public String toString() {
   final StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
   s.append("[ ");
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (i != 0) s.append(", ");
   s.append(" ]");
   return s.toString();
 public void remove() {
   if (last == -1) throw new IllegalStateException();
   if (pos < -1) {
     // We're removing wrapped entries.
     Char2ObjectOpenCustomHashMap.this.remove(wrapped.getChar(-pos - 2));
     last = -1;
   if (shiftKeys(last) == pos && c > 0) {
   last = -1; // You can no longer remove this entry.
   if (ASSERTS) checkTable();
  * Shifts left entries with the specified hash code, starting at the specified position, and
  * empties the resulting free entry. If any entry wraps around the table, instantiates lazily
  * {@link #wrapped} and stores the entry key.
  * @param pos a starting position.
  * @return the position cleared by the shifting process.
 protected final int shiftKeys(int pos) {
   // Shift entries with the same hash.
   int last, slot;
   for (; ; ) {
     pos = ((last = pos) + 1) & mask;
     while (used[pos]) {
       slot = (it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3(strategy.hashCode(key[pos]))) & mask;
       if (last <= pos ? last >= slot || slot > pos : last >= slot && slot > pos) break;
       pos = (pos + 1) & mask;
     if (!used[pos]) break;
     if (pos < last) {
       // Wrapped entry.
       if (wrapped == null) wrapped = new CharArrayList();
     key[last] = key[pos];
     value[last] = value[pos];
   used[last] = false;
   value[last] = null;
   return last;
 public int nextEntry() {
   if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
   // We are just enumerating elements from the wrapped list.
   if (pos < 0) {
     final char k = wrapped.getChar(-(last = --pos) - 2);
     // The starting point.
     int pos = (it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.murmurHash3(strategy.hashCode(k))) & mask;
     // There's always an unused entry.
     while (used[pos]) {
       if ((strategy.equals((key[pos]), (k)))) return pos;
       pos = (pos + 1) & mask;
   last = pos;
   // System.err.println( "Count: " + c );
   if (c != 0) {
     final boolean used[] = Char2ObjectOpenCustomHashMap.this.used;
     while (pos-- != 0 && !used[pos]) ;
     // When here pos < 0 there are no more elements to be enumerated by scanning, but wrapped
     // might be nonempty.
   return last;