public static <T> Prop<T> cannonicalize(Prop<T> p) { Prop<T> prop = cannon.computeIfAbsent(, x -> p); if (p.isCannon() && !prop.isCannon()) { cannon.put(, p); prop = p; } else if (p.isCannon() && prop.isCannon() && p != prop) { // should be an Error? System.err.println(" WARNING: two competing canonical definitions of a Prop <" + p + ">"); if (p.typeInformation != null && prop.typeInformation == null) { cannon.put(, p); prop = p; } else if (p.typeInformation == null && prop.typeInformation != null) { } else if (p.typeInformation != null && prop.typeInformation != null) { if (!Conversions.typeInformationEquals(p.typeInformation, prop.typeInformation)) { System.err.println( " ERROR: the two competing canonical definitions of " + p + " have different type information"); throw new IllegalArgumentException( p.typeInformation + " " + prop.typeInformation + " " + p + " " + prop); } } } prop.setCannon(); return prop; }
@Transactional public OffersInfo updateOffersInfo(int companyId, int offerId, OffersInfo offersInfo) throws Exception { try { OfferInfoPrimaryKey id = Conversions.getOfferInfoPrimaryKey(companyId, offerId); OfferInfoDbType dbEntry = offersInfoDao.find(id); updateOfferInfoDbEntry(dbEntry, offersInfo); return offersInfo; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "error updating offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + offersInfo.getBranchId() + " : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception( "error updating offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + offersInfo.getBranchId() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } }
@Transactional public OffersInfo addOffersInfo(int companyId, OffersInfo offersInfo) throws Exception { try { int offerId = offersInfoDao.getMaxIdValue(companyId) + 1; OfferInfoDbType offerInfoDbType = Conversions.getOfferInfoDbEntry(companyId, offersInfo.getBranchId(), offerId, offersInfo); offersInfoDao.add(offerInfoDbType); offersInfo.setOfferId(offerId); return offersInfo; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "error adding offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + offersInfo.getBranchId() + " : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception( "error adding offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + offersInfo.getBranchId() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Returns a NonEmptyList of the sublists of this list. * * @return a NonEmptyList of the sublists of this list. */ public NonEmptyList<NonEmptyList<A>> sublists() { return fromList( somes( toList() .toStream() .substreams() .map(F1Functions.o(list -> fromList(list), Conversions.<A>Stream_List())) .toList())) .some(); }
public List<OffersInfo> getOffersInfo() throws Exception { try { List<OfferInfoDbType> listDbEntries = offersInfoDao.findAll(); List<OffersInfo> out = new ArrayList<OffersInfo>(listDbEntries.size()); for (OfferInfoDbType dbEntry : listDbEntries) { out.add(Conversions.getOffersInfo(dbEntry)); } return out; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error getting all offers for : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("error getting all offers for : " + e.getMessage()); } }
public OffersInfo getOfferOrInfo(int companyId, int offerId) throws Exception { try { OfferInfoDbType dbEntry = offersInfoDao.find(Conversions.getOfferInfoPrimaryKey(companyId, offerId)); OffersInfo out = Conversions.getOffersInfo(dbEntry); return out; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "error getting offer for : " + companyId + " and : offer id" + offerId + " : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception( "error getting offers for : " + companyId + " and : offer id" + offerId + " : " + e.getMessage()); } }
public List<OffersInfo> getOffersInfo(int companyId) throws Exception { try { List<OfferInfoDbType> listDbEntries = offersInfoDao.getOffersAndInfo(companyId); List<OffersInfo> out = new ArrayList<OffersInfo>(listDbEntries.size()); for (OfferInfoDbType dbEntry : listDbEntries) { out.add(Conversions.getOffersInfo(dbEntry)); } return out; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error getting offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + " : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception( "error getting offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + " : " + e.getMessage()); } }
