Ejemplo n.º 1
  * The draggable attribute is an enumerated attribute. It has three states. The first state is
  * true and it has the keyword true. The second state is false and it has the keyword false. The
  * third state is auto; it has no keywords but it is the missing value default.
 public DHGroup setHtmlDraggable(final boolean draggable) { // true, false
   return this;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * The draggable attribute is an enumerated attribute. It has three states. The first state is
  * true and it has the keyword true. The second state is false and it has the keyword false. The
  * third state is auto; it has no keywords but it is the missing value default.
 public DHGroup setHtmlDraggable(final String draggable) { // true, false, auto
   return this;