Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Logs in a user or an administrator into the authentication system.
  * @param nick is user's or admin's nick.
  * @param pw is the user's or admin's password hashed with sha1.
  * @return the authentication object or null if failed.
 public Auth loginWP(String nick, String pw) {
   User u = dbc.loadUser(nick);
   if (u == null) return null;
   Auth a = Auths.getInstance().login(u, pw);
   if (a == null) return null;
   return new SAuth(a);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * This method creates a new position in the user's history
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param p the position object to be stored
  * @return whether the process succeed
 public boolean logPosition(Auth a, Position p) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return false;
   if (dbc.newPosition(uid, Float.parseFloat(p.getLatitude()), Float.parseFloat(p.getLongitude())))
     return true;
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * This function returns a note with the photo attached if the note has one.
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param noteID the note's id
  * @return the note object
 public Note getNote(Auth a, int noteID) {
   Integer id = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (id == null) return null;
   Note n = dbc.getNote(noteID);
   if (!dbc.areFriends(n.getOwner(), id) && !dbc.loadUser(id).isAdministrator()) return null;
   return new SNote(n, true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * This function returns to a logged user he's own information.
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @return the user information or null if wrong authentication
 public UserInfo myUser(Auth a) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return null;
   UserInfo user = dbc.loadUser(uid);
   List<Position> ps = dbc.getPositions(user.getId(), 1);
   if (ps.size() > 0) user.setPosition(ps.get(0));
   return new SUserInfo(user);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * This function returns the users friend request list.
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @return the array of user information
 public UserInfo[] getRequests(Auth a) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return null;
   List<UserInfo> fs = dbc.getRequests(uid);
   SUserInfo[] sf = new SUserInfo[fs.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) sf[i] = new SUserInfo(fs.get(i));
   return sf;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Gets the last n position of a user. The user must be administrator or friend of the target to
  * have rights to get this.
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param id the target user's id
  * @param c the n count of positions
  * @return the array of positions
 public Position[] getPositions(Auth a, int id, int c) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return null;
   if (!dbc.loadUser(uid).isAdministrator() && !dbc.areFriends(uid, id)) return null;
   List<Position> ps = dbc.getPositions(id, c);
   SPosition[] sp = new SPosition[ps.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) sp[i] = new SPosition(ps.get(i));
   return sp;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * This method registers a new user in the system
  * @param ui the new user's information
  * @param pw the new user's password
  * @return the authentication of the registered user
 public Auth newUser(UserInfo ui, String pw) {
   User u = new User(ui);
   if (dbc.newUser(u)) {
     User nu = dbc.loadUser(u.getId());
     return new SAuth(Auths.getInstance().login(nu, nu.getPassword()));
   return null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * This function returns the last n notes of an specific user. This notes can be requested with or
  * with out photos.
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param id the owner of the notes
  * @param c the n count of notes
  * @param attachPhotos whether you need the photos.
  * @return the array of notes
 public Note[] getNotes(Auth a, int id, int c, boolean attachPhotos) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return null;
   if (!dbc.areFriends(uid, id) || dbc.loadUser(a.getUserID()).isAdministrator()) return null;
   List<Note> ns = dbc.getNotes(id, c);
   SNote[] sn = new SNote[ns.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < ns.size(); i++) {
     sn[i] = new SNote(ns.get(i), attachPhotos);
   return sn;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * This method allows a user to search for other users that are not his friends or administrators
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param nick text the nick should contain
  * @param name text the name should contain
  * @param surname text the surname should contain
  * @param country text the country should contain
  * @return the array of user's info that matches the fields
 public UserInfo[] searchFriend(Auth a, String nick, String name, String surname, String country) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return null;
   List<UserInfo> fs = dbc.searchFriend(nick, name, surname, country);
   List<UserInfo> fsf = new ArrayList<UserInfo>();
   for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++)
     if (!dbc.areFriends(uid, fs.get(i).getId()) && !fs.get(i).isAdministrator())
   SUserInfo[] sf = new SUserInfo[fsf.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < fsf.size(); i++) sf[i] = new SUserInfo(fsf.get(i));
   return sf;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * This function returns your friend list page by page.
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param count the count of users per page
  * @param page the page number
  * @return the array of user's list in the page
 public UserInfo[] getFriendsPage(Auth a, int count, int page) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return null;
   List<UserInfo> fs = dbc.getFriends(uid, count, page);
   SUserInfo[] sf = new SUserInfo[fs.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {
     sf[i] = new SUserInfo(fs.get(i));
     List<Position> ps = dbc.getPositions(sf[i].getId(), 1);
     if (ps.size() > 0) sf[i].setPosition(ps.get(0));
   return sf;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Allows the user to change he's own user information
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param ui the new user information
  * @param pw the new password
  * @return whether it succeed
 public boolean changeUser(Auth a, UserInfo ui, String pw) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return false;
   if (uid != ui.getId()) return false;
   User u = new User(ui);
   try {
     if (pw.equals(getHash(""))) pw = dbc.loadUser(ui.getId()).getPassword();
   } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
   return dbc.saveUser(u);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * This method creates a new note in the system. This note can have a photo, or be null.
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param position the position object containing the latitude and longitude
  * @param note the text of the note
  * @param photo the photo if there is one, otherwise null
  * @return whether the process succeed
 public boolean setNote(Auth a, Position position, String note, String photo) {
   if (photo.equals("null")) photo = null;
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (uid == null) return false;
   Note n = new Note(0, note, uid, position, photo != null);
   Photo oPhoto = new Photo();
   if (photo != null) {
   boolean r = dbc.setNote(n);
   return r;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * This method allows a user to make friendship requests to other users.
  * @param a the authentication object.
  * @param to the id of the user that will receive the request.
  * @return whether the process succeed.
 public boolean askFriend(Auth a, int to) {
   Integer from = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (from == null) return false;
   if (dbc.areFriends(from, to)) return false;
   List<UserInfo> l = dbc.getRequests(from);
   boolean response = false;
   for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
     response = response || (l.get(i).getId() == to);
   if (response) {
     if (!dbc.delRequest(to, from)) return false;
     return dbc.addFriends(from, to);
   } else {
     return dbc.newRequest(from, to);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * This method allows an administrator to delete another account.
  * @param a the authentication object
  * @param id the user's id
  * @return whether the process succeed
 public boolean delUser(Auth a, int id) {
   Integer uid = Auths.getInstance().getUser(a);
   if (!dbc.loadUser(uid).isAdministrator()) return false;
   return dbc.delUser(id);