@CallerSensitive public <T> Prop<T> type() { Prop on = this; if (!isCannon()) { Prop<T> already = (Prop<T>) findCannon(); if (already == null) { toCannon(); on.setCannon(); } else { on = already; } } Class c = sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(2); on.definedInClass = c; Field f = null; try { f = c.getField(name); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { try { f = c.getField("_" + name); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e3) { if (name.startsWith("_")) try { f = c.getField(name.substring(1)); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e1) { if (name.startsWith("__")) try { f = c.getField(name.substring(1)); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e2) { } } } } if (f == null) throw new IllegalStateException( " cannot type a Dict.Prop<T> that we can't find. Name is :" + name + " class is :" + c); on.typeInformation = Conversions.linearize(f.getGenericType()); on.typeInformation.remove(0); return (Prop<T>) on; }
/** * Returns a NonEmptyList of the sublists of this list. * * @return a NonEmptyList of the sublists of this list. */ public NonEmptyList<NonEmptyList<A>> sublists() { return fromList( somes( toList() .toStream() .substreams() .map( F1Functions.o( new F<List<A>, Option<NonEmptyList<A>>>() { public Option<NonEmptyList<A>> f(final List<A> list) { return fromList(list); } }, Conversions.<A>Stream_List())) .toList())) .some(); }
private static String _sysProp(String key, Object defaultValue) { String property = (String) systemProperties.get(key); if (property == null) { property = env.get(key); if (property == null) { String newKey = Str.underBarCase(key); property = env.get(newKey); if (property == null && defaultValue != DEFAULT_NULL_NOT_EMPTY) { property = Conversions.toString(defaultValue); } } } return property; }
public static <T extends Enum> T sysProp(Class<T> cls, String key, T defaultValue) { String property = (String) systemProperties.get(key); if (property == null) { property = env.get(key); } if (property == null) { String newKey = Str.underBarCase(key); property = env.get(newKey); } if (property == null) { return defaultValue; } return Conversions.toEnum(cls, property); }
public static BigInteger sysPropBigInteger(String key, BigInteger defaultValue) { String property = (String) systemProperties.get(key); if (property == null) { property = env.get(key); } if (property == null) { String newKey = Str.underBarCase(key); property = env.get(newKey); } if (property == null) { return defaultValue; } return Conversions.toBigInteger(property); }
public static byte sysProp(String key, byte defaultValue) { String property = (String) systemProperties.get(key); if (property == null) { property = env.get(key); } if (property == null) { String newKey = Str.underBarCase(key); property = env.get(newKey); } if (property == null) { return defaultValue; } return Conversions.toByte(property); }
/** * Builder for {@link PatternMatchingConversion} used to configure it. * * @param <Source> type to be converted * @param <Result> type of the conversion result */ public static class Builder<Source, Result> { private final List<Map.Entry<Predicate<Source>, Conversion<Source, Result>>> cases = new ArrayList<>(); private Conversion<Source, Result> defaultConversion = Conversions.throwing("Can't find conversion for the given source"); /** * Specify specification on the conversion source and corresponding object for such case. * * @param condition predicate on conversion source returning true if the given conversion should * be applied. * @param conversion conversion to be applied on sources satisfying the given predicate * @return this instance */ public Builder<Source, Result> inCaseOf( Predicate<Source> condition, Conversion<Source, Result> conversion) { cases.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(condition, conversion)); return this; } /** * Specify default conversion which will be called when there is no match for the given source. * * @param defaultConversion default conversion * @return this instance */ public Builder<Source, Result> otherwise(Conversion<Source, Result> defaultConversion) { this.defaultConversion = defaultConversion; return this; } /** * Build a {@link PatternMatchingConversion} based on the given configuration. * * @return initialized pattern matching conversion */ public Conversion<Source, Result> build() { return new PatternMatchingConversion<>(cases, defaultConversion); } }
public static String putSysProp(String key, Object value) { return (String) systemProperties.put(key, Conversions.toString(value)); }
