public void add(AttackUnit j) { // THIS IS ONLY FOR DB USAGE... // getAu().add(j); UberStatement stmt; try { stmt = con.createStatement(); // First things first. We update the player table. boolean transacted = false; while (!transacted) { try { stmt.execute( "start transaction;"); // it's logged in, starts transaction so data problems won't // happen. // let's add this raid and therefore get the rid out of it. if (j.getSlot() < 6) { stmt.executeUpdate( "update raid set au" + (j.getSlot() + 1) + " = " + j.getSize() + " where rid = " + raidID + ";"); } else { stmt.executeUpdate( "insert into raidSupportAU (rid,tid,tidslot,size) values (" + raidID + "," + getTown1().townID + "," + j.getSlot() + "," + j.getSize() + ");"); // don't need original slot, need // current town slot for remembering! } stmt.execute("commit;"); stmt.close(); transacted = true; } catch (MySQLTransactionRollbackException exc) { System.out.println(raidID + " is having trouble adding units."); } } } catch (SQLException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } }
public void makeSupportRun() { setSupport(1); if (getTown2().getPlayer().ID != getTown1().getPlayer().ID && !isRaidOver()) { // this means all of these units need to be labeled as support units since they are foreign. int i = 0; AttackUnit a; while (i < getAu().size()) { a = getAu().get(i); a.makeSupportUnit(a.getSlot(), getTown1().getPlayer(), getTown1().townID); i++; } } }
public ArrayList<AttackUnit> getAu() { if (au == null) { int y = 0; ArrayList<AttackUnit> raidAU = new ArrayList<AttackUnit>(); AttackUnit auHold; ArrayList<AttackUnit> tau = getTown1().getAu(); while (y < 6) { auHold = tau.get(y).returnCopy(); if (getSupport() == 1 && getTown1().getPlayer().ID != getTown2().getPlayer().ID) { auHold.makeSupportUnit(auHold.getSlot(), getTown1().getPlayer(), getTown1().townID); } else if (getSupport() == 2 && getTown1().getPlayer().ID != getTown2().getPlayer().ID) auHold.makeOffSupportUnit(auHold.getSlot(), getTown1().getPlayer(), getTown1().townID); auHold.setSize(getInt("au" + (y + 1))); raidAU.add(auHold); y++; } try { UberStatement rustown2 = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rrs2 = rustown2.executeQuery( "select * from raidSupportAU where rid = " + raidID + " and tid = " + getTown1().townID + " order by tidslot asc"); AttackUnit sAU; while ( { int size = rrs2.getInt(4); // right we have what we need, we know // we already have a reference to town1... int j = 6; boolean found = false; while (j < tau.size()) { if (tau.get(j).getSlot() == rrs2.getInt(3)) { sAU = tau.get(j).returnCopy(); // attackunits are already on town 1, so they were ported // here, just need sizes! sAU.setSize(size); raidAU.add(sAU); } j++; } } rrs2.close(); rustown2.close(); au = raidAU; } catch (SQLException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } } return au; }
public void setMemSize(int index, int size) { if (index < 6) setInt("au" + (index + 1), size); else { try { UberStatement stmt = con.createStatement(); AttackUnit a = getAu().get(index); stmt.executeUpdate( "update raidSupportAU set size = " + size + " where tidslot = " + a.getSlot() + " and rid = " + raidID + " and tid = " + getTown1().townID); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Your shit is a-okay."); } } }