

    for (CrosswordWord word : words) {
      System.out.println("in for loop of fillpuzzle:::" + word.getWord());
      //	words[i].printWord();
      // If the word is UNUSED and fits in the slot given
      // its length and the letters already there from other
      // words, we place the word in the slot (marking it
      // USED in the process), and make a recursive call to
      // fill the next slot. If that call backtracks (returns
      // false), we remove the word from the slot and choose
      // a different one:

      if (wordFitsInSlot(word, slots[slot])) {
        System.out.println("If the word fits:::" + word.getWord());
        putWordInSlot(word, slots[slot]);
        System.out.println("After putting the word::::" + word.getWord());

        if (fillPuzzle(slot + 1)) {
          return true;

        removeWordFromSlot(word, slots[slot]);

    // If we get here, we've tried every word in the words
    // array for this slot, and all have either not fit or
    // lead to backtracks, so we need to backtrack as well by
    // returning false to tell the previous call to choose a
    // different word:

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * putWordInSlot()
   * <p>Puts each letter from the word it's passed into the slot it's passed, and marks the word
   * USED. Also increments the positions in the letterUsage array corresponding to the slot to
   * indicate that one more word is now using these letters.
  private void putWordInSlot(CrosswordWord w, CrosswordSpace slot) {
    Point position = new Point(slot.getStart());

    for (int i = 0; i < slot.getLength(); i++) {

      // Put each letter from the word into this slot of
      // the puzzle:

      puzzle[position.x][position.y] = w.getWord().charAt(i);

      // Record the fact that one more word is now using the
      // letter at this position:


      // Advance to the next position in the slot:

      position.x += slot.getDirection().x;
      position.y += slot.getDirection().y;

    // Mark the word as USED:

Ejemplo n.º 3
   * removeWordFromSlot()
   * <p>Clears each position in the slot it's passed, but ONLY those positions containing letters
   * NOT used by any other words according to the letterUsage array. Also marks the word that used
   * to be in the slot as UNUSED.
  private void removeWordFromSlot(CrosswordWord w, CrosswordSpace slot) {
    Point position = new Point(slot.getStart());

    for (int i = 0; i < slot.getLength(); i++) {

      // One fewer word is now using the letter at this position:


      // If no words are now using this letter, clear it:

      if (letterUsage[position.x][position.y] == 0) {
        puzzle[position.x][position.y] = BLANK;

      // Advance to the next position in the slot:

      position.x += slot.getDirection().x;
      position.y += slot.getDirection().y;

    // Mark the word as UNUSED -- ie., available to be placed
    // elsewhere in the puzzle:

Ejemplo n.º 4
   * wordFitsInSlot()
   * <p>Returns true if the word passed to it fits into the slot passed to it AND is unused,
   * otherwise returns false.
  private boolean wordFitsInSlot(CrosswordWord w, CrosswordSpace slot) {

    // If the length of the word doesn't match the length of the
    // slot, or the word is already used, we can't put this word
    // here and so we return false:

    if (w.getWord().length() != slot.getLength() || w.isUsed()) {
      return false;

    // Otherwise we examine each position in the slot. If
    // there are letters in the slot already, and those letters
    // DON'T match the letters at the corresponding positions
    // in our word, the word won't fit and we return false:

    Point position = new Point(slot.getStart());

    for (int i = 0; i < slot.getLength(); i++) {

      if (puzzle[position.x][position.y] != BLANK
          && puzzle[position.x][position.y] != w.getWord().charAt(i)) {
        return false;

      // Advance to the next position in the slot:

      position.x += slot.getDirection().x;
      position.y += slot.getDirection().y;

    // If we get here, it means the word is unused, the right
    // length for the current slot, and its letters match any
    // letters already in the slot:

    return true;