Ejemplo n.º 1
 public final void run(Catbert.FastStack stack) throws sage.jep.ParseException {
   if (networked && Sage.client) {
     Object[] args = new Object[curNumberOfParameters];
     for (int i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) args[i] = stack.pop();
     SageTVConnection sn = NetworkClient.getSN();
     if (sn != null) stack.push(sn.requestAction(methodName, args));
     else stack.push(null); // to keep the stack pointer correct
   } else {
     if (API_PROFILING) numCalls++;
     try {
     } catch (sage.jep.ParseException pe) {
       throw pe;
     } catch (Exception e) {
       throw new sage.jep.ParseException(
           "Error in method reflection of " + methodName + " of " + e, e);