Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Creates an on-disk representation of an index from an iterator of key-value pairs. The iterator
   * has to return keys in ascending order!
   * @param iterator an iterator w/ key-value pairs, keys must be in ascending order
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
  public void writeIndex(ResultSet<Object, Object> iterator) throws IOException {

    BlockWriter blockIndex = new DefaultBlockWriter(true, false);

    // write all index files
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      String indexPath = path + "blockfile_" + new Short(blockFileId).toString() + ".idx";
      writeIndex(indexPath, blockIndex, iterator);



    // write the block index
    new File(path + "blockindex.idx").createNewFile();
    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path + "blockindex.idx", false);

    SerializedBlock serializedBuf = blockIndex.serialize();

    int bytesWritten = 0;
    Iterator<Object> it = serializedBuf.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) bytesWritten += writeBuffer(out, it.next());

    assert (bytesWritten == serializedBuf.size());

Ejemplo n.º 2
  void writeInstruction(Instruction _instruction) throws CodeGenException {
    if ((_instruction instanceof I_IUSHR) || (_instruction instanceof I_LUSHR)) {
      BinaryOperator binaryInstruction = (BinaryOperator) _instruction;
      Instruction parent = binaryInstruction.getParentExpr();
      boolean needsParenthesis = true;

      if (parent instanceof AssignToLocalVariable) {
        needsParenthesis = false;
      } else if (parent instanceof AssignToField) {
        needsParenthesis = false;
      } else if (parent instanceof AssignToArrayElement) {
        needsParenthesis = false;
      if (needsParenthesis) {

      if (binaryInstruction instanceof I_IUSHR) {
        write("((unsigned int)");
      } else {
        write("((unsigned long)");
      write(" >> ");

      if (needsParenthesis) {
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Write blocks to the file at the given path until the maxFileSize is reached.
   * @param path
   * @param iterator
   * @throws IOException
  protected void writeIndex(
      String path, BlockWriter blockIndex, Iterator<Entry<Object, Object>> iterator)
      throws IOException {

    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path);

    BlockWriter block;

    if (compressed) block = new CompressedBlockWriter(true, true);
    else block = new DefaultBlockWriter(true, true);

    int entryCount = 0;
    int blockOffset = 0;
    boolean newBlockFile = false;

    // write each block to disk
    // note that blocks can become slightly larger than the maxFileSize
    // depending on the size of the last block
    while (iterator.hasNext() && !newBlockFile) {

      // add the next key-value pair to the current block
      Entry<Object, Object> next = iterator.next();
      block.add(next.getKey(), next.getValue());


      // if the block size limit has been reached, or there are no more
      // key-value pairs, serialize the block and write it to disk
      if (entryCount % maxBlockEntries == 0 || !iterator.hasNext()) {

        // serialize the offset of the block into a new buffer
        ReusableBuffer buf = ReusableBuffer.wrap(new byte[(Integer.SIZE / 8) + (Short.SIZE / 8)]);

        // add the key-offset mapping to the block index
        blockIndex.add(InternalBufferUtil.toBuffer(block.getBlockKey()), buf.array());

        // serialize the block and calculate the next block offset
        SerializedBlock serializedBlock = block.serialize();
        blockOffset += serializedBlock.size();

        // write the block
        int writtenBytes = 0;
        Iterator<Object> it = serializedBlock.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {

          // for robustness: check if the file descriptor is still valid,
          // re-open the file if necessary
          if (!out.getFD().valid()) {
            out = new FileOutputStream(path, true);

          Object nextBuffer = it.next();

          // check if the entry is the last from the buffer; if so, free it
          if (nextBuffer instanceof ByteRange) {
            ByteRange rng = (ByteRange) nextBuffer;
            if (rng.getReusableBuf() != null) BufferPool.free(rng.getReusableBuf());

          writtenBytes += writeBuffer(out, nextBuffer);
        assert (writtenBytes == serializedBlock.size());

        if (blockOffset >= maxFileSize) {
          newBlockFile = true;
        } else {
          if (iterator.hasNext())
            if (compressed) block = new CompressedBlockWriter(true, true);
            else block = new DefaultBlockWriter(true, true);
