private Node parseComment() { Token token = expect(Comment.class); CommentNode node; if (peek() instanceof Indent) { node = new BlockCommentNode(); node.setBlock(block()); } else { node = new CommentNode(); } node.setBuffered(token.isBuffer()); node.setLineNumber(token.getLineNumber()); node.setFileName(filename); node.setValue(token.getValue()); return node; }
protected void serializePrettyHtml( final TagNode tagNode, final Writer writer, final int level, final boolean isPreserveWhitespaces, final boolean isLastNewLine) throws IOException { final List tagChildren = tagNode.getChildren(); final String tagName = tagNode.getName(); final boolean isHeadlessNode = Utils.isEmptyString(tagName); final String indent = isHeadlessNode ? "" : getIndent(level); if (!isPreserveWhitespaces) { if (!isLastNewLine) { writer.write("\n"); } writer.write(indent); } serializeOpenTag(tagNode, writer, true); final boolean preserveWhitespaces = isPreserveWhitespaces || "pre".equalsIgnoreCase(tagName); boolean lastWasNewLine = false; if (!isMinimizedTagSyntax(tagNode)) { final String singleLine = getSingleLineOfChildren(tagChildren); final boolean dontEscape = dontEscape(tagNode); if (!preserveWhitespaces && singleLine != null) { writer.write(!dontEscape(tagNode) ? escapeText(singleLine) : singleLine); } else { final Iterator childIterator = tagChildren.iterator(); while (childIterator.hasNext()) { final Object child =; if (child instanceof TagNode) { serializePrettyHtml( (TagNode) child, writer, isHeadlessNode ? level : level + 1, preserveWhitespaces, lastWasNewLine); lastWasNewLine = false; } else if (child instanceof ContentNode) { final String content = dontEscape ? child.toString() : escapeText(child.toString()); if (content.length() > 0) { if (dontEscape || preserveWhitespaces) { writer.write(content); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(content.charAt(0))) { if (!lastWasNewLine) { writer.write("\n"); lastWasNewLine = false; } if (content.trim().length() > 0) { writer.write( getIndentedText(Utils.rtrim(content), isHeadlessNode ? level : level + 1)); } else { lastWasNewLine = true; } } else { if (content.trim().length() > 0) { writer.write(Utils.rtrim(content)); } if (!childIterator.hasNext()) { writer.write("\n"); lastWasNewLine = true; } } } } else if (child instanceof CommentNode) { if (!lastWasNewLine && !preserveWhitespaces) { writer.write("\n"); lastWasNewLine = false; } final CommentNode commentNode = (CommentNode) child; final String content = commentNode.getCommentedContent(); writer.write( dontEscape ? content : getIndentedText(content, isHeadlessNode ? level : level + 1)); } } } if (singleLine == null && !preserveWhitespaces) { if (!lastWasNewLine) { writer.write("\n"); } writer.write(indent); } serializeEndTag(tagNode, writer, false); } }
/** * Creates a {@link CommentNode} node and returns the same builder. * * @param value The comment value. * @return Returns this for method chaining. */ public GenericBuilder<P> comment(final String value) { parentNode.addChild(CommentNode.newInstance(parentNode, value)); return this; }