public List<PropertyDeclaration> buildDeclarations( final CSSName cssName, final List<PropertyValue> values, final CSSOrigin origin, final boolean important, final boolean inheritAllowed) { List<PropertyDeclaration> result = checkInheritAll(ALL, values, origin, important, inheritAllowed); if (result != null) { return result; } PropertyDeclaration fontStyle = null; PropertyDeclaration fontVariant = null; PropertyDeclaration fontWeight = null; PropertyDeclaration fontSize = null; PropertyDeclaration lineHeight = null; PropertyDeclaration fontFamily = null; boolean keepGoing = false; final ListIterator<PropertyValue> i = values.listIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { PropertyValue value = (PropertyValue); final CSSPrimitiveUnit type = value.getPrimitiveTypeN(); if (type == CSSPrimitiveUnit.CSS_IDENT) { // The parser will have given us ident values as they appear // (case-wise) in the CSS text since we might be creating // a font-family list out of them. Here we want the normalized // (lowercase) version though. final String lowerCase = value.getStringValue().toLowerCase(); value = new PropertyValueImp(CSSPrimitiveUnit.CSS_IDENT, lowerCase, lowerCase); final IdentValue ident = checkIdent(cssName, value); if (ident == IdentValue.NORMAL) { // skip to avoid double set false positives continue; } if (IdentSet.FONT_STYLES.contains(ident)) { if (fontStyle != null) { throw new CSSParseException(LangId.NO_TWICE, -1, "font-style"); } fontStyle = new PropertyDeclaration(CSSName.FONT_STYLE, value, important, origin); } else if (IdentSet.FONT_VARIANTS.contains(ident)) { if (fontVariant != null) { throw new CSSParseException(LangId.NO_TWICE, -1, "font-variant"); } fontVariant = new PropertyDeclaration(CSSName.FONT_VARIANT, value, important, origin); } else if (IdentSet.FONT_WEIGHTS.contains(ident)) { if (fontWeight != null) { throw new CSSParseException(LangId.NO_TWICE, -1, "font-weight"); } fontWeight = new PropertyDeclaration(CSSName.FONT_WEIGHT, value, important, origin); } else { keepGoing = true; break; } } else if (type == CSSPrimitiveUnit.CSS_NUMBER && value.getFloatValue() > 0) { if (fontWeight != null) { throw new CSSParseException(LangId.NO_TWICE, -1, "font-weight"); } final IdentValue weight = Conversions.getNumericFontWeight(value.getFloatValue()); if (weight == null) { throw new CSSParseException(LangId.INVALID_FONT_WEIGHT, -1, value.getCssText()); } final PropertyValue replacement = new PropertyValueImp(CSSPrimitiveUnit.CSS_IDENT, weight.toString(), weight.toString()); replacement.setIdentValue(weight); fontWeight = new PropertyDeclaration(CSSName.FONT_WEIGHT, replacement, important, origin); } else { keepGoing = true; break; } } if (keepGoing) { i.previous(); PropertyValue value = (PropertyValue); if (value.getPrimitiveTypeN() == CSSPrimitiveUnit.CSS_IDENT) { final String lowerCase = value.getStringValue().toLowerCase(); value = new PropertyValueImp(CSSPrimitiveUnit.CSS_IDENT, lowerCase, lowerCase); } final PropertyBuilder fontSizeBuilder = CSSName.getPropertyBuilder(CSSName.FONT_SIZE); List<PropertyDeclaration> l = fontSizeBuilder.buildDeclarations( CSSName.FONT_SIZE, Collections.singletonList(value), origin, important, true); fontSize = (PropertyDeclaration) l.get(0); if (i.hasNext()) { value = (PropertyValue); if (value.getOperator() == Token.TK_VIRGULE) { final PropertyBuilder lineHeightBuilder = CSSName.getPropertyBuilder(CSSName.LINE_HEIGHT); l = lineHeightBuilder.buildDeclarations( CSSName.LINE_HEIGHT, Collections.singletonList(value), origin, important, true); lineHeight = (PropertyDeclaration) l.get(0); } else { i.previous(); } } if (i.hasNext()) { final List<PropertyValue> families = new ArrayList<PropertyValue>(); while (i.hasNext()) { families.add(; } final PropertyBuilder fontFamilyBuilder = CSSName.getPropertyBuilder(CSSName.FONT_FAMILY); l = fontFamilyBuilder.buildDeclarations( CSSName.FONT_FAMILY, families, origin, important, true); fontFamily = (PropertyDeclaration) l.get(0); } } if (fontStyle == null) { fontStyle = new PropertyDeclaration( CSSName.FONT_STYLE, new PropertyValueImp(IdentValue.NORMAL), important, origin); } if (fontVariant == null) { fontVariant = new PropertyDeclaration( CSSName.FONT_VARIANT, new PropertyValueImp(IdentValue.NORMAL), important, origin); } if (fontWeight == null) { fontWeight = new PropertyDeclaration( CSSName.FONT_WEIGHT, new PropertyValueImp(IdentValue.NORMAL), important, origin); } if (fontSize == null) { throw new CSSParseException(LangId.FONT_SIZE_REQUIRED, -1); } if (lineHeight == null) { lineHeight = new PropertyDeclaration( CSSName.LINE_HEIGHT, new PropertyValueImp(IdentValue.NORMAL), important, origin); } // XXX font-family should be reset too (although does this really make sense?) result = new ArrayList<PropertyDeclaration>(ALL.length); result.add(fontStyle); result.add(fontVariant); result.add(fontWeight); result.add(fontSize); result.add(lineHeight); if (fontFamily != null) { result.add(fontFamily); } return result; }